Any Problem with This Particular Biden Lie? [abortion]

Biden is NOT lying, Republicans are lying. What Republicans are telling the American people is just more lies. Don't believe what they say about abortion, watch what they DO.

Republicans in Arizona are shocked, shocked I tell you, that the 1860's ban has been upheld. But given the opportunity to repeal that law, in the state legislature twice since the 1860's law was reinstated, and on both occasions, Republicans voted to KEEP the ban.

The Texas law purports to allow for exceptions to the heartbeat ban, but when a woman went to court to get an exception for her ectopic pregnancy, which is not a viable pregnancy and always ends in the death of the fetus, and is always life threatening to the mother, the judge refused to grant the abortion because the mother's life wasn't in danger right this second.

Republican Senators in Washington, refused to pass a law protecting IVF which Republicans also claim to be in favour of.

No matter what Republicans are saying, what they are doing is killing women.

Poor little foreign commie bitch, you seem to be confusing State and federal powers, quite simply, the feds have no power on abortion, that belongs strictly to the States. So just SFTU.

The claim is that (a) Trump and the Republicans want to make abortion illegal in the entire country?
Why, of course, it is true. That is the danger of electing more Republicans this year. Everybody knows that.

I see you didn't bother to read paragraph 4 in the OP either. The feds have no power over abortion, it's a State level issue.

Poor little foreign commie bitch, you seem to be confusing State and federal powers, quite simply, the feds have no power on abortion, that belongs strictly to the States. So just SFTU.

You think that situation is going to help elect repubs? You better guess again, traitor.
I see you didn't bother to read paragraph 4 in the OP either. The feds have no power over abortion, it's a State level issue.

And, you are saying, that has nothing to do with Republicans wanting top down control, easy answer for all situation, regardless of the doctors, patients, wives, husbands, see as most competent onsite decisions closest to the actual individual situation?
You think that situation is going to help elect repubs? You better guess again, traitor.

Perhaps you should spend some time reading the Constitution. My reading of it and the courts decision is flawless. Please explain how that would in any way constitute treason. Commie.

And, you are saying, that has nothing to do with Republicans wanting top down control, easy answer for all situation, regardless of the doctors, patients, wives, husbands, see as most competent onsite decisions closest to the actual individual situation?

Not all States fall within your broad brush assertion. Different States have different standards, even republican controlled States. Personally I oppose all convenience abortions, it's basically telling women they have no responsibility for their actions. The life of a child is worth much more than letting them off the hook.

Perhaps you should spend some time reading the Constitution. My reading of it and the courts decision is flawless. Please explain how that would in any way constitute treason. Commie.

This per se has nothing to do with you being a traitor. Your support of Donald Trump makes you a traitor, boy. Now try to dispute what I said regarding the abortion ruling and the upcoming election. On the one hand trump says let the states decide then he turns around and says what Arizona decided is too harsh. Same with Kari Lake. Because repubs are so stupid, they never thought ahead to think what type of dilemmas this might put them in. It's so much fun to watch!
Not all States fall within your broad brush assertion. Different States have different standards, even republican controlled States. Personally I oppose all convenience abortions, it's basically telling women they have no responsibility for their actions. The life of a child is worth much more than letting them off the hook.

Says you, a man. But I thank you for screwing yourselves over for the upcoming election.
This per se has nothing to do with you being a traitor. Your support of Donald Trump makes you a traitor, boy. Now try to dispute what I said regarding the abortion ruling and the upcoming election. On the one hand trump says let the states decide then he turns around and says what Arizona decided is too harsh. Same with Kari Lake. Because repubs are so stupid, they never thought ahead to think what type of dilemmas this might put them in. It's so much fun to watch!

Well poor little commie, last I heard, a personal opinion doesn't alter law. It's up to the AZ legislature and governor if they want to change the law. That's the whole point of federalism. BTW I didn't vote for Trump this year, but I probably will in Nov. xiden's handlers are running this country into the ground and I won't vote to continue that.

After all the talk about abortion being murder and now, suddenly, Republicans are fine with murdering babies? Yea, that’s bullshit.

Hypothetically speaking, if 40 states voted to allow abortion, would conservatives be ok with that? “Hey we left it up to the states, and the people in those states decided that they want to murder babies, and that’s perfectly fine with us. Go ahead and murder those babies. Murder as many of them as you like.”

I don’t believe that for a second. You’re not ok with leaving it up to the states. You guys will pass a national abortion ban the first chance you get.

"President" Biden is flooding the airwaves with advertisements that openly and blatantly lie about the Trump/Republican position on abortion.

The claim is that (a) Trump and the Republicans want to make abortion illegal in the entire country, and (b) Biden will pass a law protecting abortion rights.

Both of these assertions is manifestly false.

The Dobbs decision makes it abundantly clear that abortion is not a matter for the Federal government, and ANY law on the subject, one way or another, would be unconstitutional. Accordingly, there is no Republican push to create or pass such a law, and President Trump has publicly stated that he and the Republicans are totally on board with the Dobbs decision: it's up to the States.

These are not my opinions. They are facts. Biden is lying, and there are scores of Democrat Congressional candidates who are pushing the same lies.

As always, Democrats depend on the stupidity of the voters.
What is the Trump/Republican position on Abortion?

"President" Biden is flooding the airwaves with advertisements that openly and blatantly lie about the Trump/Republican position on abortion.

The claim is that (a) Trump and the Republicans want to make abortion illegal in the entire country, and (b) Biden will pass a law protecting abortion rights.

Both of these assertions is manifestly false.

The Dobbs decision makes it abundantly clear that abortion is not a matter for the Federal government, and ANY law on the subject, one way or another, would be unconstitutional. Accordingly, there is no Republican push to create or pass such a law, and President Trump has publicly stated that he and the Republicans are totally on board with the Dobbs decision: it's up to the States.

These are not my opinions. They are facts. Biden is lying, and there are scores of Democrat Congressional candidates who are pushing the same lies.

As always, Democrats depend on the stupidity of the voters.

It will be made illegal in some states, forcing women to travel to another state to receive the medical care that they need to end their pregnancies. Most women of modest means don't have the resources to get out of work and cover the cost of traveling to another state, so many women will have to remain pregnant for nine months and give birth to children they don't want. Early in pregnancy what was attached to her uterus wasn't a child, but after nine months of gestation, she gave birth to an unwanted child, that will be forced into foster care or into the arms of an impoverished single mother who doesn't want that baby.


My mom didn't want me. She treated me like crap.



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How is that "pro-life"? You use the heavy hand of state governments to force women to remain pregnant for nine months and give birth to children they can't afford or even want to raise. Republican conservatives pretend to care about embryos and fetuses in strangers' wombs, until they're born and become babies needing government assistance. These "pro-life" champions of fetuses, defund government programs that help single mothers raise their children.

They cut food stamps, housing and cash assistance, maternity healthcare (Medicaid), child daycare programs, afterschool programs, school lunch programs, public transit vouchers..etc. They defund everything that would help a single mother of modest means raise the child she was forced to give birth to.

I agree with the pro-lifers, about abortions of convenience being immoral. But what is more immoral is to force women to remain pregnant for nine months when you're not willing to provide needed social services to them. When you refuse to develop the national infrastructure to meet the needs of these women and their children.

You holy rollers have no problem forcing a woman to remain pregnant for nine full months, with all of the risks and costs involved (pregnancy is hazardous, it comes with health risks and can even endanger a woman's life, not to speak of the monetary costs of pregnancy). If she loses her job as a result of her pregnancy, your response is "oh well, too bad for her and the baby she's going to give birth to". No, that's wrong hence if you're not willing to help these single moms, then don't presume you have the right or authority to force them to remain pregnant. Spare us your crocodile tears about fetuses in strangers' uteruses.

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Ignorance seems to have no bounds.

The Dobbs decision did not rule that abortion is a state issue. It simply ruled it was not a Constitutionally protected right. The court specifically noted that they were not ruling that the Federal government could not pass a law banning abortion.

They did not say they would allow any law to stand either but their ruling was a simple one that stated abortion was not federally protected Constitutional right.

Trump even noted he would consider a 16 week ban.

Former President Donald Trump on Friday refused to rule out a 16-week nationwide abortion ban

Now I really do not expect Trump to understand Supreme Court rulings so there is that and he has pretty much gave that idea up now that he has seen the idea to be a political loser for him, the Supreme Court never ruled that a federal ban or support could not be passed.
Republican choice. If their vision for the future, is a top down, all rules hard and fast, one size fits all, with no recourse but to live with it, die with, or face jail time, along with anybody that helps a girl or woman escape for medical care, but the majority of Americans are just not inclined to give their lives to the state, it is the Republican choice. Women and girls may not be worthy to choose, again as cannot be trusted to know what is best for themselves, their life, or reproductive future, in many states or possibly across the country, as only elected Republicans are worthy of choice, and they have chosen. The only thing normal Americans have is choice at the ballot box. Of course, the Republicans are looking at ways of restricting or taking control of that from the top, also. But, this November, the people will still have a say, on whether to choose to put Republicans and their policies in place over them. They should choose wisely.
yea yea democrats are just so wonderful....they think one size fits all too....their size...
Poor little foreign commie bitch, you seem to be confusing State and federal powers, quite simply, the feds have no power on abortion, that belongs strictly to the States. So just SFTU.


You’re playing word games with women’s lives. 80% of the women who are dying from the complications of pregnancy and childbirth could be saved if you had reasonable and sane medical policies for women.

This isn’t a states rights issue. It’s a women’s rights issue and women have the right to life saving healthcare regardless of where they live.

This is a women’s rights issue. Period. End of story.
What is the Trump/Republican position on Abortion?

Trump recently stated his position that it should be a state by state matter, which is also my stance too. Some repubs agree with that and some don't, many want a full-on abortion ban while others are less restrictive. At the federal level I don't believe it matters cuz neither political party is going to get 60 votes to pass abortion legislation through the Senate no matter what it says.
Trump recently stated his position that it should be a state by state matter, which is also my stance too.
See, that isn’t a position. That is a strategy.

If you could set the state policy on abortion in the state where you live...what would it be. That is what voters want to know.
Trump recently stated his position that it should be a state by state matter, which is also my stance too. Some repubs agree with that and some don't, many want a full-on abortion ban while others are less restrictive. At the federal level I don't believe it matters cuz neither political party is going to get 60 votes to pass abortion legislation through the Senate no matter what it says.

I love how all of the men here are talking about the abortion in an abstract way, like 1200 women aren't dying each year because of lack of proper pre-natal care, and yes, that includes abortion.

80% of these lives could have been saved if hospitals weren't afraid to treat women having miscarriages.

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