Anyone else watching VeryScaryPeople notice similarities between Jim Jones & Far Left Progressives?

Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.
Jim Jones exploited magical thinking in his followers to convince them he was a terrific, wonderful guy who was going to make Earth great again.

Sound familiar?
That is a problematic reply that defies logic because you were "TOLD" by liberal propaganda that he would cause the stock market to go down & even crash, they even tried to do that on purpose in premarket, yet stocks and the economy flourished against the will of the false prognosticators (the sore losers ranting).
The same Debby doubters told you he'd start a war, which is the opposite, the left tried to interfere with foreign policy and start wars, while the President was able to broker peace that others before him failed miserably.
They said ISIS would spread their territory base, but opposite occured.
They said Jobless rates would rise, yet opposite occured, best numbers ever.
They said Israel would implode with the US Embassy decision, and it did not.
They said the US would be under
water by now and they were wrong, in fact this is the coldest MARCH April spring ever that I can remember.
So your post only works if Trump failed miserably like the Dems did in their predictions, proving once again the one drinking the cheap knockoff powder punch was you guys who took the Tabloid news bait and parroted their sore loser anthem for them, virtually suicide for your party.
You got to be the only political party who wants to see their country fail and drown, so you can finally be right once.
That makes you SAD!
A lot of their tactics reminds me of former Liberal presidents who also abused their power to spy and harass their opponents, even ones in their
own party like you see happening now.
Their tactics remind me of brown shirts, Mobsters, Saddam, Castro, Meduro, while "Swallow Well" sounds like he wants to be Pol Pot or Idi Amin.

I see.

So you want to kill people like me who support gay rights, don't want ANY religion dictating laws and believe pot should be legal.

and you INSIST that you are NOT a nazi?

YOU are just another BROWN shirt using fear, hate and lies to rouse up your fellow brown shirts to go out in the streets and beat the shit out of liberals.

You sound like hitler, pol pot, idi amin, putin....
So you want to kill people like me who support gay rights, don't want ANY religion dictating laws and believe pot should be legal.

and you INSIST that you are NOT a nazi?
I stoped reading when you stereotyped conservatives with your gay rights rant. Many Conservatives are liberal on social issues, including religious conservatives.
The MSM feeds into your stereotype and assumption.
Remember it was Trump who stood by and supported the LGBT community like in Orlando during the shooting at that Night club. Hillary not only avoided showing compassion, she ended up having the Homophobic killer's father front row at one of her campaign rallys.
Ok sorry to say I read the rest of your dribble that was highly insensitive of you. My family fled a country that was emulating and helping the Nazis, they shot my lansmen into ditches for no reason except that we were Jewish, just like your party starts by refusing food service, then punches people and then the shootings, nobody wants to find out what your Omar has in store for US Jews.
Last edited:
Jim Jones was a fucking communist, people. He said so himself. His followers said so, contemporaneous press articles said so and every single person that knows anything about him knows it.

Only scum of the EARTH dimocrap FILTH deny it because to them......

communism is infallible because......

They, themselves are communists or, at the very least, marxists

dimocraps are scum
You are an excessively angry individual. Get some help.
FYI- Communism does not allow organized religion in it's purest form.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Maybe, you should read this Psychology Today article, that compares Trumpism to Jim Jones' cult.
Thank you for your thread and the opportunity to compare Trump and Jim Jones.
Trump Card Cults
Everyone who posted that deflection you just did is making the same mistake of playing 2 sides and contradicting themselves.
He can't be your claimed racist then compared to someone involved with civil rights that even Feinstein praised. By your posts pointing fingers back
1)is lazy, get your own likeness analogy.
2) is admitting your whole race baiting is a demonization scam which makes your dem party the racists.
3)Jim Jones being a Socialist can't be further from a Capitalist. He would have hated Trump thus best viewed as a likeness to progressive anticapitalist Dems.
4)" I know you are but what am I "
Responses are childish, what are you like 5 years old?

I'm not a Dem. I'm a pragmatic thinker, in other words I am an Independent voter. I don't drink any kool-aid. Unlike ideologues, I don't let an ideology dictate how I'm going to think. No, unlike you, I am capable to think for myself.
You, easily fit the psychological portrait of a cultist. You are an easily manipulated, constant follower, who jumps when your ideology tells you to jump. You proved that with this thread and your posts.
Goose-steppers are such pathetic people.
Jim Jones was a fucking communist, people. He said so himself. His followers said so, contemporaneous press articles said so and every single person that knows anything about him knows it.

Only scum of the EARTH dimocrap FILTH deny it because to them......

communism is infallible because......

They, themselves are communists or, at the very least, marxists

dimocraps are scum
You are an excessively angry individual. Get some help.
FYI- Communism does not allow organized religion in it's purest form.

Yes, it does, you blithering fucking imbecile. As long as it follows communist doctrine. Even then, if it doesn't all they do is restrict them, they don't ban them. Like you should be.

And dealing with STUPID fucks like you would make Jesus Christ an angry person.

Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held

Cult leader Jim Jones is often portrayed as having been a normal fundamentalist Christian preacher. But as Daniel Flynn shows in “Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and 10 Days that Shook San Francisco,” Jones believed “the Bible is the root of all our problems today,” and he sought to “infiltrate the church” to spread the communist message.
Yes, it does, you blithering fucking imbecile. As long as it follows communist doctrine. Even then, if it doesn't all they do is restrict them, they don't ban them. Like you should be.

And dealing with STUPID fucks like you would make Jesus Christ an angry person.

Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held


I've long wondered which ASSHOLES actually read the piece of trash, Intellectual Takeout

Intellectual Takeout


It's True, We're Biased | Intellectual Takeout
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Maybe, you should read this Psychology Today article, that compares Trumpism to Jim Jones' cult.
Thank you for your thread and the opportunity to compare Trump and Jim Jones.
Trump Card Cults
Everyone who posted that deflection you just did is making the same mistake of playing 2 sides and contradicting themselves.
He can't be your claimed racist then compared to someone involved with civil rights that even Feinstein praised. By your posts pointing fingers back
1)is lazy, get your own likeness analogy.
2) is admitting your whole race baiting is a demonization scam which makes your dem party the racists.
3)Jim Jones being a Socialist can't be further from a Capitalist. He would have hated Trump thus best viewed as a likeness to progressive anticapitalist Dems.
4)" I know you are but what am I "
Responses are childish, what are you like 5 years old?

I'm not a Dem. I'm a pragmatic thinker, in other words I am an Independent voter. I don't drink any kool-aid. Unlike ideologues, I don't let an ideology dictate how I'm going to think. No, unlike you, I am capable to think for myself.
You, easily fit the psychological portrait of a cultist. You are an easily manipulated, constant follower, who jumps when your ideology tells you to jump. You proved that with this thread and your posts.
Goose-steppers are such pathetic people.
1) that was not an excuse for the playing 2 sides of the coin tactic.
2)why assume my political affiliation for pointing out similarities between far far left and Jim Jones that ACTUALLY match? I'M not a registered voter, because there is no democracy when the left prevents other parties from equal rights and prevent you from having choices of independent and other third and forth parties. In other words the MSM prvents equal access in debates and in coverage, so their actions cause a reverse affect of forcing socialists into running as Dems instead of as a seperate party. Bernie was an independent who won his state yet ran as a Dem for President, that says it all.
3) I am a counter propagandist, whether religious or political. Your assesment failed. You are a victim who bought the MSM narative cool-aide and that's where you get your false view from.
Good luck getting deprogrammed, maybe when the indictments on the other side happens a light will go off in that dark mind of yours.
Yes, it does, you blithering fucking imbecile. As long as it follows communist doctrine. Even then, if it doesn't all they do is restrict them, they don't ban them. Like you should be.

And dealing with STUPID fucks like you would make Jesus Christ an angry person.

Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held


I've long wondered which ASSHOLES actually read the piece of trash, Intellectual Takeout

Intellectual Takeout


It's True, We're Biased | Intellectual Takeout

You're not just a scumbag, you are an evil, stupid scumbag. I lived through the Jim Jones shit that was going down back in the day. It was a Big Deal.

And now a punkass bitch like you is going to come along and tell us that he wasn't a communist? Even though the entire breathing, semi-educated world KNOWS he was?

You're a little bitch that needs to be permanently banned for the general good

Yes, it does, you blithering fucking imbecile. As long as it follows communist doctrine. Even then, if it doesn't all they do is restrict them, they don't ban them. Like you should be.

And dealing with STUPID fucks like you would make Jesus Christ an angry person.

Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held


I've long wondered which ASSHOLES actually read the piece of trash, Intellectual Takeout

Intellectual Takeout


It's True, We're Biased | Intellectual Takeout

You're not just a scumbag, you are an evil, stupid scumbag. I lived through the Jim Jones shit that was going down back in the day. It was a Big Deal.

And now a punkass bitch like you is going to come along and tell us that he wasn't a communist? Even though the entire breathing, semi-educated world KNOWS he was?

You're a little bitch that needs to be permanently banned for the general good


Maybe try an enema....since the laxative haven't helped your disposition much.....
1) that was not an excuse for the playing 2 sides of the coin tactic.
2)why assume my political affiliation for pointing out similarities between far far left and Jim Jones that ACTUALLY match? I'M not a registered voter, because there is no democracy when the left prevents other parties from equal rights and prevent you from having choices of independent and other third and forth parties. In other words the MSM prvents equal access in debates and in coverage, so their actions cause a reverse affect of forcing socialists into running as Dems instead of as a seperate party. Bernie was an independent who won his state yet ran as a Dem for President, that says it all.
3) I am a counter propagandist, whether religious or political. Your assesment failed. You are a victim who bought the MSM narative cool-aide and that's where you get your false view from.
Good luck getting deprogrammed, maybe when the indictments on the other side happens a light will go off in that dark mind of yours.

There have been plenty of times a socialist has run for office on the socialist ticket. I don't understand your point.

The reason socialists infest the dimocrap scum party is because real Americans rightfully despise socialists. So they have to hide inside a party that doesn't despise them... the dimocrap scum party. Not only do socialists hide in the dimocrap scum party, so does virtually every other perverse, sick, deviant group of people. NAMBLA, LGBQT, the LSM, Hollywood, Academia, the Lawyer's Guilds, etc, etc.

As time has progressed, the socialists hiding there have become stronger and are starting to take over the party. The other deviants prefer to stay hidden. Good idea

I am very surprised that you wouldn't be familiar with those tactics.
Yes, it does, you blithering fucking imbecile. As long as it follows communist doctrine. Even then, if it doesn't all they do is restrict them, they don't ban them. Like you should be.

And dealing with STUPID fucks like you would make Jesus Christ an angry person.

Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held


I've long wondered which ASSHOLES actually read the piece of trash, Intellectual Takeout

Intellectual Takeout


It's True, We're Biased | Intellectual Takeout

You're not just a scumbag, you are an evil, stupid scumbag. I lived through the Jim Jones shit that was going down back in the day. It was a Big Deal.

And now a punkass bitch like you is going to come along and tell us that he wasn't a communist? Even though the entire breathing, semi-educated world KNOWS he was?

You're a little bitch that needs to be permanently banned for the general good


He was a megalomaniac and religious freak who found out farming in the jungle is harder than it looks. He lost his shit when some of his cult members rebelled and wanted to leave the hell hole he created.

I remember seeing the film from the helicopters as they closed in. I thought why did they leave all those trash bags lying around. Then I realized it was people!
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Maybe, you should read this Psychology Today article, that compares Trumpism to Jim Jones' cult.
Thank you for your thread and the opportunity to compare Trump and Jim Jones.
Trump Card Cults
Everyone who posted that deflection you just did is making the same mistake of playing 2 sides and contradicting themselves.
He can't be your claimed racist then compared to someone involved with civil rights that even Feinstein praised. By your posts pointing fingers back
1)is lazy, get your own likeness analogy.
2) is admitting your whole race baiting is a demonization scam which makes your dem party the racists.
3)Jim Jones being a Socialist can't be further from a Capitalist. He would have hated Trump thus best viewed as a likeness to progressive anticapitalist Dems.
4)" I know you are but what am I "
Responses are childish, what are you like 5 years old?

I'm not a Dem. I'm a pragmatic thinker, in other words I am an Independent voter. I don't drink any kool-aid. Unlike ideologues, I don't let an ideology dictate how I'm going to think. No, unlike you, I am capable to think for myself.
You, easily fit the psychological portrait of a cultist. You are an easily manipulated, constant follower, who jumps when your ideology tells you to jump. You proved that with this thread and your posts.
Goose-steppers are such pathetic people.
1) that was not an excuse for the playing 2 sides of the coin tactic.
2)why assume my political affiliation for pointing out similarities between far far left and Jim Jones that ACTUALLY match? I'M not a registered voter, because there is no democracy when the left prevents other parties from equal rights and prevent you from having choices of independent and other third and forth parties. In other words the MSM prvents equal access in debates and in coverage, so their actions cause a reverse affect of forcing socialists into running as Dems instead of as a seperate party. Bernie was an independent who won his state yet ran as a Dem for President, that says it all.
3) I am a counter propagandist, whether religious or political. Your assesment failed. You are a victim who bought the MSM narative cool-aide and that's where you get your false view from.
Good luck getting deprogrammed, maybe when the indictments on the other side happens a light will go off in that dark mind of yours.

Hey buddy, you're one who's programmed. Your post replicate every other Little Trumpster's post, you're a fucking echo chamber. Np original thought s at all. Your brain is locked in, my brain is free to evaluate and form my own opinion. .
You are like an addict in denial.
Goose-step to that.I'm so happy,
I'm not you. Thank you God.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Maybe, you should read this Psychology Today article, that compares Trumpism to Jim Jones' cult.
Thank you for your thread and the opportunity to compare Trump and Jim Jones.
Trump Card Cults
Everyone who posted that deflection you just did is making the same mistake of playing 2 sides and contradicting themselves.
He can't be your claimed racist then compared to someone involved with civil rights that even Feinstein praised. By your posts pointing fingers back
1)is lazy, get your own likeness analogy.
2) is admitting your whole race baiting is a demonization scam which makes your dem party the racists.
3)Jim Jones being a Socialist can't be further from a Capitalist. He would have hated Trump thus best viewed as a likeness to progressive anticapitalist Dems.
4)" I know you are but what am I "
Responses are childish, what are you like 5 years old?

I'm not a Dem. I'm a pragmatic thinker, in other words I am an Independent voter. I don't drink any kool-aid. Unlike ideologues, I don't let an ideology dictate how I'm going to think. No, unlike you, I am capable to think for myself.
You, easily fit the psychological portrait of a cultist. You are an easily manipulated, constant follower, who jumps when your ideology tells you to jump. You proved that with this thread and your posts.
Goose-steppers are such pathetic people.
1) that was not an excuse for the playing 2 sides of the coin tactic.
2)why assume my political affiliation for pointing out similarities between far far left and Jim Jones that ACTUALLY match? I'M not a registered voter, because there is no democracy when the left prevents other parties from equal rights and prevent you from having choices of independent and other third and forth parties. In other words the MSM prvents equal access in debates and in coverage, so their actions cause a reverse affect of forcing socialists into running as Dems instead of as a seperate party. Bernie was an independent who won his state yet ran as a Dem for President, that says it all.
3) I am a counter propagandist, whether religious or political. Your assesment failed. You are a victim who bought the MSM narative cool-aide and that's where you get your false view from.
Good luck getting deprogrammed, maybe when the indictments on the other side happens a light will go off in that dark mind of yours.

Hey buddy, you're one who's programmed. Your post replicate every other Little Trumpster's post, you're a fucking echo chamber. Np original thought s at all. Your brain is locked in, my brain is free to evaluate and form my own opinion. .
You are like an addict in denial.
Goose-step to that.I'm so happy,
I'm not you. Thank you God.
Or perhaps you are talking to a portion of the source that flows outward, who knows what is going on years before you do....try to keep up.
Do you want to know how bad the MSM is in controlling your info?
1)They admited it verbally on their broadcast. (By the Way Jim Jones controlled the flocks news too, using similar fear, doom, and gloom tactics)
2) Comcast owns MSNBC and strategically censors precise service glitch attacks at specific info on Fox News, whereby other news sources nevwr have these glitches and they always occur at strategic points discussions they can't let viewers know or be exposed to.
3)I was the "consumer advocate" that helped Al Franken stop the Comcast (MSNBC ) and Time Warner (CNN ) merger. Propaganda TV was trying to merge into one voice one control.
Franken Refused Comcast donations to be bought and he was railroaded to bring in a Dem that could be in their pocket, plus it was revenge for his stoping their monopoly.

So next time you are gonna play the ole' who's controlled by who game, know what you are talking about and who you are talking to.
Maybe, you should read this Psychology Today article, that compares Trumpism to Jim Jones' cult.
Thank you for your thread and the opportunity to compare Trump and Jim Jones.
Trump Card Cults
Everyone who posted that deflection you just did is making the same mistake of playing 2 sides and contradicting themselves.
He can't be your claimed racist then compared to someone involved with civil rights that even Feinstein praised. By your posts pointing fingers back
1)is lazy, get your own likeness analogy.
2) is admitting your whole race baiting is a demonization scam which makes your dem party the racists.
3)Jim Jones being a Socialist can't be further from a Capitalist. He would have hated Trump thus best viewed as a likeness to progressive anticapitalist Dems.
4)" I know you are but what am I "
Responses are childish, what are you like 5 years old?

I'm not a Dem. I'm a pragmatic thinker, in other words I am an Independent voter. I don't drink any kool-aid. Unlike ideologues, I don't let an ideology dictate how I'm going to think. No, unlike you, I am capable to think for myself.
You, easily fit the psychological portrait of a cultist. You are an easily manipulated, constant follower, who jumps when your ideology tells you to jump. You proved that with this thread and your posts.
Goose-steppers are such pathetic people.
1) that was not an excuse for the playing 2 sides of the coin tactic.
2)why assume my political affiliation for pointing out similarities between far far left and Jim Jones that ACTUALLY match? I'M not a registered voter, because there is no democracy when the left prevents other parties from equal rights and prevent you from having choices of independent and other third and forth parties. In other words the MSM prvents equal access in debates and in coverage, so their actions cause a reverse affect of forcing socialists into running as Dems instead of as a seperate party. Bernie was an independent who won his state yet ran as a Dem for President, that says it all.
3) I am a counter propagandist, whether religious or political. Your assesment failed. You are a victim who bought the MSM narative cool-aide and that's where you get your false view from.
Good luck getting deprogrammed, maybe when the indictments on the other side happens a light will go off in that dark mind of yours.

Hey buddy, you're one who's programmed. Your post replicate every other Little Trumpster's post, you're a fucking echo chamber. Np original thought s at all. Your brain is locked in, my brain is free to evaluate and form my own opinion. .
You are like an addict in denial.
Goose-step to that.I'm so happy,
I'm not you. Thank you God.
Or perhaps you are talking to a portion of the source that flows outward, who knows what is going on years before you do....try to keep up.
Do you want to know how bad the MSM is in controlling your info?
1)They admited it verbally on their broadcast. (By the Way Jim Jones controlled the flocks news too, using similar fear, doom, and gloom tactics)
2) Comcast owns MSNBC and strategically censors precise service glitch attacks at specific info on Fox News, whereby other news sources nevwr have these glitches and they always occur at strategic points discussions they can't let viewers know or be exposed to.
3)I was the "consumer advocate" that helped Al Franken stop the Comcast (MSNBC ) and Time Warner (CNN ) merger. Propaganda TV was trying to merge into one voice one control.
Franken Refused Comcast donations to be bought and he was railroaded to bring in a Dem that could be in their pocket, plus it was revenge for his stoping their monopoly.

So next time you are gonna play the ole' who's controlled by who game, know what you are talking about and who you are talking to.

I get my news from the Associated Press and Reuters, both are neutral as they are simply a "news service" . Fox News uses both news services. just like MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times: etc do. And Just like all the rest of the MSM, Fox News uses their own contributors to slant their stories to fit their agenda. Sometimes I use splits screens and compare the original AP/Reuters story to how Fox, MSNBC, NYT: etc, changed the story meets their agenda. Yup, they all do it.
Otherwise, I go to my local news station. And for opinions, I go to The Atlantic and my think tank is The Brookings Institution and CATO.
I go for fats, not so much opinion. I use facts to form my opinion.
And you who use for your news?
Maybe you should read this article. It applies to ideologues, like yourself.
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds
Jim Jones was a fucking communist, people. He said so himself. His followers said so, contemporaneous press articles said so and every single person that knows anything about him knows it.

Only scum of the EARTH dimocrap FILTH deny it because to them......

communism is infallible because......

They, themselves are communists or, at the very least, marxists

dimocraps are scum
You are an excessively angry individual. Get some help.
FYI- Communism does not allow organized religion in it's purest form.

Yes, it does, you blithering fucking imbecile. As long as it follows communist doctrine. Even then, if it doesn't all they do is restrict them, they don't ban them. Like you should be.

And dealing with STUPID fucks like you would make Jesus Christ an angry person.

Remembering Jim Jones and the Socialist Ideals He Held

Cult leader Jim Jones is often portrayed as having been a normal fundamentalist Christian preacher. But as Daniel Flynn shows in “Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and 10 Days that Shook San Francisco,” Jones believed “the Bible is the root of all our problems today,” and he sought to “infiltrate the church” to spread the communist message.
You really have an anger problem. I hope you do not own a gun or any sharp instruments. You should be institutionalized.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.
They are exactly the same in every way.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.
There has never been a political group more similar to a cult than the Trump supporters
Is that what your cult believes?
Plenty of similarities between Trump and Jim Jones though. You see it here every day.

“Such greatness I have found in Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple,” Harvey Milk gushed. Yes, that Harvey Milk.

Willie Brown, later speaker of the California assembly and mayor of San Francisco, compared Jim Jones to Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Dianne Feinstein joined the rest of the San Francisco board of supervisors in honoring Jones “in recognition of his guidance and inspiration” in furthering “humanitarian programs.”

Jerry Brown, California governor then as now, actually spoke at Peoples Temple. George Moscone, who owed his position as mayor of San Francisco to Jones, appointed Jones to San Francisco’s Housing Authority Commission, where he quickly became chairman. "

How San Francisco's Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish

Your LEADERS loved the man.
Facts don’t matter to these retards.
Jim Jones would use civil rights issues and social activism to bait and lure through such pandering his devoted church goers.
Once he built his base of puppets his teachings changed from tolerance to intolerance and he got very anti religion, anti capitalism, very involved in socialism yet was not affraid to capitalize on his naive flock, control and use the very people he claimed he was helping in fighting for their rights and freedoms.
IT'S SCARY ALRIGHT, because now you notice the similarities to the far far left like Cortez and Bernie and others who are race baiting, using social issues to get donations and followers all in the attempt to lead these people like a pied piper off a cliff that is claimed social equality but is really a mask for control and enslavement to a system that never works.

Maybe, you should read this Psychology Today article, that compares Trumpism to Jim Jones' cult.
Thank you for your thread and the opportunity to compare Trump and Jim Jones.
Trump Card Cults
Everyone who posted that deflection you just did is making the same mistake of playing 2 sides and contradicting themselves.
He can't be your claimed racist then compared to someone involved with civil rights that even Feinstein praised. By your posts pointing fingers back
1)is lazy, get your own likeness analogy.
2) is admitting your whole race baiting is a demonization scam which makes your dem party the racists.
3)Jim Jones being a Socialist can't be further from a Capitalist. He would have hated Trump thus best viewed as a likeness to progressive anticapitalist Dems.
4)" I know you are but what am I "
Responses are childish, what are you like 5 years old?

I'm not a Dem. I'm a pragmatic thinker, in other words I am an Independent voter. I don't drink any kool-aid. Unlike ideologues, I don't let an ideology dictate how I'm going to think. No, unlike you, I am capable to think for myself.
You, easily fit the psychological portrait of a cultist. You are an easily manipulated, constant follower, who jumps when your ideology tells you to jump. You proved that with this thread and your posts.
Goose-steppers are such pathetic people.
1) that was not an excuse for the playing 2 sides of the coin tactic.
2)why assume my political affiliation for pointing out similarities between far far left and Jim Jones that ACTUALLY match? I'M not a registered voter, because there is no democracy when the left prevents other parties from equal rights and prevent you from having choices of independent and other third and forth parties. In other words the MSM prvents equal access in debates and in coverage, so their actions cause a reverse affect of forcing socialists into running as Dems instead of as a seperate party. Bernie was an independent who won his state yet ran as a Dem for President, that says it all.
3) I am a counter propagandist, whether religious or political. Your assesment failed. You are a victim who bought the MSM narative cool-aide and that's where you get your false view from.
Good luck getting deprogrammed, maybe when the indictments on the other side happens a light will go off in that dark mind of yours.

Hey buddy, you're one who's programmed. Your post replicate every other Little Trumpster's post, you're a fucking echo chamber. Np original thought s at all. Your brain is locked in, my brain is free to evaluate and form my own opinion. .
You are like an addict in denial.
Goose-step to that.I'm so happy,
I'm not you. Thank you God.
You are Democrat and media tool. Nothing more.

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