Anyone else watching VeryScaryPeople notice similarities between Jim Jones & Far Left Progressives?

I see the stupidity and ignorance of the trump worshipers being similar to the jim jones worshipers. It's obvious by now that trump's a con man and a world class liar. He tweets both his stupidity and ignorance as well as his lies daily, and the dummies like the ones on this thread lap it up without question. True believers.
Jim Jones seems Trump like
Only not as creepy

“Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.

Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”

Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman. "

How San Francisco's Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish

Your LEADERS loved the man.
Some of them are good people
I see the stupidity and ignorance of the trump worshipers being similar to the jim jones worshipers. It's obvious by now that trump's a con man and a world class liar. He tweets both his stupidity and ignorance as well as his lies daily, and the dummies like the ones on this thread lap it up without question. True believers.
Their Kool Aid is more dangerous
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.


But I do detect LOTS of suggestions of hate and violence coming from the right.

an example: cons, in their desire to kill liberals, demonize liberals by calling them nazis, hoping that other cons will behave like REAL nazis and round up and execute all the liberals.....because "they deserve it"...

kinda like what you did in this thread....
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.
You're kidding right? The cultist nonsense pushed by Jones most closely resembles tRump's techniques.
Jones = socialist
Plenty of similarities between Trump and Jim Jones though. You see it here every day.

“Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.

Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”

Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman. "

How San Francisco's Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish

Your LEADERS loved the man.

Oh brother...

And Trump posed for a picture with Bill and Hillary. Your messiah was very friendly with the Clintons.

Top that.
Especially with Bill.

IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

That is so stupid, every half wit knows the hate and bigotry label is fabricated by your party to demonize him & race bait back voters they have lost due to poor policies and performance.
Your party called him an anti semite forgetting his daughter is Jewish, his son in law trusted staff is Jewish, and him and his father donated money to Jewish causes, while also placing a U.S. embassy in JeruSalem while officially accepting it as the Capital. that is something no president could do, especially Obama who was anti Israel and interfered with Israeli elections which your party states as extremely wrong, last time we heard about a million times.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Jim Jones was a HARD CORE leftist. A communist, to be precise.

So, of course there's no difference
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

That is so stupid, every half wit knows the hate and bigotry label is fabricated by your party to demonize him & race bait back voters they have lost due to poor policies and performance.
Your party called him an anti semite forgetting his daughter is Jewish, his son in law trusted staff is Jewish, and him and his father donated money to Jewish causes, while also placing a U.S. embassy in JeruSalem while officially accepting it as the Capital. that is something no president could do, especially Obama who was anti Israel and interfered with Israeli elections which your party states as extremely wrong, last time we heard about a million times.
View attachment 257797
Trump is pro-Trump

Everything else is an enemy
Jim Jones was a fucking communist, people. He said so himself. His followers said so, contemporaneous press articles said so and every single person that knows anything about him knows it.

Only scum of the EARTH dimocrap FILTH deny it because to them......

communism is infallible because......

They, themselves are communists or, at the very least, marxists

dimocraps are scum
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Maybe, you should read this Psychology Today article, that compares Trumpism to Jim Jones' cult.
Thank you for your thread and the opportunity to compare Trump and Jim Jones.
Trump Card Cults
I didn't watch the Very Scary People episode being referenced. In fact I've never even heard of the show. Since I don't find much difference between the right's and left's style in expressing their political rhetoric, I'm guessing it may be all a matter of political perspective. But that's spoken out of ignorance, I'll have to look for the show using On Demand. Hopefully it will hold my interest.
People who believe that supernatural beings control life on this planet can be convinced to do just about anything.

Blow themselves and their kids up! Induce your congregation to do mass suicide (then murder those who refuse).

They've all gone off that deep end.
Plenty of similarities between Trump and Jim Jones though. You see it here every day.

“Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.

Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”

Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman. "

How San Francisco's Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish

Your LEADERS loved the man.

Oh brother...

And Trump posed for a picture with Bill and Hillary. Your messiah was very friendly with the Clintons.

Top that.

(smile) Rump is an actor.
YOU are an idiot.

YOUR leaders all LOVED Jones. I showed it to you.

Jones was a charismatic figure who fooled a lot of people with his bullshit.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.
Jim Jones exploited magical thinking in his followers to convince them he was a terrific, wonderful guy who was going to make Earth great again.

Sound familiar?
Jim Jones was a fucking communist, people. He said so himself. His followers said so, contemporaneous press articles said so and every single person that knows anything about him knows it.

Only scum of the EARTH dimocrap FILTH deny it because to them......

communism is infallible because......

They, themselves are communists or, at the very least, marxists

dimocraps are scum

Those laxatives aren't working for you???..............LMAO
Jim Jones was a fucking communist, people. He said so himself. His followers said so, contemporaneous press articles said so and every single person that knows anything about him knows it.

Only scum of the EARTH dimocrap FILTH deny it because to them......

communism is infallible because......

They, themselves are communists or, at the very least, marxists

dimocraps are scum

Those laxatives aren't working for you???..............LMAO
He sounds like he is full of shit for sure.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Maybe, you should read this Psychology Today article, that compares Trumpism to Jim Jones' cult.
Thank you for your thread and the opportunity to compare Trump and Jim Jones.
Trump Card Cults
Everyone who posted that deflection you just did is making the same mistake of playing 2 sides and contradicting themselves.
He can't be your claimed racist then compared to someone involved with civil rights that even Feinstein praised. By your posts pointing fingers back
1)is lazy, get your own likeness analogy.
2) is admitting your whole race baiting is a demonization scam which makes your dem party the racists.
3)Jim Jones being a Socialist can't be further from a Capitalist. He would have hated Trump thus best viewed as a likeness to progressive anticapitalist Dems.
4)" I know you are but what am I "
Responses are childish, what are you like 5 years old?

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