Anyone know why the Democrats are trying to smear Tulsi?

What about the farmers and their aid, are they considered "socialists" or how about the large corps that get tax rebates and don't pay any taxes?? Are they not socialist's??

Once again food stamps are tied into it.

So no one can bitch about it.
They are trying to smear her (a Democrat) like they smeared Palin (a Republican)

Why? Do Democrats really hate women??

Watch around the 6:13 mark of this SNL skit.

Exact same reason Progressives are history's greatest mass murderers: they cannot tolerate any dissenting opinion or thought
Tulsi is a Deep State Republican planted by Trump

So that means palin was deep state planted by Democrats?
Is there any other possible explanation?

She was normal like Tulsi is?

You betcha! Wink

Tulsi is a Deep State Republican planted by Trump

So that means palin was deep state planted by Democrats?
Is there any other possible explanation?

She was normal like Tulsi is?

You betcha! Wink

Drill baby, drill...

Feds finalize plan to open Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling
Obama the Visionary: ‘We Can’t Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices’

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