Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

no-----I did not claim that inheritance has nothing to do with intelligence nor did I suggest that it has ALL to do with environment---in any case the issue is actually more NURTURE than environment---but, certainly not ALL. Overall----BRAINS do not differ across "racial" lines ---in fact "race" is a really
weak indicator or ANYTHING
A person's race can usually be determined by appearance, and always by DNA analysis. The different races have always been characterized by average differences in intelligence, as well as in criminal and sexual behavior.
nope----there are better studies
jerk even cited the book --THE BELL CURVE which has been universally
debunked by neuroscientists world wide---and its damned old-----Erich Fromm is older but MUCH BETTER
A person's race can usually be determined by appearance, and always by DNA analysis. The different races have always been characterized by average differences in intelligence, as well as in criminal and sexual behavior.
not due to variation in BRAIN FUNCTION
no-----I did not claim that inheritance has nothing to do with intelligence nor did I suggest that it has ALL to do with environment---in any case the issue is actually more NURTURE than environment---but, certainly not ALL. Overall----BRAINS do not differ across "racial" lines ---in fact "race" is a really
weak indicator or ANYTHING
It really isn’t more nurture than nature. As you saw from the previous linked article, intelligence is anywhere from 40% to 80% inherited, meaning that nature plays a role of 20% to 60%.
jerk even cited the book --THE BELL CURVE which has been universally
debunked by neuroscientists world wide---and its damned old-----Erich Fromm is older but MUCH BETTER
Charles Murray and Professor J. Philippe Rushton carefully document their assertions. I have substantiated their assertions with information I have found on the internet.
not due to variation in BRAIN FUNCTION
According to Charles Murray, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton you are mistaken. They have been denounced. They have not been disproved. The continued discovery of IQ genes substantiate their assertions.

No method has been found that substantially and permanently raises the intelligence of a child who scores poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven.
According to Charles Murray, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton you are mistaken. They have been denounced. They have not been disproved. The continued discovery of IQ genes substantiate their assertions.

No method has been found that substantially and permanently raises the intelligence of a child who scores poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven.
you have made the CLASSIC MISTAKE in logic----you have cited PHENOMENA and
attempted to devise a REASON BASED ONLY
ON CORRELATION. try to keep this adage in
mind---it is basic
They haven’t identified the specific genes from which intelligence is partially inherited.
MIT Technology Review


DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one​

Scientists have linked hundreds of genes to intelligence. One psychologist says it’s time to test school kids.
April 2, 2018

For decades genetic researchers have sought the hereditary factors behind intelligence, with little luck. But now gene studies have finally gotten big enough—and hence powerful enough—to zero in on genetic differences linked to IQ.

A year ago, no gene had ever been tied to performance on an IQ test. Since then, more than 500 have, thanks to gene studies involving more than 200,000 test takers. Results from an experiment correlating one million people’s DNA with their academic success are due at any time.

you have made the CLASSIC MISTAKE in logic----you have cited PHENOMENA and
attempted to devise a REASON BASED ONLY
ON CORRELATION. try to keep this adage in
mind---it is basic
In the social sciences correlation is often the only way to estimate causation. We cannot go back in time, choose a different policy, and measure different results.
MIT Technology Review


DNA tests for IQ are coming, but it might not be smart to take one​

Scientists have linked hundreds of genes to intelligence. One psychologist says it’s time to test school kids.
April 2, 2018

For decades genetic researchers have sought the hereditary factors behind intelligence, with little luck. But now gene studies have finally gotten big enough—and hence powerful enough—to zero in on genetic differences linked to IQ.

A year ago, no gene had ever been tied to performance on an IQ test. Since then, more than 500 have, thanks to gene studies involving more than 200,000 test takers. Results from an experiment correlating one million people’s DNA with their academic success are due at any time.

Results from an experiment correlating one million people’s DNA with their academic success are due at any time.
ROFLMAO @ ^^^^^^ SO? you have just
demonstrated that you GOT NUTHIN' and the statement by that charlatan has no meaning
right----but that fact does nothing to support your theory of RACIAL DIFFERENCES in brain
I never said there’s a difference in brain function. I said that genes play an important role in intelligence levels.
ROFLMAO @ ^^^^^^ SO? you have just
demonstrated that you GOT NUTHIN' and the statement by that charlatan has no meaning
You do not prove that by asserting it. Genes for intelligence and crime have been discovered. Further discoveries are on the way.
uhm---that would be GENETIC DIFFERENCES
I guess it depends how you define brain function. But study after study shows that intelligence is largely an inherited trait. Let’s call it 50-50.
The IQs of twins reared APART correlate more more closely than siblings reared together.

The unfortunate and often denied fact is that most criticisms of Israel are 90% anti-Semitism. There is ONE Jewish state and 50 or so avowed Islamic states, but the very existence of ONE Jewish state is intolerable. And God help them (we sure won't) if they take reasonable measures to ensure their survival as a Jewish state.
That is the real disconnect isn't it. Those who condemn Israel for being a Jewish state never condemn primarily Islamic countries, even those who mandate Sharia law for all.

They never condemn Islamic activists who demand concessions and accommodations for their faith in the public sphere but condemn Jews who defend their own destiny and right to exist while making demands of nobody else.

The warped mentality that passes for higher education these days would demand swift and terrible retribution against those who would disrespect or attack Muslims because they are Muslim but joins in with those who attack Jews for being Jews. And it seems to be incapable of seeing how immoral/racist that is.

Pity those who must have college degrees for their chosen occupations and appreciate the blessing for those who attend the few non-'woke' universities that are left.
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