Any Remorse Yet?

Totally irrelevant as to what I said. A politician makes you all these promises and then does the opposite and you call that Democracy? I call it lying politicians.

Obama promised to ban lobbyists from the White House. He broke that promise on the first day.

Obama promised to prosecute the bankers that broke our financial laws. He didn't prosecute even one.

Obama promised to end the wars. He did not.

Obama promised to not start new wars of choice. He did.

Obama promised to end the Bush tax cuts. He extended them.

Obama promised Hispanics to address the immigration issue in his first year. He never did do it.

I could continue as the list is long. I supported all of those things but Obama did none of them. He even did the opposite in many cases. I should defend that?
I'm sure the list of Trump's broken promises is at least as long. So what is your solution, just to keep on whining?
I'm sure the list of Trump's broken promises is at least as long. So what is your solution, just to keep on whining?

Trump's broken promises are irrelevant. Your argument is that Obama was a liar but so was Trump. Everyone knew Trump was and really didn't expect anything else out of him. My solution is to quit defending politicians that outright lie to us. The day Obama got us into Syria there should have been massive protests all around the county.

Sadly, Trump was a better war president than Obama. Outside of that there was really little difference in the two where actual actions are considered.
Not leaving the Democratic Party.

More than content being a Blue Dog.
Right now I'm talking to all of the democrats on this message board and all the in-betweeners as well. Some of you on here are really nice people personally Slade3200 and I do believe White 6 come to mind right now,.. but I don't really understand your politics. Except I sort of somewhat have an understanding where Slade3200 stands now, so I'm not really asking him this question, but for the rest of you, how can you remain a democrat or side with a lot of or some of their policies or have personally voted for them as you can now see how badly they damaged this country?

Do you have any remorse about it now? Have any of you decided to switch to Republican because of it? Now, these are legit questions as I'm not trying to mock or ridicule you in this thread so I expect to be treated the same. Oh and I would never do that anyways to the two posters I tagged. :)

Not one tiny bit. I have not voted for the duopoly since 1992, which was the last time I felt remorse for my vote.
Trump's broken promises are irrelevant. Your argument is that Obama was a liar but so was Trump. Everyone knew Trump was and really didn't expect anything else out of him. My solution is to quit defending politicians that outright lie to us. The day Obama got us into Syria there should have been massive protests all around the county.

Sadly, Trump was a better war president than Obama. Outside of that there was really little difference in the two where actual actions are considered.
Complaining about a situation but not offering a solution sounds like a child's whining to me.
Complaining about a situation but not offering a solution sounds like a child's whining to me.

I did. Stop supporting lying politicians. Obama never should have got a second term. People still defend his lies to this day. They lie to you because they know you will vote for them anyway.
This is not military spending.

“I’m going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military — every vehicle is going to be climate-friendly. Every vehicle. No, I mean it. We’re spending billions of dollars to do it,” Biden said.

Empty rhetoric. Military spending increased. Biden has the same issue as you.
I did. Stop supporting lying politicians. Obama never should have got a second term. People still defend his lies to this day. They lie to you because they know you will vote for them anyway.
So Trump was honest when he promised a wall and Healthcare reform? Did you support him? How about Mitt? I don't think doing nothing is the same as doing something.
So Trump was honest when he promised a wall and Healthcare reform? Did you support him? How about Mitt? I don't think doing nothing is the same as doing something.

I am NOT here defending them. See, this is the problem. You see the only way one could condemn Obama's lies if you are pimping for Trump (or Romney). I am not.

I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama said he would do. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did.
Trillions in debt?
Due to Trump, and Bush before him. Republicans expand deficits, Democrats lower deficits.

Needless to say, almost no conservatives anywhere here criticized Trump or Bush when they ran up those staggering deficits. A very few offered a tepid "well, they're just as bad as Democrats!", but that was it.

Any honest person who cares about deficits backs Democrats.

Needless to say, the next time there's a Republican president, almost all conservatives will once more fail to care in the slightest about deficits.
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