Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

I have heard plenty about Japanese genocide.
Really, where is the Schindler's List for 1940's China?

I think I've seen one movie about the Rape of Nanking, and it was mostly about how White People were bothered by it.

Nope. Poor Jews poured in here by the millions in the first part of the 21st century - couldn’t speak English and without a dime to their name. Yet, by the next generation, they were all college graduates with a split-level out in the suburbs. That’s because of their positive traits and good values.

the 21st Century?

Also, why do you think money-grubbing is a virtue. Now, seriously lapsed Catholic Boy that I am, the Psychos in Habits taught us that greed is a sin, not a virtue.
The following chart demonstrates that as the value of American production increases, factory jobs are declining in number. This is because factory workers are being replaced by industrial robots, which perform better with lower costs.

Okay, kind of meaningless. You clearly have never worked in manufacturing.

The reality is, most service jobs are the ones that don't require much brainpower.
This bullshit about an appropriate response after being attacked is just that...bullshit. if your nation is attacked, you have every right to destroy your attacker. Extermination. Extinction. Annihilation. Whatever you want to call it.
Okay, kind of meaningless. You clearly have never worked in manufacturing.

The reality is, most service jobs are the ones that don't require much brainpower.

I have never worked as a waiter. It can be intellectually demanding to keep track of what different customers have ordered.

In the Bell Curve Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray write:

"The point is one that should draw broad agreement from readers who have held menial jobs: Given the other necessary qualities of diligence and good spirits, intelligence helps. The really good bus boy is engaged in using g when he is solving the problems of his job, and the more g he has, the more quickly he comes up with the solutions and can call on them when appropriate."

I have never worked as a waiter. It can be intellectually demanding to keep track of what different customers have ordered.
that's why you write it down, dummy.

Of course, the real success to being a waiter or waitress is interpersonal skills, which I suspect you sorely lack.

In the Bell Curve Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray write:
So, um, where's the Peer review of their data?
What university is using it as a textbook?
Really, where is the Schindler's List for 1940's China?

I think I've seen one movie about the Rape of Nanking, and it was mostly about how White People were bothered by it.

the 21st Century?

Also, why do you think money-grubbing is a virtue. Now, seriously lapsed Catholic Boy that I am, the Psychos in Habits taught us that greed is a sin, not a virtue.
I meant 20th century, obviously.

And due to your extreme bigotry, you take a positive - a persecuted minority who is able to move from abject poverty to successful middle class life - as “money-grubbing.”

You have no business calling other people racists, you bigoted POS.
that's why you write it down, dummy.

Of course, the real success to being a waiter or waitress is interpersonal skills, which I suspect you sorely lack.
The fact that I avoid insults, name calling, and obscene words, and the fact that you depend on them suggests a different evaluation than yours about social skills.
Nope. Poor Jews poured in here by the millions in the first part of the 21st century - couldn’t speak English and without a dime to their name. Yet, by the next generation, they were all college graduates with a split-level out in the suburbs. That’s because of their positive traits and good values.
That is not true of all Jews. It is probably is true of most of them, and it proves that IQ matters.
I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize the difference between bigotry and making a judgement call.

If you belong to a screwed up religion, there's something wrong with your brainpan. Sorry. Thankfully, we live in a time when religion is becoming increasingly less important.
Not only is it blatant bigotry to not hire someone due to their religious beliefs but it’s also illegal. Since you are an educated scholar, you of course already know this.

Except they didn't say they were committing genocide, they say they were supporting it by investing in Israel, which is a completely valid complaint.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Or do you just repost crap from Twitter without reading it?
Yeah, a “completely valid complaint”.

Same thing people like you believed during Kristallnacht.

I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize the difference between bigotry and making a judgement call.

If you belong to a screwed up religion, there's something wrong with your brainpan. Sorry. Thankfully, we live in a time when religion is becoming increasingly less important.
How can members of "a screwed up religion" be so accomplished in every field requiring superior intelligence?
And due to your extreme bigotry, you take a positive - a persecuted minority who is able to move from abject poverty to successful middle class life - as “money-grubbing.”

Money Grubbing isn't a virtue. The ironic thing is you are proud of your money grubbing until someone calls you on it, in which case you scream about how you are being oppressed.

You have no business calling other people racists, you bigoted POS.
Sure I do. you aren't a race, you are a religion. You are more pasty-white than I am. (Because I'm 1/8th Cherokee, maybe.)

The fact that I avoid insults, name calling, and obscene words, and the fact that you depend on them suggests a different evaluation than yours about social skills.

Or get this... I know how to act professionally in a professional setting. But you are going to be a sad bigot all your life, and you really can't hide that.

Not only is it blatant bigotry to not hire someone due to their religious beliefs but it’s also illegal. Since you are an educated scholar, you of course already know this.
It's an academic point, since I am not in a hiring position, but believe me, if I see an interviewee is a religious crazy, I'm not hiring him. And trust me, it will all be "legal".
It's an academic point, since I am not in a hiring position, but believe me, if I see an interviewee is a religious crazy, I'm not hiring him. And trust me, it will all be "legal".
It doesn’t matter if it’s theoretical, it’s what your beliefs are. That’s why you are a bigot.

Bigotry is not dependent on acts or actions. It is a description of beliefs and prejudices, crack open your dictionary. I’m glad you are not in a position to act upon your bigotry.
It doesn’t matter if it’s theoretical, it’s what your beliefs are. That’s why you are a bigot.

Bigotry is not dependent on acts or actions. It is a description of beliefs and prejudices, crack open your dictionary. I’m glad you are not in a position to act upon your bigotry.
Not at all.

I don't believe Mormonism or Judaism (or any other religion) is the truth. Period. Full stop. I have every right to judge people on their crazy beliefs and whether or not I would want to work with a nut or not.
Money Grubbing isn't a virtue. The ironic thing is you are proud of your money grubbing until someone calls you on it, in which case you scream about how you are being oppressed.

Sure I do. you aren't a race, you are a religion. You are more pasty-white than I am. (Because I'm 1/8th Cherokee, maybe.)

Or get this... I know how to act professionally in a professional setting. But you are going to be a sad bigot all your life, and you really can't hide that.

It's an academic point, since I am not in a hiring position, but believe me, if I see an interviewee is a religious crazy, I'm not hiring him. And trust me, it will all be "legal".
Moving from abject poverty to the middle class isn’t money-grubbing, you antissemite. Only a Jew-hater like you would take something so admirable and twist it around to make it a negative.

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