Any Remorse Yet?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Right now I'm talking to all of the democrats on this message board and all the in-betweeners as well. Some of you on here are really nice people personally Slade3200 and I do believe White 6 come to mind right now,.. but I don't really understand your politics. Except I sort of somewhat have an understanding where Slade3200 stands now, so I'm not really asking him this question, but for the rest of you, how can you remain a democrat or side with a lot of or some of their policies or have personally voted for them as you can now see how badly they damaged this country?

Do you have any remorse about it now? Have any of you decided to switch to Republican because of it? Now, these are legit questions as I'm not trying to mock or ridicule you in this thread so I expect to be treated the same. Oh and I would never do that anyways to the two posters I tagged. :)
Right now I'm talking to all of the democrats on this message board and all the in-betweeners as well. Some of you on here are really nice people personally Slade3200 and I do believe White 6 come to mind right now,.. but I don't really understand your politics. Except I sort of somewhat have an understanding where Slade3200 stands now, so I'm not really asking him this question, but for the rest of you, how can you remain a democrat or side with a lot of or some of their policies or have personally voted for them as you can now see how badly they damaged this country?

Do you have any remorse about it now? Have any of you decided to switch to Republican because of it? Now, these are legit questions as I'm not trying to mock or ridicule you in this thread so I expect to be treated the same. Oh and I would never do that anyways to the two posters I tagged. :)

Frankly, there is very little difference, meaningful difference, between our two main political parties these days or at any time really in American history past. Both 'sides' of the aisle worship gold and power, and candidates on both sides will do anything to fire up their voting bases and lead them at quickstep down the nearest highway to Hell. People—the masses—are easier to deceive than ever because they want to be deceived, lied to, gaslighted and manipulated. Government has become GOD and everyone everywhere dances merrily in tune to whatever new sheet music our media and elected leaders put out there. There are no good guys left and the world is slip-sliding away into irreversible collapse and everyone is on board with it. As long as we have our smart devices, social media, drugs, porn, sports, gambling, etc. then the devil can do as the devil chooses and no one will resist much.
Right now I'm talking to all of the democrats on this message board and all the in-betweeners as well. Some of you on here are really nice people personally Slade3200 and I do believe White 6 come to mind right now,.. but I don't really understand your politics. Except I sort of somewhat have an understanding where Slade3200 stands now, so I'm not really asking him this question, but for the rest of you, how can you remain a democrat or side with a lot of or some of their policies or have personally voted for them as you can now see how badly they damaged this country?

Do you have any remorse about it now? Have any of you decided to switch to Republican because of it? Now, these are legit questions as I'm not trying to mock or ridicule you in this thread so I expect to be treated the same. Oh and I would never do that anyways to the two posters I tagged. :)
In real America I'm sure there are those with buyers remorse.
On this board you won't get any to be honest enough to admit that Biden has been a mess
Right now I'm talking to all of the democrats on this message board and all the in-betweeners as well. Some of you on here are really nice people personally Slade3200 and I do believe White 6 come to mind right now,.. but I don't really understand your politics. Except I sort of somewhat have an understanding where Slade3200 stands now, so I'm not really asking him this question, but for the rest of you, how can you remain a democrat or side with a lot of or some of their policies or have personally voted for them as you can now see how badly they damaged this country?

Do you have any remorse about it now? Have any of you decided to switch to Republican because of it? Now, these are legit questions as I'm not trying to mock or ridicule you in this thread so I expect to be treated the same. Oh and I would never do that anyways to the two posters I tagged. :)
White6 is one of the biggest dicks on this forum. He's got you fooled. I used to defend him too.
Right now I'm talking to all of the democrats on this message board
Remorse for what? Acting in a moral and intelligent fashion? Electing good people? Not falling for the same incredibly stupid cult lies that a bleating herd animal like you fell for? Opposing fascism instead of sucking fascist ass like you do?

Are you drunk, or just stupid?

Now, these are legit questions
Bullshit. You're just being a party hack troll, and a suckass one at that. Given how exhaustively your cult has trained you in the art of lying, you really should be better at it.
I get maybe 1/3 of what I want from any give administration. Instead of trying to get 100% of what I want all the time, I just try to maximize the benefit I get out of that 1/3 whenever I do get it.
Right now I'm talking to all of the democrats on this message board and all the in-betweeners as well. Some of you on here are really nice people personally Slade3200 and I do believe White 6 come to mind right now,.. but I don't really understand your politics. Except I sort of somewhat have an understanding where Slade3200 stands now, so I'm not really asking him this question, but for the rest of you, how can you remain a democrat or side with a lot of or some of their policies or have personally voted for them as you can now see how badly they damaged this country?

Do you have any remorse about it now? Have any of you decided to switch to Republican because of it? Now, these are legit questions as I'm not trying to mock or ridicule you in this thread so I expect to be treated the same. Oh and I would never do that anyways to the two posters I tagged. :)
I'd be happy answer but the premise of your question is, IMHO, flawed. Dems have not badly damaged this country. Maybe you should cite some examples rather than make blanket assertions.

I can't and won't defend everything every Dem has said or done but, as I see it, they are overall preferable to the GOP.
Remorse for what? Acting in a moral and intelligent fashion? Electing good people? Not falling for the same incredibly stupid cult lies that a bleating herd animal like you fell for? Opposing fascism instead of sucking fascist ass like you do?

Are you drunk, or just stupid?

Bullshit. You're just being a party hack troll, and a suckass one at that. Given how exhaustively your cult has trained you in the art of lying, you really should be better at it.

Sorry Meister as I really tried to stick to my OP and not ridicule anyone but this is the one exception. Forgive me Jesus as well.

Damn it! Age restricted. Hopefully this bastard will still be able to see it.
I'd be happy answer but the premise of your question is, IMHO, flawed. Dems have not badly damaged this country. Maybe you should cite some examples rather than make blanket assertions.

Trillions in debt?



A few to start.

I get maybe 1/3 of what I want from any give administration. Instead of trying to get 100% of what I want all the time, I just try to maximize the benefit I get out of that 1/3 whenever I do get it.
Exactly what "benefit" do you want? Another "stimulus" check?
Frankly, there is very little difference, meaningful difference, between our two main political parties these days or at any time really in American history past. Both 'sides' of the aisle worship gold and power, and candidates on both sides will do anything to fire up their voting bases and lead them at quickstep down the nearest highway to Hell. People—the masses—are easier to deceive than ever because they want to be deceived, lied to, gaslighted and manipulated. Government has become GOD and everyone everywhere dances merrily in tune to whatever new sheet music our media and elected leaders put out there. There are no good guys left and the world is slip-sliding away into irreversible collapse and everyone is on board with it. As long as we have our smart devices, social media, drugs, porn, sports, gambling, etc. then the devil can do as the devil chooses and no one will resist much.

That was true, but you stopped paying attention, and that's not good. Dude, the Afghan withdraw and what Democrats are doing to our cities and what Democrats are doing to elections to make it permanent Republicans can't win. And cancel culture is clearly not the same. Then there is what Democrats are doing on the southern border are all severely serious and NOT THE SAME.

For many years I said what you did, and it was true. But it isn't anymore. Stop with the mantra and pay attention to that. You need to act now to stop them.
Ah so we just need massive spending cuts, good idea. Oh wait, Dems block every attempt to cut spending.

No one actually offers to cut spending. Words are meaningless. Spending rose sharply under both Bush and Trump.

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