Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

That is the real disconnect isn't it. Those who condemn Israel for being a Jewish state never condemn primarily Islamic countries, even those who mandate Sharia law for all.

They never condemn Islamic activists who demand concessions and accommodations for their faith in the public sphere but condemn Jews who defend their own destiny and right to exist while making demands of nobody else.

The warped mentality that passes for higher education these days would demand swift and terrible retribution against those who would disrespect or attack Muslims because they are Muslim but joins in with those who attack Jews for being Jews. And it seems to be incapable of seeing how immoral/racist that is.

Pity those who must have college degrees for their chosen occupations and appreciate the blessing those those who attend the few non-'woke' universities that are left.
Agree. The fact that the anti-Israel protestors are screaming “Death to Jews” proves the very tight overlap between being hostile to Israel and hateful of Jews.
The IQs of twins reared APART correlate more more closely than siblings reared together.

And even more closely than non related children raised together.
That is the real disconnect isn't it. Those who condemn Israel for being a Jewish state never condemn primarily Islamic countries, even those who mandate Sharia law for all.

They never condemn Islamic activists who demand concessions and accommodations for their faith in the public sphere but condemn Jews who defend their own destiny and right to exist while making demands of nobody else.

The warped mentality that passes for higher education these days would demand swift and terrible retribution against those who would disrespect or attack Muslims because they are Muslim but joins in with those who attack Jews for being Jews. And it seems to be incapable of seeing how immoral/racist that is.

Pity those who must have college degrees for their chosen occupations and appreciate the blessing for those who attend the few non-'woke' universities that are left.
Jews are resented for their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. Muslims give no reason to be resented for those reasons.
Jews are resented for their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. Muslims give no reason to be resented for those reasons.
That wasn't always the case. Long ago Islam was advancing greatly in both academics and technology and was growing at a tremendous rate. If they had not allowed legalism to shut down their intellect, they might indeed have taken over the world. But strict legalism whether Islamic, Christian, or whatever closes off minds to critical thinking and intellectual possibilities. And far too often encourages the worst of people to emerge.
A study shows some alarming data about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion staff, which average 45 staff members per institution and are made of up leftist anti-Israel and pro-Communist bigots. (Even more ironic is that they are overrepresented by POC who ostensibly seek to eradicate bigots.)

DEI promoted by intellectually honest people promotes color/ethnic/gender blindness and opens doors for all to have opportunity/right to compete for whatever. It demands no particular outcome, only that all are included in possibilities. It improves society by encouraging quality and excellence that is not determined by skin color or heritage but rather by individual initiative, work ethic, capability, inspiration.

DEI promoted by the 'woke' demands that some be disadvantaged so that the less capable, less qualified, less worthy can advance. It actually creates inequities and ultimately benefits very few. When DEI is 'woke' it can produce great evil.
DEI promoted by intellectually honest people promotes color/ethnic/gender blindness and opens doors for all to have opportunity/right to compete for whatever. It demands no particular outcome, only that all are included in possibilities. It improves society by encouraging quality and excellence that is not determined by skin color or heritage but rather by individual initiative, work ethic, capability, inspiration.

DEI promoted by the 'woke' demands that some be disadvantaged so that the less capable, less qualified, less worthy can advance. It actually creates inequities and ultimately benefits very few. When DEI is 'woke' it can produce great evil.
It’s a new name for Affirmative Action. Even bringing in Claudine Gay was due to DEI objectives.
That wasn't always the case. Long ago Islam was advancing greatly in both academics and technology and was growing at a tremendous rate. If they had not allowed legalism to shut down their intellect, they might indeed have taken over the world. But strict legalism whether Islamic, Christian, or whatever closes off minds to critical thinking and intellectual possibilities. And far too often encourages the worst of people to emerge.
That was a very long time ago. Unless Muslims have oil under their sand they are poor. That oil is drilled using devices invented in the West, in order to fuel vehicles invested in the west. History passed the Muslims by. It is not coming back, unless woke people in the West let it.
That was a very long time ago. Unless Muslims have oil under their sand they are poor. That oil is drilled using devices invented in the West, in order to fuel vehicles invested in the west. History passed the Muslims by. It is not coming back, unless woke people in the West let it.
But it was rigid and inflexible thinking that killed Islamic advances. It is rigid and inflexible thinking that keeps Islamic people in their places and produces the evil we see coming from legalistic/militant Islam.

The very same thing will happen via 'woke' mentality in the USA if we allow it to continue to control our thoughts, minds, actions, reactions as a people. "Wokeism' is just as destructive to critical thinking, open minds, and advancement of human thought and accomplishment.
Race realism has been denounced. It has never been "debunked."

Actually, it's been completely debunked, which is why no University has a "Department of Race Realism". They all do have Departments of Black studies, though.

The different races differ significantly in average intelligence, as well as criminal and sexual behavior. They also differ in average brain size and testosterone levels.

So now you are claiming higher intelligence is the reason for your low testosterone levels? This becomes more and more about your inadequacies every time you open your mouth.

High brain size correlates positively with high intelligence. High testosterone correlates positively with high crime crime rates. This indicates that non cosmetic racial differences are genetically caused.
Actually Murray's studies on brain size were debunked when Gould found he falsified his data.
One of the few social experiments in the United States that has worked is the rise in incarceration. It reduced the crime rate.

Well, no, it didn't. The Crime rate has fluctuated all through history, often connected with demographics and economics.

The recent decline in the crime rate has to do more with Baby Boomers aging out of the "Doing dumb-ass shit" stage of life.

The high cost of incarceration can be reduced by the thorough exploitation of prison labor, the frequent use of capital and corporal punishment, and the end to educational and recreational opportunities.

Again, only if you are a barbarian. Most of the rest of the civilized world has abolished these things, and they have nowhere near our crime rates, and YES some of those countries have blacks living in them.

Joseph Stalin proved that a prison system can be run at a profit to the government.
Professor Arthur Jensen has pointed out that one fourth of the Negro population has IQ's of 75 or below.
But since he's been debunked as a charlatan, we can safely ignore him.
Young black men frequently destroy their own lives with their dysfunctional behavior. The destroy the lives of others with their high crime rates, especially their high murder rates.

And white people don't? Have you been to poor white places in rural America where they are all on meth?
You do not prove that by asserting it. Genes for intelligence and crime have been discovered. Further discoveries are on the way.
ok---name a few
I guess it depends how you define brain function. But study after study shows that intelligence is largely an inherited trait. Let’s call it 50-50.
yes---inherited but OVERALL---no racial differences
I guess it depends how you define brain function. But study after study shows that intelligence is largely an inherited trait. Let’s call it 50-50.
It's a trick of the various IQ tests which actually do not measure all aspects of
"Intelligence" --just how well a kid will do
in school. There were published studies in
Israel that pertain to this topic. Some kids ---
like the Yemenites---tended not to do well on
the standard tests. They missed ideas like----
the distance from point A to point B ----is
equal to the distance of point B to point A---
somehow that deficit actually seemed CULTURAL ---If I remember correctly --the
Iraqi kids got it right. There is a lot of
CORRELATION rather than CAUSATION in the
"STANDARD BINET" <<< excuse the expression. (PS---my yemenite is very smart---
even though he was never introduced to long
That wasn't always the case. Long ago Islam was advancing greatly in both academics and technology and was growing at a tremendous rate. If they had not allowed legalism to shut down their intellect, they might indeed have taken over the world. But strict legalism whether Islamic, Christian, or whatever closes off minds to critical thinking and intellectual possibilities. And far too often encourages the worst of people to emerge.
Islam was only advancing because it hadn't assimilated the secular and Christian people of the Eastern Roman Empire yet. As assimilation progressed advances ceased and even reversed. By the 1600s Europeans had far surpassed the Islamics and the rate of difference was accelerating and has been to this day.
That was a very long time ago. Unless Muslims have oil under their sand they are poor. That oil is drilled using devices invented in the West, in order to fuel vehicles invested in the west. History passed the Muslims by. It is not coming back, unless woke people in the West let it.
And the oil fields are almost exclusively run by ex-pat westerners.
ok---name a few

Scientists just found 40 new genes that affect your IQ​

Jun 22, 2017

A scientific breakthrough has revealed the extent to which human intelligence is determined by our genes.
A recent study of almost 80,000 people – 60,000 adults and 20,000 children – uncovered 40 new genes that are linked to intelligence. This brings the number of genes known to have a bearing on our IQs to 52.


Scientists just found 40 new genes that affect your IQ​

Jun 22, 2017

A scientific breakthrough has revealed the extent to which human intelligence is determined by our genes.
A recent study of almost 80,000 people – 60,000 adults and 20,000 children – uncovered 40 new genes that are linked to intelligence. This brings the number of genes known to have a bearing on our IQs to 52.

when the study gets to either "THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE" or
"LANCET" let me know. And keep in mind---
Name calling is the lowest form of discourse. You specialize in it because you are unable to debate rationally.

Race realism has been denounced. It has never been "debunked." The different races differ significantly in average intelligence, as well as criminal and sexual behavior. They also differ in average brain size and testosterone levels.

High brain size correlates positively with high intelligence. High testosterone correlates positively with high crime crime rates. This indicates that non cosmetic racial differences are genetically caused.
I agree, but at least he contributed a new word to my vocabulary, "douchenoodle." I have real problems with the balance of your post, even if I frequently agree with you. I believe all people are entitled to be evaluated on their merits.
I agree, but at least he contributed a new word to my vocabulary, "douchenoodle." I have real problems with the balance of your post, even if I frequently agree with you. I believe all people are entitled to be evaluated on their merits.

So do I.
I agree, but at least he contributed a new word to my vocabulary, "douchenoodle." I have real problems with the balance of your post, even if I frequently agree with you. I believe all people are entitled to be evaluated on their merits.
there are no RACIAL differences between BRAINS---none have
been found AT ALL----potential is the same WORLD OVER
there are no RACIAL differences between BRAINS---none have
been found AT ALL----potential is the same WORLD OVER
The different races differ in average brain size and intelligence. The only reason this is controversial is because the truth has been suppressed for two generations.

The lower average intelligence of Negroes can be demonstrated by the fact that they tend to perform less well on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed. Blacks from affluent families tend to perform less well than whites from poor families.

SAT 3.gif

Blacks tend to perform less well academically, even when they attend the same schools whites attend.

Nowhere in the world is there a black majority, black run country with a high standard of living, a low crime rate, and a well functioning government. Nowhere in the the United States is there a black majority neighborhood any sensible person of any race wants to walk through after dark.


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