Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

The different races differ in average brain size and intelligence. The only reason this is controversial is because the truth has been suppressed for two generations.

The lower average intelligence of Negroes can be demonstrated by the fact that they tend to perform less well on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed. Blacks from affluent families tend to perform less well than whites from poor families.

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Blacks tend to perform less well academically, even when they attend the same schools whites attend.

Nowhere in the world is there a black majority, black run country with a high standard of living, a low crime rate, and a well functioning government. Nowhere in the the United States is there a black majority neighborhood any sensible person of any race wants to walk through after dark.

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the SAT test is not a measure of intelligence---it is a measure of
APTITUDE after a high school education in children of an
average american household
the SAT test is not a measure of intelligence---it is a measure of
APTITUDE after a high school education in children of an
average american household
The SAT is not an IQ test, but it correlates with IQ tests. People who perform well on one perform well on the other, and on other mental aptitude tests.
The SAT is not an IQ test, but it correlates with IQ tests. People who perform well on one perform well on the other, and on other mental aptitude tests.
meaningless---even IQ test performance is affected by
NURTURE----to a large extent---child rearing techniques
passed down from great great grandma---Read this book --
meaningless---even IQ test performance is affected by
NURTURE----to a large extent---child rearing techniques
passed down from great great grandma---Read this book --
IQ is mainly determined by genes. No method has been found to significantly and permanently increase the IQ score and the academic performance of a child who scores poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven.
IQ is mainly determined by genes. No method has been found to significantly and permanently increase the IQ score and the academic performance of a child who scores poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven.
right---by age seven the effects of great great grandma are already INGRAINED---read the book---it is excellent
The different races differ in average brain size and intelligence. The only reason this is controversial is because the truth has been suppressed for two generations.

The lower average intelligence of Negroes can be demonstrated by the fact that they tend to perform less well on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed. Blacks from affluent families tend to perform less well than whites from poor families.

No, that just shows you can't erase the effects of 400 years of systematic racism in a generation or two.
No, that just shows you can't erase the effects of 400 years of systematic racism in a generation or two.
As long as you have people promoting canards like that, it won’t be. It’s like anti-semitism, an ugly abscess that festers and breaks out into the open when the country is under stress. It is pus masquerading as excudite. Hatred clothed as reason.

The testosterone myth is a dead give away.
The SAT is not an IQ test, but it correlates with IQ tests. People who perform well on one perform well on the other, and on other mental aptitude tests.

The SAT was developed by racists, and it's bias is a large part of the problem.

"We still think there’s something wrong with the kids rather than recognizing there is something wrong with the tests," Ibram X. Kendi of the Antiracist Research & Policy Center at Boston University and author of How to be an Antiracist said in October 2020. "Standardized tests have become the most effective racist weapon ever devised to objectively degrade Black and Brown minds and legally exclude their bodies from prestigious schools."

In his essay “The Racist Origins of the SAT,” Gil Troy calls Brigham a “Pilgrim-pedigreed, eugenics-blinded bigot.” Eugenics is often defined as the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. It was developed by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race. Only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis in World War II was the theory dismissed.

“All-American decency and idealism coexisted uncomfortably with these scientists’ equally American racism and closemindedness,” Troy writes.

I should also state that I find it kind of wrong that we are forcing 17-year-olds to take a test, and how they do on that test will forever affect their opportunities in life. It's actually, kind of bullshit.
As long as you have people promoting canards like that, it won’t be. It’s like anti-semitism, an ugly abscess that festers and breaks out into the open when the country is under stress. It is pus masquerading as excudite. Hatred clothed as reason.

The testosterone myth is a dead give away.
Have you HEARD the horrid antisemitism that ekes from JoeIB’s mouth? Just yesterday he bragged how he would never hire a Jew. And that’s mild compared to his other statements about Jews.

He’s adamantly opposed to bigotry, unless it‘s against Jews, in which case he promotes it.
Have you HEARD the horrid antisemitism that ekes from JoeIB’s mouth? Just yesterday he bragged how he would never hire a Jew. And that’s mild compared to his other statements about Jews.

He’s adamantly opposed to bigotry, unless it‘s against Jews, in which case he promotes it.
Religion is a choice.
Race is not.

If you believe absurd things and use them as an excuse for bad behavior, then YES, I WILL USE THAT AS A FACTOR IN HOW I DEAL WITH YOU!
The SAT was developed by racists, and it's bias is a large part of the problem.

"We still think there’s something wrong with the kids rather than recognizing there is something wrong with the tests," Ibram X. Kendi of the Antiracist Research & Policy Center at Boston University and author of How to be an Antiracist said in October 2020. "Standardized tests have become the most effective racist weapon ever devised to objectively degrade Black and Brown minds and legally exclude their bodies from prestigious schools."

In his essay “The Racist Origins of the SAT,” Gil Troy calls Brigham a “Pilgrim-pedigreed, eugenics-blinded bigot.” Eugenics is often defined as the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. It was developed by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race. Only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis in World War II was the theory dismissed.

“All-American decency and idealism coexisted uncomfortably with these scientists’ equally American racism and closemindedness,” Troy writes.

I should also state that I find it kind of wrong that we are forcing 17-year-olds to take a test, and how they do on that test will forever affect their opportunities in life. It's actually, kind of bullshit.
For decades the SAT has proved its ability to predict success in college. I have even read that when blacks and whites get identical scores, whites still tend to perform better. It cannot be said that blacks have abilities missed by the SAT that nevertheless make them good scholars.
No, that just shows you can't erase the effects of 400 years of systematic racism in a generation or two.
What happened to blacks 400 years does not effect their performance and behavior now.

Two thousand years of persecution culminating in the Holocaust has not prevented Jews from being the most accomplished 0.2% of the world's population.
Religion is a choice.
Race is not.

If you believe absurd things and use them as an excuse for bad behavior, then YES, I WILL USE THAT AS A FACTOR IN HOW I DEAL WITH YOU!
You are an admitted bigot. You have no place lecturing anyone about civil society.

“Because your religion isn't a race. I also wouldn't hire a Mormon, a Scientologist, or anyone else with fucked up religious beliefs.”
For decades the SAT has proved its ability to predict success in college. I have even read that when blacks and whites get identical scores, whites still tend to perform better. It cannot be said that blacks have abilities missed by the SAT that nevertheless make them good scholars.

The SAT does nothing of the sort. My niece got a perfect SAT Score, but she crashed and burned in a real college and had to settle for an associate's degree at a community college.

What happened to blacks 400 years does not effect their performance and behavior now.
Except it wasn't 400 years ago, it continued into my lifetime. Some would argue it still goes on now.

Two thousand years of persecution culminating in the Holocaust has not prevented Jews from being the most accomplished 0.2% of the world's population.

Oh, bullshit. Until recently, Jews have lived in poverty. The word Ghetto was meant to describe "Where the Jews Lived". The Rich Jews got out of Europe, the poor ones ended up in the gas chambers.

If you consider pissing off everyone you encounter to be an accomplishment, then yup, they are accomplished.


You are an admitted bigot. You have no place lecturing anyone about civil society.

“Because your religion isn't a race. I also wouldn't hire a Mormon, a Scientologist, or anyone else with fucked up religious beliefs.”
I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize the difference between bigotry and making a judgement call.

If you belong to a screwed up religion, there's something wrong with your brainpan. Sorry. Thankfully, we live in a time when religion is becoming increasingly less important.
In his essay “The Racist Origins of the SAT,” Gil Troy calls Brigham a “Pilgrim-pedigreed, eugenics-blinded bigot.” Eugenics is often defined as the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. It was developed by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race. Only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis in World War II was the theory dismissed.
It is ironic that the Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior demographic in existence has led to the delusion that there are no inferior demographics. Berkeley Professor Arthur Jensen put it very well when he said in an interview:

"Where the differences in basic characteristics are not conspicuous, as in the case of Asians and whites, and when persons can fit in and do the same kinds of jobs and do them as well as anyone else, it may work. See, there are blacks who fit in this way too — who do all right.

"But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

"People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75"


As computer technology and automation continue to eliminate jobs people of below average intelligence can learn, a growing percentage of people will be congenitally unemployable. Unless we adopt some form of eugenics they will join the unemployable underclass people who live off of welfare checks, and who often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from criminal activity.

Anyone who makes a scientific investigation of intelligence differences between individuals and average differences between races is going to become what is too frequently denounced as a racist.
It is ironic that the Nazi effort to exterminate the most superior demographic in existence has led to the delusion that there are no inferior demographics. Berkeley Professor Arthur Jensen put it very well when he said in an interview:

Not at all.

The only difference between the Holocaust and other genocides (Cambodia, Rwanda, Armenia) is that it was better documented.

The reason why we never hear about Japanese genocide in China is because the Chinese don't run Hollywood.

As computer technology and automation continue to eliminate jobs people of below average intelligence can learn, a growing percentage of people will be congenitally unemployable. Unless we adopt some form of eugenics they will join the unemployable underclass people who live off of welfare checks, and who often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from criminal activity.

Quite the contrary, computers make it easier for stupid people to work. Ever go to a McDonalds? They have those computerized Point of Sales systems that anyone can operate.
Not at all.

The only difference between the Holocaust and other genocides (Cambodia, Rwanda, Armenia) is that it was better documented.

The reason why we never hear about Japanese genocide in China is because the Chinese don't run Hollywood.

Quite the contrary, computers make it easier for stupid people to work. Ever go to a McDonalds? They have those computerized Point of Sales systems that anyone can operate.

I have heard plenty about Japanese genocide.

The following chart demonstrates that as the value of American production increases, factory jobs are declining in number. This is because factory workers are being replaced by industrial robots, which perform better with lower costs.

factoryjobs 2.jpg
The SAT does nothing of the sort. My niece got a perfect SAT Score, but she crashed and burned in a real college and had to settle for an associate's degree at a community college.

Except it wasn't 400 years ago, it continued into my lifetime. Some would argue it still goes on now.

Oh, bullshit. Until recently, Jews have lived in poverty. The word Ghetto was meant to describe "Where the Jews Lived". The Rich Jews got out of Europe, the poor ones ended up in the gas chambers.

If you consider pissing off everyone you encounter to be an accomplishment, then yup, they are accomplished.

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I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize the difference between bigotry and making a judgement call.

If you belong to a screwed up religion, there's something wrong with your brainpan. Sorry. Thankfully, we live in a time when religion is becoming increasingly less important.
Nope. Poor Jews poured in here by the millions in the first part of the 21st century - couldn’t speak English and without a dime to their name. Yet, by the next generation, they were all college graduates with a split-level out in the suburbs. That’s because of their positive traits and good values.

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