Any reason we should expect Obamacare itself, to work any better than its website?

Obamacare is already working.

You can't be refused coverage due to PECs
You have no lifetime maximums
And you kids can stay on the insurance you have until they're 26

Been working fine for a while now.

Have a good night.
Cost will go down $2,500
oh never mind

Obama also made this promise:

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

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I thought every American had a pre-exsisting condition, hey at least 1/2 the nation does being they voted for Obama.
Any reason we should expect Obamacare itself, to work any better than its website?

They can't get a website right. How are they going to set prices, policies and procedures for 1/6th of the economy?

LA Times: Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out

Thousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare will cost them — and many don't like what they see.

These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years.

Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc.

Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month. She and her husband don't qualify for federal premium subsidies because they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.

Pam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.

"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.

Nearly 2 million Californians have individual insurance, and several hundred thousand of them are losing their health plans in a matter of weeks.

Blue Shield of California sent termination letters to 119,000 customers last month whose plans don't meet the new federal requirements. About two-thirds of those people will experience a rate increase from switching to a new health plan, according to the company.
Hey, of course it will succeed! just look at the success of the Stimulus, Bail Outs, Fast & Furious, The Volt, and the 100 Billion spent on Solar Panels!
Indiana School District Faces $6 Million In Costs From ObamaCare, Cutting Hours For Workers

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Obamacare is already working.

You can't be refused coverage due to PECs
You have no lifetime maximums
And you kids can stay on the insurance you have until they're 26

Been working fine for a while now.

Have a good night.

I for one, am shocked

[ame=]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Papa Obama lied
Health care plans died
We should thank the TeaPs for all of their constructive criticism of the website.

The focus is getting it up to specs, and that is happening.

And, of course, that puts the TeaPs out of business in the long run.
Union Letter: Obamacare Will ‘Destroy The Very Health and Wellbeing’ of Workers

On behalf of the millions of working men and women we represent and the families they support, we can no longer stand silent in the face of elements of the Affordable Care Act that will destroy the very health and wellbeing of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans.

We believe that there are common-sense corrections that can be made within the existing statute that will allow our members to continue to keep their current health plans and benefits just as you and the President pledged. Unless changes are made, however, that promise is hollow.

We continue to stand behind real health care reform, but the law as it stands will hurt millions of Americans including the members of our respective unions.

We are looking to you to make sure these changes are made.

James P. Hoffa
General President
International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Joseph Hansen
International President

D. Taylor

Hey, of course it will succeed! just look at the success of the Stimulus, Bail Outs, Fast & Furious, The Volt, and the 100 Billion spent on Solar Panels!

The far left and other Papa Obama apologists have set the bar lower
by pinning their hopes on the website being fixed.

But, as a consultant points out, they are in panic mode:

National Journal
"Dem Party is F****d." That was the subject line of an email sent to me Sunday by a senior Democratic consultant with strong ties to the White House and Capitol Hill. The body of the email contained a link to this Los Angeles Times story about Obamacare "sticker shock:"

"These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years."

"Although recent criticism of the healthcare law has focused on website glitches and early enrollment snags, experts say sharp price increases for individual policies have the greatest potential to erode public support for President Obama's signature legislation."
My question was and still is this:

Once the majority of folks get kicked off of perfectly good healthcare plans and then Barrycare fails in a major way, that means the private industry will have to pick up the slack again. The costs of starting over, and then the people excluded for pre-existing conditions will create a whole new mess. What then?

I don't see any kind of good end to this, even knowing a good end wasn't in the plan.
My question was and still is this:

Once the majority of folks get kicked off of perfectly good healthcare plans and then Barrycare fails in a major way, that means the private industry will have to pick up the slack again. The costs of starting over, and then the people excluded for pre-existing conditions will create a whole new mess. What then?

I don't see any kind of good end to this, even knowing a good end wasn't in the plan.

Never waste a crisis,,,,

as the problems start to build
the extreme left and Papa Obama apologists
are starting to call for - single payer-

what a big surprise

All this crap was never about Healthcare or being afforable
it was about getting more of the gov't 'foot in door'

PapaObama lied
Health care plans died
Do we have any reason to expect Obamacare itself, to work any better than its crash-prone, balky, nearly useless website?

Well, who was the website written by?

It was written by a professional website company. One with some experience in writing websites, whom you would think would know some of the more obvious problems to avoid. Of course, their past accomplishments include writing Canada's gun registry website and software, which had so many problems and worked so poorly that the Canadian government dumped it. But at least it was a company whose business was writing websites.

And the result was the debacle everyone is seeing.

And, who wrote Obamacare?

Not insurance companies. And not people who are used to managing large companies, or people who have any experience with eithe medical care or insurance.

Obamacare was written by politicians. People with no experience, except in writing laws and doing the horsetrading needed to get others to pass them. And worse, politicians with a particularly weird philosophy: The idea that people who have have no competition, will still work as hard as those who do have competition, to improve their product, cut costs, and please their customers.

While an argument can be made that the people who wrote the website had SOME impetus to do a good job and the background to at least try, there is no reason to think thatt the people putting together Obamacare itselff, have either the motivattion or the knowledge and experience to make ANYTHING work right.

Don't like the poor performance off the Obamacare Federal website? Count your blessings.

The website might turn out to be the BEST part of Obamacare we're going to see... and it will all be downhill from here.
Technically speaking, all legislation is written by politician. To suggest that insurance companies had no part in it is ridiculous. The insurance companies were the most power lobby in crafting the legislation. The ACA will be a windfall for these companies. Billions of dollars will flow into insurance companies as a result of this legislation.

The problems in the federal web site have nothing to do the legislation. State designed and managed web sites such is in California, Oregon, Washington have experience relatively few problems compared to the federal web site and are registering tens of thousands of buyers with few problems.

There are a number of technical problems on the federal website. One being the data hub is overloaded with traffic, which supposedly has been fixed but there are also some design problems. One of the problems I notice is you must go through the entire registration process which is rather long just to see the prices and details of the plans. They have made an attempt to fix it by adding an option on the home page to see all plans. However, this option only displays the names of the plans and the cost with no details which makes it pretty useless.

The administration should certainly be held responsible for the poor performance of the web site, but the problems on web site have little to do with the law. I have no doubt that the federal web site will be running satisfactory within a few weeks and that there will be a number of enhancements before it opens in Oct 2014. The same thing happened when the Medicare website opened.
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So it will cost taxpayers more than $630 million for Health and Human Services contracts with CGI
and they could not get this one thing, the website done correctly?

well all things considered
not bad for a gov't program

No doubt senior vice president at CGI Federal will sit down with her friend Michelle Obama
and discuss this issue.
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And you kids can stay on the insurance you have until they're 26

Unless your plan gets cancelled, as hundreds of thousands have.
The main reason insurers have discontinued these plans is that the policies fall short of what the Affordable Care Act requires starting Jan. 1. By all accounts, the replacement policies will offer consumers better coverage, in some cases, for comparable cost -- especially after the inclusion of federal subsidies for those who qualify.

Thousands Of Consumers Get Insurance Cancellation Notices Due To Health Law Changes - Kaiser Health News
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