Anyone hear of this fellow before?

India is an incredibly large and diverse country.
Does it surprise you that there are extremists there who kill people over stupid shit just like in our country? That bears no reflection on the other 98% of people. Stop boxing people or you're just feeding more of the same extremism. Some psycho right wing extremists in this country might hear you and go kill a bunch of innocent Hindus who never hurt anyone. Quit feeding it.
Ok then, how about this? He's no Trump. He's a young, idealistic novice who talks a good talk, but would probably fold up like cheap suit once the left started hammering the fuck out of him.

a blip on the political radar screen at the moment. I am sure their will be alot of hyperbole from the left but that is to be expected.
I don’t follow him closely. But I have heard about him and spend some time listening to him. He may be going nowhere but he has some interesting and logical thoughts.
Not a clue. Lots of completely scrambled retards have no clue that they’re retarded. STD Clap is an idiot hoping to be a moron.
And you're a Republican loser hoping to move up to being another one of Trump's blower's.
Ok then, how about this? He's no Trump. He's a young, idealistic novice who talks a good talk, but would probably fold up like cheap suit once the left started hammering the fuck out of him.

He is not going to be the nominee.

a blip on the political radar screen at the moment. I am sure their will be alot of hyperbole from the left but that is to be expected.
He’s made the rounds of libertarian podcasts and Joe Rogan as well, so yes I’ve heard of him. He has said some interesting things, none of which stuck in my memory. On his worst day he is better than anything the Dimocraps have to offer, but that is a very low bar.

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