Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

I haven't looked into this, beyond reading half of this thread. But I have to say that based on all the people saying "send in the military" I wouldn't be surprised if this is another Problem-Reaction-Solution orchestrated (or instigated) event, to get the pre-planned goal of acclimating people to martial law and more power grabs.

I don't know about this event, but in ANY news story, when you have the public reacting in a very emotional way and begging for the government to come to the rescue, you need to ask: are people being manipulated to ask for what was someone's goal in the first place?

That might not be the case here, but just some food for thought.

Why are these people still alive?
You fools do realize that if you're not ANTIFA then you're pro-fascist, right?

That's moronic word play... Bunch of pansy ass white boys with no careers stopping traffic, screaming at strangers (who live and work there) as white as they are about being racist pigs and "get off my street"..,. What they ARE ACTUALLY are "anti-fascist FASCISTS".. No different than the Nazi Brown shirts doing a KristalNacht or recruiting entire neighborhoods to the cause...

Whoops, I thought for a minute they were those white supremacist the Blue governors were claiming. Now we find it's really those Commie Antifas all along. They're going to trash that six block area. Hmm...., I wonder just how much the mayor left in all types of police equipment at the precinct.

Whatever "limited immunity" from prosecution civic leaders HAVE in Seattle is not gonna protect them from the onslaught of law suits by residents, property owners, businesses -- maybe even the insurance companies. Because this is WILLFUL aiding and abetting... Gonna be fun to watch the price tag for this run up into the 10s of $millions for the MAYOR and City Council personally.,... And watch biz FLEE seattle as no insurance company will write policies there anymore.,.

But they LOVE them some armed fascists --- dont they???
Do you support these people who have taken over part of a city; declared an Autonomous State; and are making outrageous demands?
Of course I don't. I have no idea what an "Autonomous State" of six city blocks is supposed to mean. It's ridiculous. HOWEVER the drooling idiots here who want to go in with a full blown military operation are freaking me out, where CHAZ is too juvenile to be frightening. Whoever is behind this is probably being a PITA just to incite the cops to more violence. A lot of people have said the police came down with way too harsh a show of force for several nights, which was just escalating things. Abandoning the police station granted them a reprieve, but this state of affairs can't stand, not for either side.
It's to force more trouble. So don't play into their hand.
I haven't looked into this, beyond reading half of this thread. But I have to say that based on all the people saying "send in the military" I wouldn't be surprised if this is another Problem-Reaction-Solution orchestrated (or instigated) event, to get the pre-planned goal of acclimating people to martial law and more power grabs.

I don't know about this event, but in ANY news story, when you have the public reacting in a very emotional way and begging for the government to come to the rescue, you need to ask: are people being manipulated to ask for what was someone's goal in the first place?

That might not be the case here, but just some food for thought.

I've been thinking also. And it's SURE CURIOUS TO ME -- why the SAME FOLKS who were BEGGING for the Feds to step into Ruby Ridge, Waco, and even more comparable -- the Burns Oregon Wildlife park occupation by a "militia" group -- now think Antifa is "cute" and politically useful and viciously opposed to ANY Federal intervention..

Hypocrisy meter is off the charts here.,,.

We had the SAME LEFTISTS at USMB screaming for blood over those.. In the words of Hillary Clinton -- WHAT HAPPENED????
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Your link doesn't work. Has the city shut off the water and electric to the area?

Well, here's another one Old Lady. If it doesn't work, you can just go to the PJMEDIA site and read it without me leading you to the Truth.

How do you expect this to end?

Do you support these people who have taken over part of a city; declared an Autonomous State; and are making outrageous demands?

Do you think they have a right to do so in Seattle, because of some bad cops in Minneapolis, or is this about something else?

Do you think Hating-Don-Trump is a good enough reason to riot in all the big cities, claiming "systemic racism" even though those same cities have been run by Democrats for half a century?

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Do you support these people who have taken over part of a city; declared an Autonomous State; and are making outrageous demands?
Of course I don't. I have no idea what an "Autonomous State" of six city blocks is supposed to mean. It's ridiculous. HOWEVER the drooling idiots here who want to go in with a full blown military operation are freaking me out, where CHAZ is too juvenile to be frightening. Whoever is behind this is probably being a PITA just to incite the cops to more violence. A lot of people have said the police came down with way too harsh a show of force for several nights, which was just escalating things. Abandoning the police station granted them a reprieve, but this state of affairs can't stand, not for either side.
It's to force more trouble. So don't play into their hand.
We just need to step back, let the businesses die and allow extortion. I get it...CHAZ is a shithole stuck in the middle of the Emerald City.
Why haven't you complained about their wall?
Someone needs to go pull those "militia standoff" threads and ASK THEM -- how much more hypocrisy they can sleep with....
I can sympathize with the idea of wanting to create an experimental and detached community based on core beliefs and principles but unfortunately in my opinion this is not the way to do it.
Well, since they've already done it, can't we send all the motherfucking communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers there and let them all live together in perfect unity and utopia?

Let's thin the herd with this new experiment.

thats right it seems that a new shithole country has been created ! the nation of Chaz ! the nation of Chaz consists of about 7 blocks in Seattle ! this new left wing democrat supported communist country has seized about 7 blocks in the city of Seattle ! with the lefts leaders blessings they now have established their own laws and rules in their socialist style government !they have even nominated a president ,ruler ,warlord or whatever they call him .....Raz Simone professional rioter rapper and now leader of the socialist nation of Chaz ! the capital hill autonomous zone allows no police from the United States ,and [ get this] has even erected a makeshift wall with armed guards to keep people with opposing views from hostile foreign countries like the United States from entering ! the democrats that live in Chaz do not want people in their country that dont agree with their ideology ! and they built a wall and put armed guards at their borders ! where is the lefts criticism about the wall that has been built around this new leftwing communist shithole ? in my opinion this is an enemy country that has seized territory in the United States ! this is an act of war ! we should carpet bomb the evil nation of Chaz that has taken control of US Territory and charge their outside supporters with treason in a court of law and execute them !View attachment 349084

The UK has today formally recognized CHAZ, and is sending a delegation to negotiate a trade deal to offset the effects of Brexit!
Do you support these people who have taken over part of a city; declared an Autonomous State; and are making outrageous demands?
Of course I don't. I have no idea what an "Autonomous State" of six city blocks is supposed to mean. It's ridiculous. HOWEVER the drooling idiots here who want to go in with a full blown military operation are freaking me out, where CHAZ is too juvenile to be frightening. Whoever is behind this is probably being a PITA just to incite the cops to more violence. A lot of people have said the police came down with way too harsh a show of force for several nights, which was just escalating things. Abandoning the police station granted them a reprieve, but this state of affairs can't stand, not for either side.
It's to force more trouble. So don't play into their hand.
You do understand that there are people living there that don't want to pay tribute to King Raz. Can you possibly imagine what the girls caught in that kingdom are going through. Do none of them deserve rescue?
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.

Freeze dried water ..

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