Anyone else watching VeryScaryPeople notice similarities between Jim Jones & Far Left Progressives?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.
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Lately I've been picking up serious Hitler-like vibes emanating from the Democrat party and it's loyalists but this time it's white men who are being targeted for cleansing.
A lot of their tactics reminds me of former Liberal presidents who also abused their power to spy and harass their opponents, even ones in their
own party like you see happening now.
Their tactics remind me of brown shirts, Mobsters, Saddam, Castro, Meduro, while "Swallow Well" sounds like he wants to be Pol Pot or Idi Amin.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.
There has never been a political group more similar to a cult than the Trump supporters
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

The scariest part about the modern radical Left in American and around the world, my friends is that every last move it makes has been done before in previous history and comes directly from that same ideological "playbook". French Enlightenment Era atheist writers and philosophers operated from that same, identical fountain of radical Leftism; the result: hundreds of thousands of violent deaths during the French Revolution. Marx modified the ideology, honed it into a cultural and political tool of oppression the likes of which mankind had never before dealt with. Lenin and the Bolsheviks based their Revolution on Marx's teachings; the result: as many as one hundred plus million Russian civilians dead or wishing they were after years spent in Gulags. Mao followed suit, drawing water from that same radical Leftist wellspring which resulted in millions upon millions more civilians--his own countrymen--slaughtered in the name of that same old ideology. Good old Pol Pot was so inspired by French postmodernists that he returned home to Cambodia and initiated the murder of millions of his fellow citizens. On and on the wheel of radical atheist revolutions have turned and yet a core of American and Western intelligentsia and political leaders continue to game the "benevolent" possibilities of yet another Leftism driven revolution right here in our US of A. They never learn . . . or have they learned and even knowing the horrors of their trending new old radical Leftist ideology continue to push it anyway? Perhaps they're game and ready and anticipating yet another slaughter of tens of millions . . . of Americans this time?
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

The scariest part about the modern radical Left in American and around the world, my friends is that every last move it makes has been done before in previous history and comes directly from that same ideological "playbook". French Enlightenment Era atheist writers and philosophers operated from that same, identical fountain of radical Leftism; the result: hundreds of thousands of violent deaths during the French Revolution. Marx modified the ideology, honed it into a cultural and political tool of oppression the likes of which mankind had never before dealt with. Lenin and the Bolsheviks based their Revolution on Marx's teachings; the result: as many as one hundred plus million Russian civilians dead or wishing they were after years spent in Gulags. Mao followed suit, drawing water from that same radical Leftist wellspring which resulted in millions upon millions more civilians--his own countrymen--slaughtered in the name of that same old ideology. Good old Pol Pot was so inspired by French postmodernists that he returned home to Cambodia and initiated the murder of millions of his fellow citizens. On and on the wheel of radical atheist revolutions have turned and yet a core of American and Western intelligentsia and political leaders continue to game the "benevolent" possibilities of yet another Leftism driven revolution right here in our US of A. They never learn . . . or have they learned and even knowing the horrors of their trending new old radical Leftist ideology continue to push it anyway? Perhaps they're game and ready and anticipating yet another slaughter of tens of millions . . . of Americans this time?
Well put, that would be why Swalwell wants the guns and we all know arrests will be on opposition refusing to give them up, while leftists will conveniently get a different treatment, they'll get to watch while laughing hence the likeness to Meduro.
I know how Jim Jones story ended.

Now...I want to know ....will the far left progressive story ...end the same? yes? :04: hope so
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.
You're kidding right? The cultist nonsense pushed by Jones most closely resembles tRump's techniques.
Plenty of similarities between Trump and Jim Jones though. You see it here every day.
I agree that Trumpism is much more cult like than the far left. I look at the far left and the far right as being very similar, wackos. But the Trumpites are cult like. Trumpites are not even extreme conservatives, they are extreme nut cases.
what was President Clinton's thinking when he approved the sale of sensitive ballistic-missile guidance technology to China over the objections of his own Pentagon, State Department and Justice Department? Here's something any independent counsel might want to look at: The Chinese had just funneled millions of dollars in illegal campaign donations to the Democrats.

Does that get a purity-of-heart investigation?

How about Obama? When he said if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin, and then sent three White House officials to Michael Brown's funeral -- more than he sent to Margaret Thatcher's funeral -- did Obama seriously believe Martin and Brown were innocent victims? Or was he just trying to gin up the black vote to help Democrats' electoral prospects -- i.e. trying "to obtain an improper advantage for himself or someone else, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others."

I'm sure Democratic presidents will be treated EXACTLY like President Trump.
You Progs are disgusting people.

“Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.

Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”

Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman. "

How San Francisco's Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish

Your LEADERS loved the man.
Plenty of similarities between Trump and Jim Jones though. You see it here every day.

“Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.

Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”

Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman. "

How San Francisco's Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish

Your LEADERS loved the man.
Jim Jones seems Trump like
Only not as creepy

“Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.

Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”

Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman. "

How San Francisco's Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish

Your LEADERS loved the man.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

I have noticed a lot of similarities between Jim Jones' followers and the Trump followers.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

I notice little difference between far-left 'progressives' and Cult45. Both are dirt merchants that deserve no less than the gallows.

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