Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

As CHAZ has declared themselves independent of the United States, they are no longer entitled to the Protection of the Constitution.

I propose we declare war and execute every rebel. Put this nonsense to an end
Seal off the perimeter. Bring in Marine Corp Infantryman from Pendleton, go building to building and bayonet every goddamn man, woman, and child in CHAZ.
Meh....Have a company of snipers infiltrate the perimeter and pick them off one-by-one.....Instill fear.

No need to be showy about it.
how about the residents
and the business owners, their bubble has burst, some probably won't recover, and the residents no doubt are losing big time
with their property.
CHAZ has been declared for three days. You're getting a little hysterical, aren't you? Shall I get the smelling salts for you?
Hysterical you say?

Shall we dig up your posts where you were shitting chickens, over some protesters carrying ammo-less rifles with open breeches in Michigan about a month ago?
Do you support these people who have taken over part of a city; declared an Autonomous State; and are making outrageous demands?
Of course I don't. I have no idea what an "Autonomous State" of six city blocks is supposed to mean. It's ridiculous. HOWEVER the drooling idiots here who want to go in with a full blown military operation are freaking me out, where CHAZ is too juvenile to be frightening. Whoever is behind this is probably being a PITA just to incite the cops to more violence. A lot of people have said the police came down with way too harsh a show of force for several nights, which was just escalating things. Abandoning the police station granted them a reprieve, but this state of affairs can't stand, not for either side.
It's to force more trouble. So don't play into their hand.
You do understand that there are people living there that don't want to pay tribute to King Raz. Can you possibly imagine what the girls caught in that kingdom are going through. Do none of them deserve rescue?

"Old Lady" claims: "CHAZ is too juvenile to be frightening"

They are patrolling their new Autonomous Territory with Automatic rifles. Do ya think "Old Lady" would think they are "too juvenile to be frightening" if they were Trump Supporters.

Why Hell No. She is as close to a complete Hypocrite and Blind Partisan as there is on this board.
I can sympathize with the idea of wanting to create an experimental and detached community based on core beliefs and principles but unfortunately in my opinion this is not the way to do it.
Well, since they've already done it, can't we send all the motherfucking communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers there and let them all live together in perfect unity and utopia?

Let's thin the herd with this new experiment.


I think some of their demands aren't unreasonable, some are, but they all have to know that this autonomous zone is a very temporary.
At what cost? I know you're in your bubble and protected, but how about the residents
and the business owners, their bubble has burst, some probably won't recover, and the residents no doubt are losing big time
with their property. No big deal, no skin off your nose...but in your eyes they have merit. good grief

Well no that's not what I meant, i'm sorry.
I was unwarrantedly hard on this one at first, but this is a solid poster.
....and what are Patriots going to do about it?

I'm getting so tired of this crazy, socialist, demonRat shit.....I am getting very tired....ENOUGH

We want Justice NOW

The wheels of justice turn slow, but start building that gallows!
thats right it seems that a new shithole country has been created ! the nation of Chaz ! the nation of Chaz consists of about 7 blocks in Seattle ! this new left wing democrat supported communist country has seized about 7 blocks in the city of Seattle ! with the lefts leaders blessings they now have established their own laws and rules in their socialist style government !they have even nominated a president ,ruler ,warlord or whatever they call him .....Raz Simone professional rioter rapper and now leader of the socialist nation of Chaz ! the capital hill autonomous zone allows no police from the United States ,and [ get this] has even erected a makeshift wall with armed guards to keep people with opposing views from hostile foreign countries like the United States from entering ! the democrats that live in Chaz do not want people in their country that dont agree with their ideology ! and they built a wall and put armed guards at their borders ! where is the lefts criticism about the wall that has been built around this new leftwing communist shithole ? in my opinion this is an enemy country that has seized territory in the United States ! this is an act of war ! we should carpet bomb the evil nation of Chaz that has taken control of US Territory and charge their outside supporters with treason in a court of law and execute them !View attachment 349084
How about we just recognize this new nation and round up all leftists and dump them there.

Trump will get 99% of the vote!
Biden will rule this new nation!
how about the residents
and the business owners, their bubble has burst, some probably won't recover, and the residents no doubt are losing big time
with their property.
CHAZ has been declared for three days. You're getting a little hysterical, aren't you? Shall I get the smelling salts for you?
Hysterical you say?

Shall we dig up your posts where you were shitting chickens, over some protesters carrying ammo-less rifles with open breeches in Michigan about a month ago?
Show me where I said we should send in the storm troopers to stop them.
Serves Seattle right. This is a nice demonstration of Proguessive ideology that thinks it can beat common sense. FOr the most part the make-up of Seattle are pussies running neck and neck with California for who can be more pathetic.

Course they'll chant Seattle progressed because. Because they're too big of pussies (ooops. said that already) to come to terms they're frauds. PROG-think equates to intellectual dishonesty and chaos, but Obama calls it progress.
how about the residents
and the business owners, their bubble has burst, some probably won't recover, and the residents no doubt are losing big time
with their property.
CHAZ has been declared for three days. You're getting a little hysterical, aren't you? Shall I get the smelling salts for you?
Hysterical you say?

Shall we dig up your posts where you were shitting chickens, over some protesters carrying ammo-less rifles with open breeches in Michigan about a month ago?
Show me where I said we should send in the storm troopers to stop them.
The subject is hysterics, a state which you were clearly in during the Michigan lockdown protest....A protest, BTW, which left all property as it was when it began, and left no bodily injuries in its wake.

Be all of that is it may, CHAZ is an armed insurrection, not a truly peaceful protest like Michigan.....The Pantifa pussies are at least criminal gangsters, if not an internal military enemy....They deserve nothing better than to be routed with extreme prejudice and violence.
They are patrolling their new Autonomous Territory with Automatic rifles.
Where'd they get machine guns? You got a link?
And the first person they shoot at? Shoot 'em back. Simple shrimple. None of that shit.
how about the residents
and the business owners, their bubble has burst, some probably won't recover, and the residents no doubt are losing big time
with their property.
CHAZ has been declared for three days. You're getting a little hysterical, aren't you? Shall I get the smelling salts for you?
Hysterical you say?

Shall we dig up your posts where you were shitting chickens, over some protesters carrying ammo-less rifles with open breeches in Michigan about a month ago?
Show me where I said we should send in the storm troopers to stop them.
The subject is hysterics, a state which you were clearly in during the Michigan lockdown protest....A protest, BTW, which left all property as it was when it began, and left no bodily injuries in its wake.

Be all of that is it may, CHAZ is an armed insurrection, not a truly peaceful protest like Michigan.....The Pantifa pussies are at least criminal gangsters, if not an internal military enemy.
And hopefully Chaz will turn out the same. But an overwhelming military type response to their "threat" is not the way to win this. If it turns violent, yeah, violent back. But what this requires is some smart folks with brains to open a dialogue. They either want attention or they want more trouble. Figure out which, but don't play into their hand here.
how about the residents
and the business owners, their bubble has burst, some probably won't recover, and the residents no doubt are losing big time
with their property.
CHAZ has been declared for three days. You're getting a little hysterical, aren't you? Shall I get the smelling salts for you?
Hysterical you say?

Shall we dig up your posts where you were shitting chickens, over some protesters carrying ammo-less rifles with open breeches in Michigan about a month ago?
Show me where I said we should send in the storm troopers to stop them.
The subject is hysterics, a state which you were clearly in during the Michigan lockdown protest....A protest, BTW, which left all property as it was when it began, and left no bodily injuries in its wake.

Be all of that is it may, CHAZ is an armed insurrection, not a truly peaceful protest like Michigan.....The Pantifa pussies are at least criminal gangsters, if not an internal military enemy.
And hopefully Chaz will turn out the same. But an overwhelming military type response to their "threat" is not the way to win this. If it turns violent, yeah, violent back. But what this requires is some smart folks with brains to open a dialogue. They either want attention or they want more trouble. Figure out which, but don't play into their hand here.
Taking over part of a city under force of arms is a violent act.....Those little miscreants are enemy combatants, by any and all rules of "civilized" warfare....The deserve to be shot in the streets like the curs that they are.

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