Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

They tried it (and failed) in Minneapolis too...I wonder where else antifa is trying to take over?

Rioters Take Over Minneapolis Hotel, Raise Over $138,000 on GoFundMe to Turn It Into Operations Base

Rioters had taken over the Sheraton Minneapolis Midtown Hotel and have crowdfunded over $138,000 to turn it into shelter and operations base.

The Antifa militants and rioters claimed that they were given permission by the owner to take over the building after they opted to flee the city and evacuate their property, but they were evicted by the owner on Tuesday following a drug overdose in the building.

And it didn't really happen.

Guess the source?

Gateway Pundit of course.

Do you enjoy egg on your face?
I've still seen no evidence this really happened.

Have you tried anywhere besides CNN?
It's only RWNJ sites reporting this. It's fake.

I guess we'll see.
But I find it hard to believe the left wing media wouldnt be out there trying to discredit the story if it weren't true.
So far it's been crickets.
They aren't. This is fake news.

And the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democratic republic.

You are a fraud and a liar

Why, because I can read and understand a simple meme. Are you a fascist - or fascist sympathizer? You are the fraud and liar.
Speaking of memes...

"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Your link doesn't work. Has the city shut off the water and electric to the area?
No, I have a job and pay my bills, unlike the bum's starving in CHAZ
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Your link doesn't work. Has the city shut off the water and electric to the area?
No, I have a job and pay my bills, unlike the bum's starving in CHAZ
Shoot the ones with weapons. Beat the rest like baby seals.
King Raz of Chaz has declared himself Emperor of Seattle. He has set up his palace in the Safeway

The saddest part is that this crazy is supported by the Mayor and Governor. The people of Seattle are defenseless.
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
Your link doesn't work. Has the city shut off the water and electric to the area?
No, I have a job and pay my bills, unlike the bum's starving in CHAZ
Wonder how many of the weapons were purchased by Soros through a front operation. Need to investigate if Democrats are working with China, Russia, or Mexican drug lords. Democrats have no moral compass not any love for the Republic.
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
These fools have renounced their US citizenship and have claimed that they are now an autonomous society separate from the United States.

They are now enemies of the United States.

The DEMOCRAT-RUN city of Seattle is giving these motherfuckers supplies food water etc.

Isn't that giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States? A.k.a. treason?

King Raz of Chaz has declared himself Emperor of Seattle. He has set up his palace in the Safeway

The saddest part is that this crazy is supported by the Mayor and Governor. The people of Seattle are defenseless.

Democrat mayor and governor will kiss his Democrat black ass. He would be in a morgue right now if I was mayor. Trump gain's one million more votes in a single hour.
"Now CHAZ has an unaccountable force that they don’t want to call the police because they’re against police. And whatever this crew is, they’re not police. Their warlord’s name is Raz Simone, and according to CHAZ insiders he and his crew are “self-appointed, heavily armed, has indicated their intention to police the area, and has engaged in the use of force..."

It's hard to be Autonomous when you can't feed yourself, and don't have your own electricity, WATER, etc. But, they are working on it. They are planning to fly Water in with drones! Ought to be fun.
These fools have renounced their US citizenship and have claimed that they are now an autonomous society separate from the United States.

They are now enemies of the United States.

The DEMOCRAT-RUN city of Seattle is giving these motherfuckers supplies food water etc.

Isn't that giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States? A.k.a. treason?

Yep. Democrats helping Democrat terrorist.
As CHAZ has declared themselves independent of the United States, they are no longer entitled to the Protection of the Constitution.

I propose we declare war and execute every rebel. Put this nonsense to an end
Seal off the perimeter. Bring in Marine Corp Infantryman from Pendleton, go building to building and bayonet every goddamn man, woman, and child in CHAZ.
thats right it seems that a new shithole country has been created ! the nation of Chaz ! the nation of Chaz consists of about 7 blocks in Seattle ! this new left wing democrat supported communist country has seized about 7 blocks in the city of Seattle ! with the lefts leaders blessings they now have established their own laws and rules in their socialist style government !they have even nominated a president ,ruler ,warlord or whatever they call him .....Raz Simone professional rioter rapper and now leader of the socialist nation of Chaz ! the capital hill autonomous zone allows no police from the United States ,and [ get this] has even erected a makeshift wall with armed guards to keep people with opposing views from hostile foreign countries like the United States from entering ! the democrats that live in Chaz do not want people in their country that dont agree with their ideology ! and they built a wall and put armed guards at their borders ! where is the lefts criticism about the wall that has been built around this new leftwing communist shithole ? in my opinion this is an enemy country that has seized territory in the United States ! this is an act of war ! we should carpet bomb the evil nation of Chaz that has taken control of US Territory and charge their outside supporters with treason in a court of law and execute them !
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As CHAZ has declared themselves independent of the United States, they are no longer entitled to the Protection of the Constitution.

I propose we declare war and execute every rebel. Put this nonsense to an end
Seal off the perimeter. Bring in Marine Corp Infantryman from Pendleton, go building to building and bayonet every goddamn man, woman, and child in CHAZ.

if what I’ve heard is correct, there are a number of citizens that are in the perimeter that had no desire to secede.

surround the perimeter. Tell anyone if they wish to leave to leave now and then do what you suggested
Go in and get our people out of there.

Get some former special forces experienced in urban warfare to clean it just like Fallujah.
you can just go to the PJMEDIA site and read it without me leading you to the Truth.
That's the problem. The link in the op didn't work. I went to Google and read two, but neither one said who these folks were, or what they've done that warrants an FBI attack.

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