Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

'Seattle police urged to move in, retake downtown district seized by brazen, anti-cop anarchists'

Where the hell are the cops?

Take a knee.
Don't enforce the law - it will make them mad / antagonize them.
Surrender your city.
Allow armed 'No Go' Zones
Allow citizens' rights to be violated, victimized.
Allow businesses that still exist to be extorted

The heads of the police force, the mayor, and the governor should all be gone right now.

I hate this shit...... this kind of thing means a whole bunch of people are going to be looking to move out of the city, especially since they just spent the last 2-3 months learning how to work from home.
And I just moved a good ways out myself in order to get the fuck away from those hipster, yuppie losers.
Now I gotta worry about having these morons as neighbors again.
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
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"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Clear CHAZ with a vulgar display of power!
CHAZ needs to be cleared with a vulgar display of power by the state of Washington. Fuck the nutless turds that can't run a city.
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Clear CHAZ with a vulgar display of power!

I think I would like to watch them and see how long they last. See if Seattle has the stones to do anything. See if they get desperate enough to ask Trump to help them out of the jam they are in for being Pussies to begin with.

Of course, if there are Sane (Innocent) People in there who need protection, it's hard to sit and do nothing.


"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Clear CHAZ with a vulgar display of power!

I think I would like to watch them and see how long they last. See if Seattle has the stones to do anything. See if they get desperate enough to ask Trump to help them out of the jam they are in for being Pussies to begin with.

Of course, if there are Sane (Innocent) People in there who need protection, it's hard to sit and do nothing.


if they had the stones this never would have happened.
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Your link doesn't work. Has the city shut off the water and electric to the area?
They tried it (and failed) in Minneapolis too...I wonder where else antifa is trying to take over?

Rioters Take Over Minneapolis Hotel, Raise Over $138,000 on GoFundMe to Turn It Into Operations Base

Rioters had taken over the Sheraton Minneapolis Midtown Hotel and have crowdfunded over $138,000 to turn it into shelter and operations base.

The Antifa militants and rioters claimed that they were given permission by the owner to take over the building after they opted to flee the city and evacuate their property, but they were evicted by the owner on Tuesday following a drug overdose in the building.

And it didn't really happen.

Guess the source?

Gateway Pundit of course.

Do you enjoy egg on your face?
I've still seen no evidence this really happened.

Have you tried anywhere besides CNN?
It's only RWNJ sites reporting this. It's fake.
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Your link doesn't work. Has the city shut off the water and electric to the area?

Well, here's another one Old Lady. If it doesn't work, you can just go to the PJMEDIA site and read it without me leading you to the Truth.

How do you expect this to end?

Do you support these people who have taken over part of a city; declared an Autonomous State; and are making outrageous demands?

Do you think they have a right to do so in Seattle, because of some bad cops in Minneapolis, or is this about something else?

Do you think Hating-Don-Trump is a good enough reason to riot in all the big cities, claiming "systemic racism" even though those same cities have been run by Democrats for half a century?

We have forces well trained in urban combat. Just send them in. Quietly. In the middle of the night. No prior notice.
For exercising their first amendment rights?
There is a first amendment right to SAY that you have captured six city blocks as your kingdom. There is no right do it. There is no right to demand tribute from the residents unfortunate enough to be caught behind the lines. Aspiring rapper Raz Simone has appointed himself King Raz of Chaz. He now makes the rights.
The idiot Governor is unaware.

I am watching him stumble around from Eastern Washington where I live.

He still has most of the state shut down, despite negligible China Virus presence, he is an idiot.

You live in KKK territory. I know the area well.

You are full of shit and a bald faced liar, there are no KKK shit in my region, that was mostly in IDAHO!

Meanwhile you show what a pile of crap you are over this latest organized lawlessness, it doesn't seem to bother you over what they are doing.

Right now I'm more bothered about the police harassment and murder of my people. If you were really worried about lawlessness you would be doing everything in your power to stop these criminal ass cops from rampaging in Black neighborhoods.

Weird how you don't seem to be upset over your people being killed by your people.

But then, it's not like you're not a raging hypocrite.
They tried it (and failed) in Minneapolis too...I wonder where else antifa is trying to take over?

Rioters Take Over Minneapolis Hotel, Raise Over $138,000 on GoFundMe to Turn It Into Operations Base

Rioters had taken over the Sheraton Minneapolis Midtown Hotel and have crowdfunded over $138,000 to turn it into shelter and operations base.

The Antifa militants and rioters claimed that they were given permission by the owner to take over the building after they opted to flee the city and evacuate their property, but they were evicted by the owner on Tuesday following a drug overdose in the building.

And it didn't really happen.

Guess the source?

Gateway Pundit of course.

Do you enjoy egg on your face?
I've still seen no evidence this really happened.

Have you tried anywhere besides CNN?
It's only RWNJ sites reporting this. It's fake.

I guess we'll see.
But I find it hard to believe the left wing media wouldnt be out there trying to discredit the story if it weren't true.
So far it's been crickets.
The state of downtown Seattle this moment.
They tried it (and failed) in Minneapolis too...I wonder where else antifa is trying to take over?

Rioters Take Over Minneapolis Hotel, Raise Over $138,000 on GoFundMe to Turn It Into Operations Base

Rioters had taken over the Sheraton Minneapolis Midtown Hotel and have crowdfunded over $138,000 to turn it into shelter and operations base.

The Antifa militants and rioters claimed that they were given permission by the owner to take over the building after they opted to flee the city and evacuate their property, but they were evicted by the owner on Tuesday following a drug overdose in the building.

And it didn't really happen.

Guess the source?

Gateway Pundit of course.

Do you enjoy egg on your face?
I've still seen no evidence this really happened.
Your willful blindness affects only you. Reality doesn't give a shit what you want to believe.

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