Any Democrat or Lefty

Don't lefties think jobs are optional. The government provides everything because they captured a magic leprechaun.
Don't lefties think jobs are optional. The government provides everything because they captured a magic leprechaun.

Of course they are
Only Conservatives actually work

I get Free Stuff
I just flash my Liberal Card, wink and I get all kinds of Free Stuff
Free food, drinks at the bar and lap dances at Titty Bars
A job is providing a good or service for compensation
That job creates wealth
Yes, but these are not answers to the questions.
What is a job?
Who creates them?

It's basic stuff. For example why do we have air traffic controllers? We didn't in 1860, so why are they there now?
It ain't partisan in any case. Why not ask just anyone? Oh, you're here to further divide us. Gee, thanks jerk, as always!
Wow, you people either can't or just refuse to answer the most basic questions.

Seriously why are jobs created?

Who creates them?

This is very easy to answer.....
OK, either you're stupid or trolling.

Again, why would Google have a job for a janitor? Did the free market just say hey Google Needs a janitor?

Sorry Skippy
But if there is no market for your goods or services there is no need for the job

Google provides a service that sponsors pay for.
A Janitor provides auxiliary services to those who work there

If Google ceases to exist, so does that Janitor job
Sorry Skippy
But if there is no market for your goods or services there is no need for the job

Google provides a service that sponsors pay for.
A Janitor provides auxiliary services to those who work there

If Google ceases to exist, so does that Janitor job
Right, but why does Google want a janitor?
Can any of you tell me the purpose of a job? Why do they exist in the first place? Who creates them?
To accomplish a task. To make money in most cases, as sub-division of labor. If I start a business, it is me who creates them.
No the free market creates conditions for them, who actually determines if the job is needed?

If you offer a good or service that nobody wants that job will be quickly dismissed

The Free Market sets the requirement
To accomplish a task. To make money in most cases, as sub-division of labor. If I start a business, it is me who creates them.
Blind, THANK YOU......that is correct. The answer to who creates jobs is anyone who needs work done, but doesn't want to do it themselves......BINGO!!!!
Blind, THANK YOU......that is correct. The answer to who creates jobs is anyone who needs work done, but doesn't want to do it themselves......BINGO!!!!
So the answer is. I dont' want to mow my lawn, I hire someone to do it, that creates a job. If they mow 100 lawns a week, they will need people to help mow, and they create jobs, this is how jobs work. It's not some govt program that says we need x amount of jobs. And Jobs are not created to make sure you have a living wage.

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