Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

how about the residents
and the business owners, their bubble has burst, some probably won't recover, and the residents no doubt are losing big time
with their property.
CHAZ has been declared for three days. You're getting a little hysterical, aren't you? Shall I get the smelling salts for you?
Hysterical you say?

Shall we dig up your posts where you were shitting chickens, over some protesters carrying ammo-less rifles with open breeches in Michigan about a month ago?
Show me where I said we should send in the storm troopers to stop them.
The subject is hysterics, a state which you were clearly in during the Michigan lockdown protest....A protest, BTW, which left all property as it was when it began, and left no bodily injuries in its wake.

Be all of that is it may, CHAZ is an armed insurrection, not a truly peaceful protest like Michigan.....The Pantifa pussies are at least criminal gangsters, if not an internal military enemy.
And hopefully Chaz will turn out the same. But an overwhelming military type response to their "threat" is not the way to win this. If it turns violent, yeah, violent back. But what this requires is some smart folks with brains to open a dialogue. They either want attention or they want more trouble. Figure out which, but don't play into their hand here.
Taking over part of a city under force of arms is a violent act.....Those little miscreants are enemy combatants, by any and all rules of "civilized" warfare....The deserve to be shot in the streets like the curs that they are.
Did you want to shoot all the college students who were protesting in the 60's, taking over administration buildings on college campuses, intimidating administration and making demands? Just curious.


is this total chaos

WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING??????????????????
I haven't looked into this, beyond reading half of this thread. But I have to say that based on all the people saying "send in the military" I wouldn't be surprised if this is another Problem-Reaction-Solution orchestrated (or instigated) event, to get the pre-planned goal of acclimating people to martial law and more power grabs.

I don't know about this event, but in ANY news story, when you have the public reacting in a very emotional way and begging for the government to come to the rescue, you need to ask: are people being manipulated to ask for what was someone's goal in the first place?

That might not be the case here, but just some food for thought.
The activities in downtown Seattle have been reported upon by the local news stations everyday, including continuous coverage for days on end when the protesting, rioting and looting first started on the first weekend.

I would say that the people of the Metropolitan Seattle area are well informed if they choose to be and all these hysterics, including by Trump seem to be frustration that they aren't able to go out beat some heads themslves.

If the mayor and the governor are not worried and are handling things then why are you? And no, I don't accept that crap about caring about the welfare of your fellow Americans and our country because many of you have expressed open hatred towards your fellow country men/women and have wished harm upon them. And I have no doubt that if you could inflict that harm personally without have to worry about repercussions, you all would do it in a heartbeat.
I haven't looked into this, beyond reading half of this thread. But I have to say that based on all the people saying "send in the military" I wouldn't be surprised if this is another Problem-Reaction-Solution orchestrated (or instigated) event, to get the pre-planned goal of acclimating people to martial law and more power grabs.

I don't know about this event, but in ANY news story, when you have the public reacting in a very emotional way and begging for the government to come to the rescue, you need to ask: are people being manipulated to ask for what was someone's goal in the first place?

That might not be the case here, but just some food for thought.
The activities in downtown Seattle have been reported upon by the local news stations everyday, including continuous coverage for days on end when the protesting, rioting and looting first started on the first weekend.

I would say that the people of the Metropolitan Seattle area are well informed if they choose to be and all these hysterics, including by Trump seem to be frustration that they aren't able to go out beat some heads themslves.

If the mayor and the governor are not worried and are handling things then why are you? And no, I don't accept that crap about caring about the welfare of your fellow Americans and our country because many of you have expressed open hatred towards your fellow country men/women and have wished harm upon them. And I have no doubt that if you could inflict that harm personally without have to worry about repercussions, you all would do it in a heartbeat.

I have no idea what you're talking about or what that has to do with anything I said. And who said that I am worried? I'm not at all. Also, please don't lump me in with others or assume that I agree with others on everything. I don't, I think for myself. I don't hate anyone or wish harm on anyone. So nothing you said has anything to do with what I said.

I think you completely misunderstood my post.
Imagine if your house or work was in that zone?

If it was my house I would be locked & loaded & unable to sleep! (if I didn't just abandon it)...If it was my work I'd quit.
I'd like to make the point...What antifa has done here is treason. The textbook definition of treason.

Taking US land by force...and I wouldn't doubt that the mayor and governor are also guilty of treason for aiding and abetting them. (but that will be for lawyers to argue).

The penalty for treason is death by hanging.
Of course I don't. I have no idea what an "Autonomous State" of six city blocks is supposed to mean. It's ridiculous. HOWEVER the drooling idiots here who want to go in with a full blown military operation are freaking me out, where CHAZ is too juvenile to be frightening.

All of sudden, folks with semiauto guns holding hostages is NOT frightening?? Didn't YOU freak out about a month ago when some Michigan bubbas in battle dress forced their way into the STATEHOUSE to pose for pics???

I'm tempted to bump some old threads here, because the hypocrisy is monumental about removing "armed rebels" that pose a public safety threat.. I remember most of your lefty buds CHEERING for the Feds to come kill some "Oregon militia" that had taken over a virtually empty state park in Bend..

Total political hypocrisy here from where I sit.. FANTASTIC when FBI/ATF agents use a TANK to roll into Mt Carmel and gas women and children in a bunker.. The Left was CHEERING !!!

Or having FEDERAL snipers take out a guys' sons and his wife holding their baby at Ruby Ridge.. THOSE SOBS deserved it.. All because the FBI undercover set this guy up to saw off a shotgun for them...

But Chaz is cute and woke and cuddly... UNTIL the virtue mongering mayor and city counsel get SUED for aiding and abetting their "occupation"..., I see PERSONAL liability for those morons in the tens if not hundreds of $millions....
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Your link doesn't work. Has the city shut off the water and electric to the area?

Well, here's another one Old Lady. If it doesn't work, you can just go to the PJMEDIA site and read it without me leading you to the Truth.

How do you expect this to end?

Do you support these people who have taken over part of a city; declared an Autonomous State; and are making outrageous demands?

Do you think they have a right to do so in Seattle, because of some bad cops in Minneapolis, or is this about something else?

Do you think Hating-Don-Trump is a good enough reason to riot in all the big cities, claiming "systemic racism" even though those same cities have been run by Democrats for half a century?

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This will do to find out "who Chaz is"....

I haven't looked into this, beyond reading half of this thread. But I have to say that based on all the people saying "send in the military" I wouldn't be surprised if this is another Problem-Reaction-Solution orchestrated (or instigated) event, to get the pre-planned goal of acclimating people to martial law and more power grabs.

I don't know about this event, but in ANY news story, when you have the public reacting in a very emotional way and begging for the government to come to the rescue, you need to ask: are people being manipulated to ask for what was someone's goal in the first place?

That might not be the case here, but just some food for thought.
The activities in downtown Seattle have been reported upon by the local news stations everyday, including continuous coverage for days on end when the protesting, rioting and looting first started on the first weekend.

I would say that the people of the Metropolitan Seattle area are well informed if they choose to be and all these hysterics, including by Trump seem to be frustration that they aren't able to go out beat some heads themslves.

If the mayor and the governor are not worried and are handling things then why are you? And no, I don't accept that crap about caring about the welfare of your fellow Americans and our country because many of you have expressed open hatred towards your fellow country men/women and have wished harm upon them. And I have no doubt that if you could inflict that harm personally without have to worry about repercussions, you all would do it in a heartbeat.

I have no idea what you're talking about or what that has to do with anything I said. And who said that I am worried? I'm not at all. Also, please don't lump me in with others or assume that I agree with others on everything. I don't, I think for myself. I don't hate anyone or wish harm on anyone. So nothing you said has anything to do with what I said.

I think you completely misunderstood my post.
My first paragraph was directed to you. The second was in general however the last paragraph was in response to a previous comment by another member who claims that their interest in what's transpiring in Seattle has to do with love of country and their desire to protect their fellow countryman while still indicating that they wish harm upon their fellow countrymen with whom they don't agree (with their behavior).

I apologize for not being clear about to whom it was addressed.
I haven't looked into this, beyond reading half of this thread. But I have to say that based on all the people saying "send in the military" I wouldn't be surprised if this is another Problem-Reaction-Solution orchestrated (or instigated) event, to get the pre-planned goal of acclimating people to martial law and more power grabs.

I don't know about this event, but in ANY news story, when you have the public reacting in a very emotional way and begging for the government to come to the rescue, you need to ask: are people being manipulated to ask for what was someone's goal in the first place?

That might not be the case here, but just some food for thought.
Thank you..... finally, someone who is thinking shit through.
The second was in general however the last paragraph was in response to a previous comment by another member who claims that their interest in what's transpiring in Seattle has to do with love of country and their desire to protect their fellow countryman while still indicating that they wish harm upon their fellow countrymen with whom they don't agree (with their behavior).
There is a dichotomy here you seem to have difficulty with.

There are law abiding American citizens living in that CHAZ area who are being bullied, extorted in broad daylight to give money to ANTIFA and BLM, and who are being used as pawns in political theater against their will. They are being denied their Constitutional rights for every minute of every hour these thugs control CHAZ.

The terrorists that have set up CHAZ maybe born American citizens, but that is IMO null and void as soon as they rebelled against our Republic. Fuck them, I hope those cretins are all killed and spare the court funding.
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As CHAZ has declared themselves independent of the United States, they are no longer entitled to the Protection of the Constitution.
I propose we declare war and execute every rebel. Put this nonsense to an end
Seal off the perimeter. Bring in Marine Corp Infantryman from Pendleton, go building to building and bayonet every goddamn man, woman, and child in CHAZ.
No, just any adult carrying a weapon that is pointing it in the general direction of our troops.
We need witnesses to testify in the show trials later.
I don't know about this event, but in ANY news story, when you have the public reacting in a very emotional way and begging for the government to come to the rescue, you need to ask: are people being manipulated to ask for what was someone's goal in the first place?
That might not be the case here, but just some food for thought.
I agree. But that is why I think we should use precision forces to only attack those armed and using violent threats.

Those people kind of like volunteer to be shot.
Well, it seems that the mayor of Seattle, Mayor Fu Kingre Tardo, has recognized the New People Republic of CHAZ on what used to be sovereign USA territory, and her own Capital Hill District of her own city.

Meanwhile the Governor of the state, Governor Imsleep, has by default recognized the new nation as well through his lack of outrage or intent to quell the rebellion in his own state.

So what are the things Chaz has that one would expect of a duly recognized nation (And it wont take long for USA enemies to recognise it as such, lol)

They have a sympathetic US Libtard media

They have sovereign territory that used to be part of the USA


They have their own police force

They have their own tax revenue and funding

They have their own logistics via 'voluntary' donations

They have border checkpoints

Wow isnt this wonderful?

How much more US territory do Libtards plan to hand over to Marxist wackjobs in the future?

Can you just imagine Sleepy Joe Biden running things, when awake?

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