Any Remorse Yet?

No, I discovered I was really a conservative all along. I was never a true Democrat, the fake news had me fooled for a while when I was younger but I caught on to their lies.

Oh I see what you're saying as true Democrats have hardened hearts and are unwilling to be educated and remain unchanged.
Ah so we just need massive spending cuts, good idea. Oh wait, Dems block every attempt to cut spending.
To be fair, asshole Paul Ryan blocked all of Trump's agency funding cuts. Boy was that guy a sellout. I hate these liars who pretended to be tea party die hard conservatives, including Baby Adam Kinzinger, who turn out to be as establishment as they come.
To be fair, asshole Paul Ryan blocked all of Trump's agency funding cuts. Boy was that guy a sellout. I hate these liars who pretended to be tea party die hard conservatives, including Baby Adam Kinzinger, who turn out to be as establishment as they come.
Paul Ryan is a full blown RINO.
While the damage has been building for years, you only need go back to 1994 to see where it really began to go downhill. Sorry, the slow descent into madness is primarily a function of Republicans and conservatives. Soon as that serial philanderer Gingrich and his "Revolution" swept into town, down went bi-partisanship. Oh yeah, and we impeached a President over lying to the FBI about getting a blowie in the Oval Office. We suffer through the Bush years ("You're either with us, or you're against us) in addition to two wars that cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars...then..Barack Obama. On that night he was elected, the majority of the right wing in this country lost their friggin minds. Thus begins the slow expansion and rise of the cancer known as the alt-right. It isn't just white supremacists's the mainstream of conservatism. Finally...we get Trump. Nuff said.

Any remorse about Biden? Or Democrat policies? Nope. Yards better than anything a Republican has put forward in four decades.
Remorse about the bile and cancer that has consumed this nation, mostly on the right hand side of the aisle?...yes. Every day.
While the damage has been building for years, you only need go back to 1994 to see where it really began to go downhill. Sorry, the slow descent into madness is primarily a function of Republicans and conservatives. Soon as that serial philanderer Gingrich and his "Revolution" swept into town, down went bi-partisanship. Oh yeah, and we impeached a President over lying to the FBI about getting a blowie in the Oval Office. We suffer through the Bush years ("You're either with us, or you're against us) in addition to two wars that cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars...then..Barack Obama. On that night he was elected, the majority of the right wing in this country lost their friggin minds. Thus begins the slow expansion and rise of the cancer known as the alt-right. It isn't just white supremacists's the mainstream of conservatism. Finally...we get Trump. Nuff said.

Any remorse about Biden? Or Democrat policies? Nope. Yards better than anything a Republican has put forward in four decades.
Remorse about the bile and cancer that has consumed this nation, mostly on the right hand side of the aisle?...yes. Every day.

In 1994 I was four years old so it's rather difficult for me to go that far back.
Right now I'm talking to all of the democrats on this message board and all the in-betweeners as well. Some of you on here are really nice people personally Slade3200 and I do believe White 6 come to mind right now,.. but I don't really understand your politics. Except I sort of somewhat have an understanding where Slade3200 stands now, so I'm not really asking him this question, but for the rest of you, how can you remain a democrat or side with a lot of or some of their policies or have personally voted for them as you can now see how badly they damaged this country?

Do you have any remorse about it now? Have any of you decided to switch to Republican because of it? Now, these are legit questions as I'm not trying to mock or ridicule you in this thread so I expect to be treated the same. Oh and I would never do that anyways to the two posters I tagged. :)
Why would we consider switching? Republicans have NO policies, except sucking Trump's cock. Worshipping one man is not a conservative belief....unless you consider fascism to be conservative.

And I will NEVER vote for those fascists after what happened on Jan 6. Fuck the Republican Nazi Party.
While the damage has been building for years, you only need go back to 1994 to see where it really began to go downhill. Sorry, the slow descent into madness is primarily a function of Republicans and conservatives. Soon as that serial philanderer Gingrich and his "Revolution" swept into town, down went bi-partisanship.

Clinton and Gingrich for along just fine.

Oh yeah, and we impeached a President over lying to the FBI about getting a blowie in the Oval Office. We suffer through the Bush years ("You're either with us, or you're against us) in addition to two wars that cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars...then..Barack Obama. On that night he was elected, the majority of the right wing in this country lost their friggin minds. Thus begins the slow expansion and rise of the cancer known as the alt-right. It isn't just white supremacists's the mainstream of conservatism. Finally...we get Trump. Nuff said.

Any remorse about Biden? Or Democrat policies? Nope. Yards better than anything a Republican has put forward in four decades.
Remorse about the bile and cancer that has consumed this nation, mostly on the right hand side of the aisle?...yes. Every day.

You supported Obama being an eight year war president?
Clinton and Gingrich for along just fine.

You supported Obama being an eight year war president?
Hmmm. I'm assuming you are old enough to remember the time. No..they didn't get along.

Obama deserves just as much blame as Bush and Trump for those debacles. But, to be fair, Bush started them.
Any Remorse Yet?

Dude ! YOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER that establishing a Marxist state is their agenda, and the destruction of the existing state must come first. When you see insane policies that make no sense, remember that.

Regarding their sick policies on gay marriage and transgenderism: When Communism failed, or so it is said, the biggest stumbling blocks it faced were church and family. They never could quite destroy the family unit and make people see the state as its mother and father.

The New American Marxists (as Levin calls them ) have learned that lesson and are targetting the vulnerable root: Children.

By grooming children and turning then trannys and homos they achieve a two-fer: They destroy traditional family, and they basically destroy Christianity.

When a policy makes no sense to you, remember this post, and then think of that policy in this context.
Dude ! YOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER that establishing a Marxist state is their agenda, and the destruction of the existing state must come first. When you see insane policies that make no sense, remember that.

Regarding their sick policies on gay marriage and transgenderism: When Communism failed, or so it is said, the biggest stumbling blocks it faced were church and family. They never could quite destroy the family unit and make people see the state as its mother and father.

Specifically how did they try and destroy the family unit?

The New American Marxists (as Levin calls them ) have learned that lesson and are targetting the vulnerable root: Children.

By grooming children and turning then trannys and homos they achieve a two-fer: They destroy traditional family, and they basically destroy Christianity.

When a policy makes no sense to you, remember this post, and then think of that policy in this context.

Why would you allow anyone to destroy your religious beliefs?
The ones Obama extended? There still would have been massive debt even without the cuts.
The difference was that the economy was in trouble when Obama took office.

You are arguing that the Republican's are bad also. I'm not arguing they are not. I'm arguing both parties are.
Disagree. Both parties represent their core voters. It is with that core that the problems reside. We get the government we deserve, not the one we wish for.
The difference was that the economy was in trouble when Obama took office.

I usually have to point this out to the Republicans............always with the excuses. We were sold out over all of that.

Disagree. Both parties represent their core voters. It is with that core that the problems reside. We get the government we deserve, not the one we wish for.

Whether the voters support the right things or not, those they elect do not.
Specifically how did they try and destroy the family unit?

Are you trying to stupidly claim that the Soviets (and Nazis too) did not try to replace the family with the state?

How did they try to do that? By propagandizing children, taking them away to camps, teaching them to rat on family members, all sorts of stuff.

Why would you allow anyone to destroy your religious beliefs?

Me? I would not. But children are easily brainwashed. Thats why they target children.

I think you know all this already and are being a fucking asshole with your stupid questions. Fuck off
Are you trying to stupidly claim that the Soviets (and Nazis too) did not try to replace the family with the state?

How did they try to do that? By propagandizing children, taking them away to camps, teaching them to rat on family members, all sorts of stuff.

All sorts of stuff. LOL Rat on family? Would this be something like "if you see something, say something"? LOL

Me? I would not. But children are easily brainwashed. Thats why they target children.

I think you know all this already and are being a fucking asshole with your stupid questions. Fuck off

Sorry, I can't think of a single example of what you are rambling about.
You don't think much of democracy I take it. Got a better system?

Totally irrelevant as to what I said. A politician makes you all these promises and then does the opposite and you call that Democracy? I call it lying politicians.

Obama promised to ban lobbyists from the White House. He broke that promise on the first day.

Obama promised to prosecute the bankers that broke our financial laws. He didn't prosecute even one.

Obama promised to end the wars. He did not.

Obama promised to not start new wars of choice. He did.

Obama promised to end the Bush tax cuts. He extended them.

Obama promised Hispanics to address the immigration issue in his first year. He never did do it.

I could continue as the list is long. I supported all of those things but Obama did none of them. He even did the opposite in many cases. I should defend that?

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