Zone1 Antisemitism is what drives the insane condemnation of Israel, and here’s proof


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
We see it right of front of us, of course. We have the Muslim Omar calling Jewish students “pro-genocide” - a disgraceful blood libel lie. We have college students blocking the way of Jewish students, assaulting them, spitting on them, and yelling that they “will turn Jews into lampshades again” and “Get back to the ovens in Poland, Jews.”

So the obvious question is…..if being against Israel is not related to being anti-Jew, why the 1939 Germany environment on liberal campuses targeting Jews for abuse?

But it’s more that that:

Just a couple of days ago, 45,000 Rohingya Muslims fled from Myanmar amidst reports of beheadings and burnings. Tens of thousands of Muslims have been thrown into fire pits in a REAL genocide.

So the question is: why is there tons of condemnation of Israel both on this forum, on liberal colleges campuses, and elsewhere in leftist areas - with that oft-repeated lie about “genocide” - when the REAL genocide being carried out in Myanmar has not even been brought up?

The answer of course is: it doesn’t advance antisemitism, or fueled by it.
The best thing everybody can do is be diligent on keeping the Jewish people separate from the evil Zionists. The entire world has turned against Israel now and could react as violently as the world has acted in the past against the Jewish people!

We all must make an effort to separate the evil ones from the innocent and peaceful, before Netanyahu's chickens come home in the form of Iran's missiles!
We see it right of front of us, of course. We have the Muslim Omar calling Jewish students “pro-genocide” - a disgraceful blood libel lie. We have college students blocking the way of Jewish students, assaulting them, spitting on them, and yelling that they “will turn Jews into lampshades again” and “Get back to the ovens in Poland, Jews.”

So the obvious question is…..if being against Israel is not related to being anti-Jew, why the 1939 Germany environment on liberal campuses targeting Jews for abuse?

But it’s more that that:

Just a couple of days ago, 45,000 Rohingya Muslims fled from Myanmar amidst reports of beheadings and burnings. Tens of thousands of Muslims have been thrown into fire pits in a REAL genocide.

So the question is: why is there tons of condemnation of Israel both on this forum, on liberal colleges campuses, and elsewhere in leftist areas - with that oft-repeated lie about “genocide” - when the REAL genocide being carried out in Myanmar has not even been brought up?

The answer of course is: it doesn’t advance antisemitism, or fueled by it.

This is because the world has been more focused on money than principle. This has largely occurred over the last 30 years. Really since the world turned to China as a source of manufacturing, Clinton allowed them into the WTO and they have slowly but surely sided with the Arab world. Having big friends such as China and Russia has been a boon to those nations who hate the Jews.

This is why men like myself have pushed for years. Many years in fact, to have policies based on principle. So instead of people saying "we will NOT trade with nations that violate human rights". the elites found a new, easy way to make money, push climate change and the need for billions while harming developed nations. Human right violators continued at will, including in nations that are so-called allies of America such as Canada, Ukraine etc.

It has all been incredibly naive and hypocritical, considering China once had places where people wore masks to avoid the smog pollution. Sure they have improved somewhat, but they have no obligation, even under the Paris Accord. We actually gave them billions for their right to do nothing to improve. Ditto for Russia I believe. How does that work?

Thus, the UN is run far more by the Arab world than in the past and the West and their business interests feel the need to capitulate. It's frightening, because just as so many corporations did business with Germany we are once again, arming the same nations that could end millions of lives if and when WWII breaks out
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This is because the world has been more focused on money than principle. This has largely occurred over the last 30 years. Really since the world turned to China as a source of manufacturing, Clinton allowed them into the WTO and they have slowly but surely sided with the Arab world. Having big friends such as China and Russia has been a boon to those nations who hate the Jews.

This is why men like myself have pushed for years. Many years in fact, to have policies based on principle. So instead of people saying "we will NOT trade with nations that violate human rights". the elites found a new, easy way to make money, push climate change and the need for billions while harming developed nations. Human right violators continued at will, including in nations that are so-called enemies of America such as Canada, Ukraine etc.

It has all been incredibly naive and hypocritical, considering China once had places where people wore masks to avoid the smog pollution. Sure they have improved somewhat, but they have no obligation, even under the Paris Accord. We actually gave them billions for their right to do nothing to improve. Ditto for Russia I believe. How does that work?

Thus, the UN is run far more by the Arab world than in the past and the West and their business interests feel the need to capitulate. It's frightening, because just as so many corporations did business with Germany we are once again, arming the same nations that could end millions of lives if and when WWII breaks out
If you cared about the Jewish people you wouldn't be trying to demonize Russia and China. The people of israel are now living under the threat of their enemy pulling the trigger on their entire country.

The ability to escalate human rights atrocities is no longer theirs.

If the Zionist regime strikes Israel, their nonsense prophesy will be fulfilled immediately!
If you demand more of Israel than is demanded of any other country, the motivation for your demand is obvious. If you see barbarous acts around the world that are much worse than even the extremists blame on Israel, and don't condemn the others, your motivation is obvious. If you presume that every Jew in the world is aligned with the "worst" activities of the IDF, then your complaint is not against the IDF, but rather Jews in general. There is a word for that...bigot.

Own up to it.
If you demand more of Israel than is demanded of any other country, the motivation for your demand is obvious.
Is it unreasonable to demand more of countries we support than of countries we don't support? That being said, do you think U.S. involvement has promoted peace in the Middle East?
We see it right of front of us, of course. We have the Muslim Omar calling Jewish students “pro-genocide” - a disgraceful blood libel lie. We have college students blocking the way of Jewish students, assaulting them, spitting on them, and yelling that they “will turn Jews into lampshades again” and “Get back to the ovens in Poland, Jews.”

So the obvious question is…..if being against Israel is not related to being anti-Jew, why the 1939 Germany environment on liberal campuses targeting Jews for abuse?

But it’s more that that:

Just a couple of days ago, 45,000 Rohingya Muslims fled from Myanmar amidst reports of beheadings and burnings. Tens of thousands of Muslims have been thrown into fire pits in a REAL genocide.

So the question is: why is there tons of condemnation of Israel both on this forum, on liberal colleges campuses, and elsewhere in leftist areas - with that oft-repeated lie about “genocide” - when the REAL genocide being carried out in Myanmar has not even been brought up?

The answer of course is: it doesn’t advance antisemitism, or fueled by it.
It is certainly appropriate for you to compare this barbarity to the animal violence being committed by the Israeli government and its supporters
Is it unreasonable to demand more of countries we support than of countries we don't support? That being said, do you think U.S. involvement has promoted peace in the Middle East?
It did when Trump was in office. The problem is that Biden enriched Iran. We were making great progress towaed peace.
It is certainly appropriate for you to compare this barbarity to the animal violence being committed by the Israeli government and its supporters
You see….here’s a liberal who doesn’t realize that she is being driven by antisemitism in talking about “animal violence by Israel.” You just HAD to get a dig in about Israel, didn’t you?

The point is that Myanmar is committing genocide, and Israel is not. Yet we hear no complaints on this board about Myanmar or have protests on college campuses about Myanmar, and we do of the Jewish country.

Reason: JEWISH country.
No Lisa, anti semitism is not behind the criticism of what Netanyahu has done.
That’s not what’s happening, and you know it. Jews are being bullied, harassed, and having their rights violated. It’s all an excuse for antisemites to vent their hate toward Jews. You yourself have revealed your contempt for us by saying how Gd is punishing Jews.

And you didn’t respond to the point: where’s the condemnation of Myanmar - that is conducting a REAL genocide? Why are people lying about Israel conducting a genocide, and ignoring the country that is actually guilty?

Because the actual country conducting a horrific genocide isn’t made up of Joooos.
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Is it unreasonable to demand more of countries we support than of countries we don't support? That being said, do you think U.S. involvement has promoted peace in the Middle East?
Huh? America gave nearly $200 million to Myanmar this year.

Try again: Why are certain Americans lying about Israel committing a “genocide,” and not even mentioning that Myanmar IS actually committing a TRUE genocide?

The answer is obvious. It is driven by antisemitism, and being used to promote antisemitism.
P.S. Even the fact that this topic has gotten so little interest, when there is an entire subforum devoted to Israel-Palestine with multiple attacks against Israel daily, is quite telling:

Israel NOT committing genocide - just say it is and hope ignorant people and those with underlying Jew-hate fall for it

Myanmar IS committing genocide - eh, no interest
“Genocide” is just an empty slogan the left uses to describe their internalized opposition to a situation they don’t even understand.

I knew you were a jew. lol. Should have known when you started calling everything antisemitic the other week. I don't see any of it genocide, on either side. It's a conflict of conquest; The Palestinians want the land, the jews also want the land. Someone has to die eventually. As a black man It's not my problem either way. I dislike the Plaestinians more, though. They feign victim instead of standing on bidnezz, and owning the fact that they hav e a culture that is anti Jew, and would see all jews killed. Hamas is not a separate entity from the Palestinians, it is simply a manifestation of that political goal and ideology. War is war. Why are the Palestinians any different? We killed Japanese v=civilians by the hundreds of thousands in ww2, millions in Iraq, etc. But the same applies to the Jews. It isn't genocide, it's war.
You see….here’s a liberal who doesn’t realize that she is being driven by antisemitism in talking about “animal violence by Israel.” You just HAD to get a dig in about Israel, didn’t you?

The point is that Myanmar is committing genocide, and Israel is not. Yet we hear no complaints on this board about Myanmar or have protests on college campuses about Myanmar, and we do of the Jewish country.

Reason: JEWISH country.
The U.S. is not funding that genocide and defending the perpetrator's barbarity to the world, the way we are doing with the pariah state of Israel. Also you should stop lumping all Jewish people together with those genocidal monsters, as there are a lot of Jewish people that oppose Israel's savagery.
The U.S. is not funding that genocide and defending the perpetrator's barbarity to the world, the way we are doing with the pariah state of Israel. Also you should stop lumping all Jewish people together with those genocidal monsters, as there are a lot of Jewish people that oppose Israel's savagery.
^^^ Leftist back to lying about Israel’s “genocide,“ and “Israel’s savagery” when the actual savages were the Muslim subhumans on Ocrober 7th.

This is hate all driven by antisemitism. I have to keep reminding myself that 79% of Americans are on Israel’s side.
We see it right of front of us, of course. We have the Muslim Omar calling Jewish students “pro-genocide” - a disgraceful blood libel lie. We have college students blocking the way of Jewish students, assaulting them, spitting on them, and yelling that they “will turn Jews into lampshades again” and “Get back to the ovens in Poland, Jews.”

So the obvious question is…..if being against Israel is not related to being anti-Jew, why the 1939 Germany environment on liberal campuses targeting Jews for abuse?

But it’s more that that:

Just a couple of days ago, 45,000 Rohingya Muslims fled from Myanmar amidst reports of beheadings and burnings. Tens of thousands of Muslims have been thrown into fire pits in a REAL genocide.

So the question is: why is there tons of condemnation of Israel both on this forum, on liberal colleges campuses, and elsewhere in leftist areas - with that oft-repeated lie about “genocide” - when the REAL genocide being carried out in Myanmar has not even been brought up?

The answer of course is: it doesn’t advance antisemitism, or fueled by it.
Why did you wait all this time to suddenly bring up the Rohinga? Are they a useful enough tool to you now, so you can use them scream “antisemitism” at everyone? You didn’t give a damn when they were being massacred before or the ongoing atrocities they have faced since then, presumably because they are Muslim (some actually claimed they brought it on themselves, another similarity to the Jews.)

But, I do agree with you on this: it is a sad fact that when it doesn’t involves Jews (either to defend or condemn) it generates very little attention (including from you.)

Actually, the sad fact no one cares that much about atrocities in that part of the world, or in Africa, like the Congo…try starting a thread, ( a genuine thread) on those atrocities and it will die for lack of interest.

And you are wrong about Omar:

Why do you think it is ok to call people who simply support Palestinian rights “Hamas supporters” but outraged when people call pro-Israel supporters Pro-genocide? Both are false.
Why did you wait all this time to suddenly bring up the Rohinga? Are they a useful enough tool to you now, so you can use them scream “antisemitism” at everyone? You didn’t give a damn when they were being massacred before or the ongoing atrocities they have faced since then, presumably because they are Muslim (some actually claimed they brought it on themselves, another similarity to the Jews.)

But, I do agree with you on this: it is a sad fact that when it doesn’t involves Jews (either to defend or condemn) it generates very little attention (including from you.)

Actually, the sad fact no one cares that much about atrocities in that part of the world, or in Africa, like the Congo…try starting a thread, ( a genuine thread) on those atrocities and it will die for lack of interest.

And you are wrong about Omar:

Why do you think it is ok to call people who simply support Palestinian rights “Hamas supporters” but outraged when people call pro-Israel supporters Pro-genocide? Both are false.
Huh? not an equivalent parallel. I am not lying about a genocide committed by Israel and then ignoring the real genocide. All these anti-Israel protestors are doing just that.

Also, it is normal for a Jew, especially someone like me with Holocaust victims in her family, to be more terrified of the massacre against Jews in Israel - and the Muslim terrorists’ threat to continue them until all the Jews are dead - than the horror in Myanmar. That’s human nature.

If a bunch of white savages launched an attack in a black area of a city, torturing 1400 of them to death, and a black was sickened by it and complained about it, would you say....well, you don’t complain about the Muslims in Myanmar.

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