Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Name calling is the lowest form of discourse. You specialize in it because you are unable to debate rationally.

Race realism has been denounced. It has never been "debunked." The different races differ significantly in average intelligence, as well as criminal and sexual behavior. They also differ in average brain size and testosterone levels.

High brain size correlates positively with high intelligence. High testosterone correlates positively with high crime crime rates. This indicates that non cosmetic racial differences are genetically caused.
DON'T GO THERE. Physiology has very little to do with the cultural issues. Brains is the same
across the board-----CULTURAL influences vary
You can draw a straight line between Debt Peonage and the Prison Industrial complex that destroys the lives of millions of young black men.
One of the few social experiments in the United States that has worked is the rise in incarceration. It reduced the crime rate. The high cost of incarceration can be reduced by the thorough exploitation of prison labor, the frequent use of capital and corporal punishment, and the end to educational and recreational opportunities.

Joseph Stalin proved that a prison system can be run at a profit to the government.

Professor Arthur Jensen has pointed out that one fourth of the Negro population has IQ's of 75 or below. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are virtually unemployable. These make up the underclass, where they support themselves with welfare checks and the gains from criminal activity.

Young black men frequently destroy their own lives with their dysfunctional behavior. The destroy the lives of others with their high crime rates, especially their high murder rates.
DON'T GO THERE. Physiology has very little to do with the cultural issues. Brains is the same
across the board-----CULTURAL influences vary
I will go there, because what I said is obviously true.


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
by Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

For the past twenty years I have studied race differences in brain size, intelligence, sexuality, personality, growth rate, life span, crime, and family stability. On all of these traits, Orientals fall at one end of the spectrum, Blacks fall at the other end, and Whites fall in between.

I will go there, because what I said is obviously true.


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
by Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

For the past twenty years I have studied race differences in brain size, intelligence, sexuality, personality, growth rate, life span, crime, and family stability. On all of these traits, Orientals fall at one end of the spectrum, Blacks fall at the other end, and Whites fall in between.

nope----there are better studies
check out the journal call "NATURE"-----best studies in the world. Human brains is Human
brains----across the board-----NUTURE (aka
child rearing) is the wild card
Just because you find something on the internet that you like does not mean that it is true. Professor Rushton adequately documents his factual assertions. Moreover, they are obvious to anyone with extensive experience with the three major racial groups.
Just because you find something on the internet that you like does not mean that it is true. Professor Rushton adequately documents his factual assertions. Moreover, they are obvious to anyone with extensive experience with the three major racial groups.
Internet? neuroscience is my field. Experience?-----you have no idea
Internet? neuroscience is my field. Experience?-----you have no idea
Do you seriously maintain that the different major races do not have significant racial differences in average intelligence and sexual and criminal behavior?

Now, since you are going to tell me that environmental differences are responsible for all ability and behavior differences, I would like for you to name a black majority country where Negroes behave and perform as well as Orientals do in every country they live in.
Do you seriously maintain that the different major races do not have significant racial differences in average intelligence and sexual and criminal behavior?

Now, since you are going to tell me that environmental differences are responsible for all ability and behavior differences, I would like for you to name a black majority country where Negroes behave and perform as well as Orientals do in every country they live in.
you predicted what I am going to tell you?---via your crystal ball? I did not even cite "environmental differences"----I cited NURTURE. For some insight read the excellent works of ERICH FROMM---and
Do you seriously maintain that the different major races do not have significant racial differences in average intelligence and sexual and criminal behavior?

Now, since you are going to tell me that environmental differences are responsible for all ability and behavior differences, I would like for you to name a black majority country where Negroes behave and perform as well as Orientals do in every country they live in.
I’m thinking Somalia vs Singapore.
I’m thinking Somalia vs Singapore.
good idea----child rearing techniques are VERY
different---Somalia vs Singapore----but being
raise MUSLIM in Singapore can result in something like MUSLIM in Somalia
good idea----child rearing techniques are VERY
different---Somalia vs Singapore----but being
raise MUSLIM in Singapore can result in something like MUSLIM in Somalia
It’s not just child-rearing techniques. Are you actually claiming that heritability does not play a role in intelligence levels at all? That it is ALL environment?

You’d be wrong.

good idea----child rearing techniques are VERY
different---Somalia vs Singapore----but being
raise MUSLIM in Singapore can result in something like MUSLIM in Somalia
Maybe because being raised Muslim in Singapore is done by Muslims, and there’s a significant heritability role involved?
good idea----child rearing techniques are VERY
different---Somalia vs Singapore----but being
raise MUSLIM in Singapore can result in something like MUSLIM in Somalia
Can you document that Muslims in Singapore and Muslims in Somalia have comparable IQ's and crime rates? I doubt you can.
you predicted what I am going to tell you?---via your crystal ball? I did not even cite "environmental differences"----I cited NURTURE. For some insight read the excellent works of ERICH FROMM---and
Parental nurture is part of the environment in which people grow up.
It’s not just child-rearing techniques. Are you actually claiming that heritability does not play a role in intelligence levels at all? That it is ALL environment?

You’d be wrong.

no-----I did not claim that inheritance has nothing to do with intelligence nor did I suggest that it has ALL to do with environment---in any case the issue is actually more NURTURE than environment---but, certainly not ALL. Overall----BRAINS do not differ across "racial" lines ---in fact "race" is a really
weak indicator or ANYTHING

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