Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

Just read over on twitter that the Hell's Angels and Mongols are heading up to CHAZ this weekend for "some fun". Which means...they will take back that downtown, hand the cops back their precinct, and bust a few heads while at it.

Wish I could see it happen!
Mongols..Thanks! That's the ones I've seen around lately. Could not think of the name to save my soul!

Idk about Mongols, I only know Outlaws. Just from you know, like, the neighborhood.
There is a non violent solution if the bedwetting libs running Seattle would use it

seal the occupied area and let nothing or no one go in

anyone inside however is free to leave

though they will be charged with vandalism and made to replay all the damages they caused

Just read over on twitter that the Hell's Angels and Mongols are heading up to CHAZ this weekend for "some fun". Which means...they will take back that downtown, hand the cops back their precinct, and bust a few heads while at it.

Wish I could see it happen!
Mongols..Thanks! That's the ones I've seen around lately. Could not think of the name to save my soul!

Idk about Mongols, I only know Outlaws. Just from you know, like, the neighborhood.

What total hypocrites, but but but they are supposed to be AGAINST Border Walls and Deportations:





Now if someone is Anti-Abortion that = being a White Supremacist:

Antifa have allegedly barricaded and zoned off a section of Seattle, and attempted to create their own autonomous zone.


Getting worse....BULLDOZE the illegal Autonomous Zone:



Antifa have allegedly barricaded and zoned off a section of Seattle, and attempted to create their own autonomous zone.


Getting worse....BULLDOZE the illegal Autonomous Zone:

View attachment 349490
View attachment 349491



ROFLAO at "Guerilla Gardening"



^^^^ :abgg2q.jpg:


Antifa have allegedly barricaded and zoned off a section of Seattle, and attempted to create their own autonomous zone.


Getting worse....BULLDOZE the illegal Autonomous Zone:

View attachment 349490
View attachment 349491

Maybe the police should be defunded there, being as they are worthless.

Idk. We had a citizens commitee in my neighborhood, and when the law failed and a rogue was running loose and hurting people, the rogue got put down.

He became bullshark food. I like the way that worked.
I'd like to make the point...What antifa has done here is treason. The textbook definition of treason.

Taking US land by force...and I wouldn't doubt that the mayor and governor are also guilty of treason for aiding and abetting them. (but that will be for lawyers to argue).

The penalty for treason is death by hanging.
They didn't take that area by force. The police abandoned the precinct after boarding it up and the protestors basically moved in.

I don't know what the current situation is at city hall but someone gave Seattle City Council person Kshama Sawant the keys and she and the protestors went inside and occupied it overnight. What happened the next day, I don't know. I don't know if the offices are still closed due ot COVID or what exactly is going on.
Then you are not thinking very clearly.
No, I just have a different perspective than a lot of you.

And you just stated below (well actually a previous comment) that you want people shot and mention people who are armed and "using violent threats" which I'm not even going to speculate as to what you meant by that.

I don't know about this event, but in ANY news story, when you have the public reacting in a very emotional way and begging for the government to come to the rescue, you need to ask: are people being manipulated to ask for what was someone's goal in the first place?
That might not be the case here, but just some food for thought.
I agree. But that is why I think we should use precision forces to only attack those armed and using violent threats.

Those people kind of like volunteer to be shot.
They didn't take that area by force. The police abandoned the precinct after boarding it up and the protestors basically moved in.

My neighbors are away on vacation...can I just move into their house & call up my friends to come over?

And why exactly did the police abandon their precinct and board it up? For the sheer thrill of it?
They didn't take that area by force. The police abandoned the precinct after boarding it up and the protestors basically moved in.

My neighbors are away on vacation...can I just move into their house & call up my friends to come over?

And why exactly did the police abandon their precinct and board it up? For the sheer thrill of it?
They called it "an exercise in trust and de-escalation."
Seattle Police Leave East Precinct, Remove Barricades
Then you are not thinking very clearly.
No, I just have a different perspective than a lot of you.

You had said in response to me, "No I think you all just want people to get mowed down by gunfire. "

Apparently you seem to think that I am some Kluxer or something, but I left the Democratic Party before I graduated high school, dude.

By lumping me in with some kind of nefarious bogyman, you demonstrated that you were not thinking clearly.

I am not asking for a fruitless appology, but I do wish you would get your facts straight.

And you just stated below (well actually a previous comment) that you want people shot and mention people who are armed and "using violent threats" which I'm not even going to speculate as to what you meant by that.
I agree. But that is why I think we should use precision forces to only attack those armed and using violent threats.
Those people kind of like volunteer to be shot.
I do not want people shot, lol, I was arguing against simply bombing them which would cause a lot of colateral injuries.

If it becomes necessary to physically reclaim our sovereign territory by force, I would prefer a more prcesion based approachh, like personally going in with infantry and shoot those who are armed and opposing rather than blowing up some Moma and her baby.


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