Any Democrat or Lefty

Yes, many jobs are make-work. They may long generate little to no profit. Not all are money grubbing assholes. Most are. Loopholes allow IRS requirements to be poorly reflected on paper. Bill or Melinda can still keep their children busy doing nothing their entire lives by having a "Charitable Foundation" for example.
So, President's don't create jobs? If you're going to say they do...please explain how.
They can create conditions to create jobs, they can create a few for their staff if needed, but in general they can't just say I want 400 jobs in Memphis, TN.

It's like mayors, even the most leftwing mayors will give tax breaks like candy to get jobs moved in (The whole AOC debacle where she didn't know what a tax break was is an example). so that's the condition, but if Amazon didn't need to create a new factory, there are no jobs to give tax breaks for.
Yes, many jobs are make-work. They may long generate little to no profit. Not all are money grubbing assholes. Most are. Loopholes allow IRS requirements to be poorly reflected on paper. Bill or Melinda can still keep their children busy doing nothing their entire lives by having a "Charitable Foundation" for example.

An employer makes a profit off of every job. If not, they terminate that job
They can create conditions to create jobs, they can create a few for their staff if needed, but in general they can't just say I want 400 jobs in Memphis, TN.

It's like mayors, even the most leftwing mayors will give tax breaks like candy to get jobs moved in (The whole AOC debacle where she didn't know what a tax break was is an example). so that's the condition, but if Amazon didn't need to create a new factory, there are no jobs to give tax breaks for.
You've contradicted yourself.

Consumers create jobs in that case. If a bunch of folks in a neighborhood are ordering pizza (lets say a college town), the pizza parlor expands.

So...using your post just now as a logic...if we had more folks in college, we'd likely have more folks ordering pizza right--thus creating jobs.
So the answer is. I dont' want to mow my lawn, I hire someone to do it, that creates a job. If they mow 100 lawns a week, they will need people to help mow, and they create jobs, this is how jobs work. It's not some govt program that says we need x amount of jobs. And Jobs are not created to make sure you have a living wage.
Well no. I want to make money. So I use my capital to buy some lawn equipment and hand out some flyers to x amount of homes. You pick up my flyer and decide to call and I get a paying customer. If I do a good enough job and I get enough paying customers I can hire someone to cut grass for me while I look for more paying customers......or whatever it is I'm selling. Of course it's a cut throat business and I'll probably have to hire a crew of, green card workers to turn a profit........
You've contradicted yourself.

Consumers create jobs in that case. If a bunch of folks in a neighborhood are ordering pizza (lets say a college town), the pizza parlor expands.

So...using your post just now as a logic...if we had more folks in college, we'd likely have more folks ordering pizza right--thus creating jobs.
No, not true Candy. That lawn mower is getting the business, they determine if they can do the work, if not they hire someone. It's basic.
Even then, they can’t exist if they are losing money on each employee
You've now moved your goalposts from making a profit to losing money. Misses the point regardless. An employer can take legal loopholes and retain non-profit generating employees just as long as they can afford to, which can often be a lifetime.
No, not true Candy. That lawn mower is getting the business, they determine if they can do the work, if not they hire someone. It's basic. stated that Presidents can create jobs because they "create conditions". Are President's the only ones who "create conditions"? Hurricanes create conditions for jobs too...

And I've demonstrated how a group of people can create conditions to create jobs.

Good luck getting out of the box you made for yourself.
Specification of labor and the need for trade create jobs. A job is created when an individual agrees to do the work for something in exchange, not when there is a need.

Unless you want to grow your own food and provide all the necessities you need in life (like Xbox games and selfies) then you need to trade your labor for those things. stated that Presidents can create jobs because they "create conditions". Are President's the only ones who "create conditions"? Hurricanes create conditions for jobs too...

And I've demonstrated how a group of people can create conditions to create jobs.

Good luck getting out of the box you made for yourself.
You're a moron. Lots of things create conditions. It's not a hard concept, those who need work done, create jobs......I don't see how hard it is for you to grasp.
They can create conditions to create jobs, they can create a few for their staff if needed, but in general they can't just say I want 400 jobs in Memphis, TN.

It's like mayors, even the most leftwing mayors will give tax breaks like candy to get jobs moved in (The whole AOC debacle where she didn't know what a tax break was is an example). so that's the condition, but if Amazon didn't need to create a new factory, there are no jobs to give tax breaks for.

Interesting, let's look back as far as Carter...

Under Democratic presidents...

55,546,000 jobs total, 210,402 monthly

Under Republican presidents...

17,507,000 jobs total, 60,788 monthly

Specification of labor and the need for trade create jobs. A job is created when an individual agrees to do the work for something in exchange, not when there is a need.

Unless you want to grow your own food and provide all the necessities you need in life (like Xbox games and selfies) then you need to trade your labor for those things.
Since late 2012, when I could no longer do my "job," I've worked for myself every day. Sometimes I consider it work or a job, sometimes not. Other than a bit of cash now and then, never any money exchanged, just saving myself from having to spend any money. Now I'm officially retired, so generate income without lifting a finger. Yet I still work. Every day.

A job is created when I (an individual) agree to do the work for something in exchange (to save myself money and be sure it's done right), not necessarily when there is a need.
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Wages have been stagnet for years,
Can any of you tell me the purpose of a job? Why do they exist in the first place? Who creates them?
Tell you what.

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Add up all the private payroll jobs gained during GOP administrations going back to 1989...

Tell us what you find.

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