Antisemitic rally in Cobb County GA

So are you saying this Nation is going to reap what she has sown for over 400yrs, oh hell look out.

You moochers are too lazy to do anything, you have it soft here, which is why you never intend to leave and go back to your homeland. You'll just keep robbing and killing each other over sneakers and gold jewelry and crack. Criminal illegal aliens imported by your Democrat heroes will mop up the survivors.

Half of you are morbidly obese, which hardly qualifies as 'oppressed poor n stuff'.
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You moochers are too lazy to do anything, you have it soft here, which is why you never intend to leave and go back to your homeland. You'll just keep robbing and killing each other over sneakers and gold jewelry and crack. Criminal illegal aliens imported by your Democrat heroes will mop up the survivors.
When are you going to leave and go back to your homeland? I buy my sneakers at Nike, I don't wear jewelry, never had any crack. See white, bigoted coward the majority of black folks don't fall under your white racist profile.
Believe it or don't believe it. The fact remains that gays are far more aggressive against Christians than the other way around. Gays call the Bible (the Book that Christians are supposed to believe) a book of hate, since it condemns homosexuality in both the New and Old Testaments. If someone rejects what the Bible says about homosexuality, then that person is a "Christian" in name only.
Maybe you do get that reaction. I cannot remember a known gay person even being slightly rude to me. It is not the Bible or Jesus that hates, it is some of his so called followers. What other sins do you get this worked up about? Or is homosexuality your favorite?
When are you going to leave and go back to your homeland? I buy my sneakers at Nike, I don't wear jewelry, never had any crack. See white, bigoted coward the majority of black folks don't fall under your white racist profile.

Oh, you buy shoes made by slave labor huh.

When are you going to leave and go back to your homeland? I buy my sneakers at Nike, I don't wear jewelry, never had any crack. See white, bigoted coward the majority of black folks don't fall under your white racist profile.

lol sure they do. You just don't like it that we all know you do. I already live in my homeland; you're the sniveling whiner here crying for Whitey to save you from yourselves. We just want you to be happy and go where you aren't discriminated against for being stup ... I mean 'black', is all.
You talk like a white racist, dickhead. Probably in denial.

No, I talk like a man who worked hard for what I have who started with virtually nothing.

And then I hear your whiney ass begging to take what I worked for. Fuck yourself, go work for what you want.

As far as racism, YOU are the only racist in this thread, dickhead. I insult you not based on your color, which I don't give a shit about, but on your lack of character, and the fact that you are a whiney bitch.

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