Anyone here think Mitt Romney lied multiple times during the debate?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
It has pretty much been proven that he changed many of his positions. It worked in the GOP debates, but it won't now. He will have to answer for his lies soon.

God doesn't like Liars Mitt...
It has pretty much been proven that he changed many of his positions. It worked in the GOP debates, but it won't now. He will have to answer for his lies soon.

God doesn't like Liars Mitt...

why should you care? You all don't Care that Obama lies to you ALL the time
It has pretty much been proven that he changed many of his positions. It worked in the GOP debates, but it won't now. He will have to answer for his lies soon.

God doesn't like Liars Mitt...

why should you care? You all don't Care that Obama lies to you ALL the time

So because you think Obama lies it is alright for Romney to lie? Yeah, that's good logic.
It has pretty much been proven that he changed many of his positions. It worked in the GOP debates, but it won't now. He will have to answer for his lies soon.

God doesn't like Liars Mitt...

I guess God REALLY hates Obama then because he has been lying since Day 1 when he decided to run for president in 07
It has pretty much been proven that he changed many of his positions. It worked in the GOP debates, but it won't now. He will have to answer for his lies soon.

God doesn't like Liars Mitt...

why should you care? You all don't Care that Obama lies to you ALL the time

So because you think Obama lies it is alright for Romney to lie? Yeah, that's good logic.

you don't care obama lies to you none of you have to right to call others liars
Just a matter if time until the media picks up on Mitt's flip flops and lies. Stay Tuned!
You guys who say Romney was lying you really don't care if he was telling the truth or lying your not going to vote for him anyway. Obama has lied for so long I think he believes his own lies ..

You have your mind made up . Just like me. I have my mind made up and I am not going to vote Obama no matter want because I love America and Obama does not. This is my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are entitled to yours..

If you count spin, denial, hyperbole, straw men, distortion and diversion as lies -- as I do -- then both of 'em lied like snakes, as do a vast majority of politicians in virtually every debate. Is this supposed to be a surprise, or breaking news?

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You guys who say Romney was lying you really don't care if he was telling the truth or lying your not going to vote for him anyway. Obama has lied for so long I think he believes his own lies ..

You have your mind made up . Just like me. I have my mind made up and I am not going to vote Obama no matter want because I love America and Obama does not. This is my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are entitled to yours..
Obama has spent his entire life lying to other people. He isn't going to change that now, and as President, he recruits skillful liars to obfuscate and make up issues and fuzzy math claims that are not true.

I'm fed up with Obama and the horse he rode in on.
Mitt's politics are quite flexible so it's really hard to say he lies, he does, however, shift his positions from one phase to another and some believe this is lying. In reality it just a new approach to this whole political thing; have a number of positions and reasons for the decisions and be flexible in assuming the best postition for the particular time.
Polititions lie ... A LOT ... ALL THE TIME ... This is not news to anyone that has been alive for long ... Romney didn't win the debate because he lied or didn't lie, Obama didn't lose because he lied or didn't

Debates at this level is about perception. Kennedy looked presidential, Nixon did not.

Content was secondary

Romney won because of what he did, how he acted and how he looked.

America is fed up with this president, Romney looked fed up
America want someone to ask the president real questions, Romney ask the president 'WTF?'
America wants a stronger leader, not one that bows to world leaders, Romney was strong and in control.

Obama spent most of the evening looking like a child being scolded by a pissed off parent and that is exactly what America wanted to see

Obama has lost this election, America wants a strong leader and there was one one person on that stage that demonstrated those things
Obama couldn't have lied because he didn't say anything! :lol:


You guys who say Romney was lying you really don't care if he was telling the truth or lying your not going to vote for him anyway. Obama has lied for so long I think he believes his own lies ..

You have your mind made up . Just like me. I have my mind made up and I am not going to vote Obama no matter want because I love America and Obama does not. This is my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are entitled to yours..
Obama has spent his entire life lying to other people. He isn't going to change that now, and as President, he recruits skillful liars to obfuscate and make up issues and fuzzy math claims that are not true.

I'm fed up with Obama and the horse he rode in on.
Just look what happened on Sept 11th. They knew day 1 that it was a terrorist attack and Obama is still trying to say it was because of the film!
O fought for ACA for 2 years? Passed after 13 months.

Half of alt energy projects failed? 3 of 38?

Pubs kill the nonrich, see sig pp1. Romney's plans are BS. The 5 trillion deal...HIS experts are the Heritage Foundation LOL.

So much BS. Seniors will lose donut hole again, 716 billion medicare are SAVINGS, don't hurt benefits- the whole pile usual Pubcrappe. He's a GREAT Con man/ BS.salesman.

He did zip for Mass. education.

A W clone, will screw us again.
You guys who say Romney was lying you really don't care if he was telling the truth or lying your not going to vote for him anyway. Obama has lied for so long I think he believes his own lies ..

You have your mind made up . Just like me. I have my mind made up and I am not going to vote Obama no matter want because I love America and Obama does not. This is my opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are entitled to yours..
Obama has spent his entire life lying to other people. He isn't going to change that now, and as President, he recruits skillful liars to obfuscate and make up issues and fuzzy math claims that are not true.

I'm fed up with Obama and the horse he rode in on.
Just look what happened on Sept 11th. They knew day 1 that it was a terrorist attack and Obama is still trying to say it was because of the film!

You're a brainwashet Foxetcbot. Change the channel.

Saying it was an overwhelming terrorist attack no consulate could defend? Early CIA reports were what the administration were going on. 20+ other countries DID have protests triggered by the film, and Libya is full of heavily armed militias. Green berets can't stop RPGs...

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