Anyone here STILL believe that Trump is all for the "common citizen"?

What any american who works hard to scrape by is figuring out is NEITHER party supports working people. It has always been this way always will be. In my 82 years of life it is so easy to see. for the rich by the rich of the rich. Again neither party cares. People will figure it out. I have educated my kids well on would be proud.

You sound like you are envious.

You think it is OK for the filthy government to steal from people making more money than you and give it to you?

Because that is what it sounds like you trying to rationalize.

In a Democracy like we have the bad thing is that the mob can use the government to steal from you and that is despicable.

In my 70 years of life I have never had a rich person steal from me but I sure as hell have had the filthy ass welfare queens elect politicians who used the government to steal from me so they can get their free stuff.
Trump has shit on the common man his whole life. He has thousands of lawsuits still pending for not paying workers what he promised them.
Even knowing this the Trump cult still voted for him.
Conservatives always vote against their own self interests.
Where on earth would you find someone who did? Cocaine, easy schools, too many women, and never much work; that IS Trump.

His turds looks so yummy, that Trumplings get on all fours to EAT 'em!!

Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
And when the new jobs and rising wages kick in no one will care except eternal victims and the assholes that manipulate them. Their numbers are shrinking.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

Yet the same idiots keep voting for it.
Rationalize please explain why the middle class tax cuts aren't a lot bigger than they are in this bill....I will wait for your failed attempt. You are duped to believe a party is concerned about the working person. Wow. Again you would be proud of how I have educated my own kids about the facts that show the direct opposite.
I am a "common man" and thanks to Trump I will have now have more money to spend on my family instead of giving it to the filthy government so yes I think Trump is "for the common man".
been screwed up the ass and pretends he likes it.


Only a stupid Libtard Moon Bat would think that having more spendable money is "being screwed up the ass".

Then you stupid Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule you so much.
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
And when the new jobs and rising wages kick in no one will care except eternal victims and the assholes that manipulate them. Their number is shrinking.
Idiot believes in the trickle down theory that has been proven countless times to not work.
So has socialism. You need to think before you post.
Why are middle class tax cuts not permanent? Not a one of you low liufes can rationalize of the rich for the rich.
Ten plus years ago, there was an interesting book written by a Princeton Prof. whose title was simply, "On Bullshit"...

The theory was a simple one where the author contends that the worst enemy of the TRUTH is NOT a lie......but BULLSHIT.

I'm reminded of that theory when I think back on what Trump campaigned on...his demagoguery was not filled with lies, but pure and candid bullshit which a chunk of Americans gladly swallowed."

Of course, the "brilliance" cam be witnessed by a tax scam that is labeled,"Tax breaks for the Middle Class," while in reality spells out how elected assholes reward their rich donors, while expecting the bullshitted to pick up the tab.

Remember, that although Trump stated that this tax scam was "going to cost him a fortune", the complete OPPOSITE will occur for him and his cronies.

(Tired of too much winning yet???)
And when the new jobs and rising wages kick in no one will care except eternal victims and the assholes that manipulate them. Their numbers are shrinking.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

Yet the same idiots keep voting for it.

There have never been new jobs or rising wages from trickle down.

I agree, but cutting taxes always works.....



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