Antisemitic rally in Cobb County GA

The jews inside the synagogue, you dumb piece of shit. You definitely have mental problems if you actually believe Nazi's are leftists. They voted and sympathize with your hero, Trump. You're on the wrong side of history, boy.
Wow, Jake....You're really letting the hate flow, now that you're finally not getting your socks banned.

You really are an ugly little POS.
No, I talk like a man who worked hard for what I have who started with virtually nothing.

And then I hear your whiney ass begging to take what I worked for. Fuck yourself, go work for what you want.

As far as racism, YOU are the only racist in this thread, dickhead. I insult you not based on your color, which I don't give a shit about, but on your lack of character, and the fact that you are a whiney bitch.
Lol. That's what I do when I hear clowns like you who come with that weak ass bullshit about how you worked so hard to get what you got and everyone else wants what your weakass has and blah, blah, blah. The same thing was said of Dr King, Brutha Malcolm, Medgar Evers, Nelson Mandela and many others while they were living and after they murdered now you love quoting them. So GFY yourself with that weak ass ish.
Lol. That's what I do when I hear clowns like you who come with that weak ass bullshit about how you worked so hard to get what you got and everyone else wants what your weakass has and blah, blah, blah. The same thing was said of Dr King, Brutha Malcolm, Medgar Evers, Nelson Mandela and many others while they were living and after they murdered now you love quoting them. So GFY yourself with that weak ass ish.

The people you list were all good MEN.

Something you will NEVER be.
Interesting - once a Black Panther Bantu sympathizer and racist shows up, even a Thread that is about antisemitism turns into a hatred platform towards non Africans. :)

This racist piece of shit hates whites almost as bad as he hates the USA. He is basically a seething ball of hatred.
No, the good news is there were fewer than 10 protesters. So few that if you just ignored them they would go away, but no, the media has to stroke their egos.

That's assuming they were even legit. The last time "patriot front" showed up to a protest the couple that were unmasked turned out to be antifa.
The police should pick them up and drop them off in the nearest minority area so that they can share their opinions there.
This was the most frightening thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” said Chabad of Cobb County member Stewart Levy.

My God - wait, excuse me - My G-d, get a grip. I see more frightening things every time I ride my bike, when inattentive drivers pass me on the road.

This "demonstration" is extremely lame, and any real journalist seeing it would have gone to the apparent leader to find out WTF is going on. The demonstration is idiotic - more of a clown show than anything else.

The idea that anyone was endangered by this is preposterous, and its main result is the promotion of the lie that this country is dangerous for anyone who is not a "white" male.

I'm seeing the same thing in Pittsburgh for the past several years. One deranged idiot stormed into a synagogue one Saturday morning four years ago and killed thirteen people. It was certainly an atrocity, and certainly a form of terrorism, but it was ONE GUY! It was not a MOVEMENT. His trial has been front page news for the past month, when in fact it is nothing but a show trial. There was never any question about what was done or who did it. The bastard will never get out of prison. Period. He will not ever be executed, regardless of what the jury decides, and who gives a shit? He is not now, nor will he ever be a danger to the community.

This is fucked up on so many levels, it boggles the mind.
This handful of defectives should never have been given this attention that they sought.
The people you list were all good MEN.

Something you will NEVER be.
They weren't considered good men will they were living, they became good men after they were murdered. You're right I will never be a good guy to fools like you, because I will never bow down or turn the other cheek. So you are right.
Interesting - once a Black Panther Bantu sympathizer and racist shows up, even a Thread that is about antisemitism turns into a hatred platform towards non Africans. :)

All of The Oppressed compete for bux from Whitey. They can't let the other racist minorities take attention away from themselves. You can't really blame them, since us Evul WASPs keep them captive here.

Here are some of our Oppressed Slaves desperately trying to flee the U.S. for the clean fresh air of Free Mexico.


No word on SupaBad taking any time to go straighten all this out n stuff yet, probably had some Important Black People Stuff to do.
This racist piece of shit hates whites almost as bad as he hates the USA. He is basically a seething ball of hatred.
Unfortunately most of America does not realize discrimination against whites is becoming a problem.

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