Antifa terrorists fire BB guns at heads of Patriots: Time = 3:52


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

Now that's funny! :auiqs.jpg:No buildings were burning and no businesses being broken into in that clip. I don't actually care about the BLM crowd or the Proud Boys having a gang fight as long as they stay over there. You would think the mayor and the Governor would be getting tired of the spectacle though.
Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

I think that's a paint ball gun.
I kinda' wish they'd quit messing around and get it on. Quit hiding behind others for safe spaces already, light this fucker up.
Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

Let's be just a little more precise......joe biden voters in antifa and black lives matter fired BB guns........
Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

Now that's funny! :auiqs.jpg:No buildings were burning and no businesses being broken into in that clip. I don't actually care about the BLM crowd or the Proud Boys having a gang fight as long as they stay over there. You would think the mayor and the Governor would be getting tired of the spectacle though.
They are doing this because they are getting away with it. What happens if the deaths start? How much chest thumping is there going to be? If you want to topple what you believe in, then everyone must be removed to start over. The old way eradicated like you have seen in other nations. To be replaced completely with new people.
...Let's be just a little more precise......joe biden voters in antifa and black lives matter fired BB guns........
That's rather like hinting that American Nazi Party members and Ku Klux Klan members will vote for the Orange Baboon-God...

It's probably true, but it only represents a tiny fraction of the overall voting base for candidate A or B...

Most folks voting for the Orange Baboon-God are not Nazis nor KKK members...

Most folks voting for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe are not Antifa nor BLM members...

Of course, "there are very fine people on both sides"... Bigly... :cool:
Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

This is the reason for Federal Hydra-Shok 45 caliber hollow points
...Let's be just a little more precise......joe biden voters in antifa and black lives matter fired BB guns........
That's rather like hinting that American Nazi Party members and Ku Klux Klan members will vote for the Orange Baboon-God...

It's probably true, but it only represents a tiny fraction of the overall voting base for candidate A or B...

Most folks voting for the Orange Baboon-God are not Nazis nor KKK members...

Most folks voting for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe are not Antifa nor BLM members...

Of course, "there are very fine people on both sides"... Bigly... :cool:
....sorry--the left and BLM act exactly like the nazis--I've posted the evidence many times on USMB
...Let's be just a little more precise......joe biden voters in antifa and black lives matter fired BB guns........
That's rather like hinting that American Nazi Party members and Ku Klux Klan members will vote for the Orange Baboon-God...

It's probably true, but it only represents a tiny fraction of the overall voting base for candidate A or B...

Most folks voting for the Orange Baboon-God are not Nazis nor KKK members...

Most folks voting for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe are not Antifa nor BLM members...

Of course, "there are very fine people on both sides"... Bigly... :cool:
most folks voting for Biden SUPPORT and back antifa and BLM
But ALL the violence is the fault of the terrorist Right Wing...according to at least one FoxNews contributor....

The media (INCLUDING FOX News) Squarely pin the violence on the Right.....
Dueling Portland clashes shut down streets, as police try to manage chaos

Foxnews said: (and I quote, copied verbatim from FoxNews)

Extremist groups like the Proud Boys, a far-right neo-fascist organization that is openly chauvinistic, racist and xenophobic, and Antifa, an anti-fascist group were present for today's rallies.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler tweeted a warning to all of the day’s protesters telling them to "peacefully exercise their First Amendments Rights."

But violent skirmishes broke out around the city anyway as people attacked each other with pepper spray, paintball guns, bats, shields and projectiles. Streets were blocked, and police monitored the situation near the Multnomah County Justice Center.

One protester filming the day's events, caught a woman on camera who was punched to the ground by a member of the Proud Boys group.

Did you get that ? (one more time) QUOTE -
"Extremist groups like the Proud Boys, a far-right neo-fascist organization that is openly chauvinistic, racist and xenophobic, and Antifa, an anti-fascist group"

Note: FoxNews later edited the article to remove the Right Wing Specific hate speech
If these assholes end up getting shot, they deserve it. When you come right down to it, shooting may be the only way to stop these anarchists.
Sounds like a plan.

But the Law Enforcement or Military folks are the ones that have to do it; not us civilians.

It has to be legal.

But there may be non-lethal ways of doing it...

  • mounted police (cavalry) armed with long batons and multi-shot tazers, as well as semi-auto service handguns
  • sleeping gas dropped from helicopters. then scoop-'em-up
  • Federal tent-camp detention centers in the Arizona desert ala Sheriff Joe Arpaio
  • squadrons of high-end police drones equipped with Co2 pellet-guns or BB-guns... auto-repeater... large magazine-hoppers
  • trap rioters by blocking-off side-streets and their retreat from the rear, then go in an crack some skulls before arresting them
  • metaphorically crucify them in Federal criminal courts; throw the book at them; flight risks; no bail; long prison sentences; hard labor; huge fines
And if that doesn't stop it, then send-in the Infantry and fire on them; plenty of advance warning; shoot-to-maim if possible; shoot-to-kill when appropriate.

Phukk 'em.

Let God sort 'em out.
Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

Saw no BB Guns or Molotov cocktails... 3:52 was a paintball gun...

Sating that this was a right wing site video... What I see is the extreme right guys going there to prepare for a fight (even using military left right march)... Armed with shields and battons...

What ever you say about the other side they were not standing in front of them with shields, battons and helmets...
Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

Saw no BB Guns or Molotov cocktails... 3:52 was a paintball gun...

Sating that this was a right wing site video... What I see is the extreme right guys going there to prepare for a fight (even using military left right march)... Armed with shields and battons...

What ever you say about the other side they were not standing in front of them with shields, battons and helmets... racism and hate blinds you to the truth
Peaceful protests shoot BB guns, pepper spray, mace and molotov cocktails while chanting "Black lives matter" at Patriots defending public buildings supporting Blue Lives Matter.

Saw no BB Guns or Molotov cocktails... 3:52 was a paintball gun...

Sating that this was a right wing site video... What I see is the extreme right guys going there to prepare for a fight (even using military left right march)... Armed with shields and battons...

What ever you say about the other side they were not standing in front of them with shields, battons and helmets...
Keep it up, and future clashes will be worse...

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