Anyone know why the Democrats are trying to smear Tulsi?

Which we are not paying for but it's somehow evil to actually pay for health care. It's also sad how it is argued that we have to pay for health care but not bombs and bail outs.
The sad thing is this argument works on many Americans. We have an enormously expensive military that benefits only the 1%, but HC for all Americans is fucking Communism. CRAZY!!!

The sad thing is it works on Democrats. Republicans I can understand.
The Establishment serves the same masters.
Tulsi doesn't serve the masters................So they will destroy here to make sure she never wins..........

Only the establishment cronies need apply.

While I do not agree with her green machine policies.......another issue..........she is NOT WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT............


She's a DEM version of a pirate.

Which we are not paying for but it's somehow evil to actually pay for health care. It's also sad how it is argued that we have to pay for health care but not bombs and bail outs.
The sad thing is this argument works on many Americans. We have an enormously expensive military that benefits only the 1%, but HC for all Americans is fucking Communism. CRAZY!!!

The sad thing is it works on Democrats. Republicans I can understand.
I can’t understand how it can work on anyone.
Tulsi doesn't serve the masters................So they will destroy here to make sure she never wins..........

Only the establishment cronies need apply.

While I do not agree with her green machine policies.......another issue..........she is NOT WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT............


She's a DEM version of a pirate.

The establishment’s number one priority is expansion of the warfare state. The money for the billionaires resulting from war, is just too damn good. So while Tulsi has much in common with them, her stance against war is unforgivable.

Since the billionaires control the MSM, they must ruthlessly attack any politician who espouses limiting the warfare state. Hence, their constant and ignorant attacks on Tulsi and Bernie. They red bait them as Mrs BJ has done, and the MSM always follows her lead.

A CIA compromised MSM reporter actually asked Tulsi what she means by “regime change wars.” LMFAO!
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Is there any other possible explanation?

She was normal like Tulsi is?

You betcha! Wink

Drill baby, drill...

Feds finalize plan to open Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling
Obama the Visionary: ‘We Can’t Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices’

That clearly is true.
The US simply does not have enough oil.
If we drill all the oil we have now, then we won't have any oil left to drill when oil cost 10 times as much.
You can never drill your way to lower gas prices when you simply do not have enough oil reserves.
Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq all have 100 times the oil we have.
Na, not really
Most of our reserves in this country have not even been discovered yet dumbass
Mediocre Democratic candidates will never accept someone that makes them look inadequate. The establishment puppets are threatened by Tulsi's refusal to cowtow to them. Tulsi has her warts but she's definitely the most powerful candidate Democrats have.

Gabbard is the weakest candidate on that stage. Her policies both foreign and domestic, have all of the depth of a wading pool but especially when it comes to foreign policy. She doesn't come across as being well educated or well rounded. The bio on her website says she was elected to the state legislature are age 21 and doesn't mention any post secondary education other than officer candidate school, where she graduated top of her class.

Given her positions, education and experience, I would not vote for her ahead of Booker, Buttigieg, Harris or Warren.
Says a socialist
You Trumptards have to understand.

You wondering why Democrats don't support Tulsi is the exact same as liberals not understanding why Republicans don't support a John Kasich or some other moderate.

You guys are so delusional and clueless to politics, you are unable to comprehend what is important to the members of the Democratic party.
John kasich is a progressive... Hardly a conservative
Mediocre Democratic candidates will never accept someone that makes them look inadequate. The establishment puppets are threatened by Tulsi's refusal to cowtow to them. Tulsi has her warts but she's definitely the most powerful candidate Democrats have.

Gabbard is the weakest candidate on that stage. Her policies both foreign and domestic, have all of the depth of a wading pool but especially when it comes to foreign policy. She doesn't come across as being well educated or well rounded. The bio on her website says she was elected to the state legislature are age 21 and doesn't mention any post secondary education other than officer candidate school, where she graduated top of her class.

Given her positions, education and experience, I would not vote for her ahead of Booker, Buttigieg, Harris or Warren.

In her defense and to show you are a moron, Tulsi graduated from Hawaii Pacific University. Google works, dumbass!

"She graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration in 2009."
Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia

Keep working on that GED or whatever you Canucks call it and maybe someday they will let you into the states legally.

Not to mention that one cannot be an officer in the US military without a college degree.

I did google Gabbard, and I went to her own website rather than Wikipedia, like you. Tulsi's own website makes no mention of her having a BS degree. But it does mention she was elected to the state legistlature at age 21, in 2002, and no mention that she was still a student. She joined the military in 2003, but again, no mention of university, just the service academy.

US military officers are required to attend officer candidate school or university - not both.

Even is she did go to the University of Hawaii, it's not in the same league with Rhodes Scholars like Booker or Bootigieg, or a Harvard law professor like Harris. Gabbard's positions on foreign policy are singularly uninformed and not well thought out. And while I agree that the USA is far too involved in the governments of other countries, simply abandoning weaker nations to Russia, China or the biggest bully around them isn't going to make things better for America's markets or interests.
Harris slept her way to her position, Just ask Willie Brown... lol

Rhodes scholars are a joke... see Rachel mad cow.

so shut the fuck up
Only because so many Americans are loyal and willing to serve. It’s just a filter to reduce the masses.

Spoken like someone that has never been a military recruiter.
WTF does that mean? "You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" Bob Dylan

that means there is not a line outside of the recruiting stations of people just begging to join.

I spent 4 years on recruiting duty for Marine Corps and it is the shittest job there is for a Marine. People were putting in transfers to units in Iraq to get out of recruiting duty it sucks that much.

You people are clueless
No wonder why you hate so much.

I do not hate, I am just honest and not PC.

Suck it up snowflake
You are politically correct because you are hate filled... fact
They are trying to smear her (a Democrat) like they smeared Palin (a Republican)

Why? Do Democrats really hate women??

Watch around the 6:13 mark of this SNL skit.

I thiought they did a pretty good job on everyone, but most of all on Biden (Woody Harrelson) because his caricature was really on the mark and unflattering. They pretty much admitted that no one really wanted him as president.
They are trying to smear her (a Democrat) like they smeared Palin (a Republican)

Why? Do Democrats really hate women??

Watch around the 6:13 mark of this SNL skit.

Yes they hate women. They covered for Crosby, Clinton, Weinstein, Epstein, Etal for years.

OUR POLITICAL CLASS IS CRAZY: Gabbard Derangement Syndrome: Is there nothing that the embattled elites won’t blame on Russia?

Spoiler: No.

They hate her because of her uncompromising opposition to the ‘counterproductive regime-change wars’ pursued with such ignorant zeal by the likes of Democrat grandee Hillary Clinton. It’s because of her willingness to question the narratives that have justified Western intervention in Syria, including a secret fact-finding mission to Damascus, and a meeting with Bashar al-Assad in 2017. And it’s because she does all this not as a woolly pacifist, but as a war vet.

A principled 38-year-old, armed with a progressive policy platform, and, above all, a strong commitment to anti-interventionism, her powerful opponents are determined to present her as something altogether more sinister. They talk of her being a poster girl for white supremacists and the alt-right, of her being a Republican stooge in Democratic clothing, and of her being a Russian asset.

The Fake News New York Times even laid into her for wearing a white pantsuit for a TV debate, claiming it was somehow cult-like. But that is as nothing compared to the constant innuendo and sometimes outright claims that Gabbard is being backed by Russia and Putin, the seeming power behind all world disorder.

Clinton claims Gabbard is a Russian plant. She thinks Gabbard is ‘being groomed’ by the Kremlin. She thinks she is being maneuvered, by Putin and Co, out of the Democrat Party and into a third-party position, so as to split the Democratic vote in 2020. And she thinks that will hand victory once again to Russia’s Manchurian Candidate, Donald Trump, just as she thinks that Jill Stein, the Green Party’s 2016 presidential nominee, was also a Russian asset, used to split the vote three years ago and deprive Hillary of the election victory she still believes should be hers. The entitlement underwriting her deranged conspiracy theory is breathtaking.

‘Thank you @HillaryClinton’, Feisty Gabbard tweeted last month. ‘You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democrat Party for so long, have finally come out from behind the curtain.’ Later, she continued the fightback: ‘If you’re sick of the new McCarthyism and warmongering by Hillary and her cohorts, then join our campaign.’ Which is pretty much on the money.

Yet, while Clinton and her cohorts may be exponents of the new McCarthyism, they are far from the only ones. And that is what is interesting about it. The new McCarthyism is now deployed by besieged elites throughout the West. Putin’s hand is seen everywhere, his power is seen as boundless. Or at least that’s what the theory implies. In reality, Russia-blaming has become one of the principal forms through which an embattled establishment both expresses and rationalizes away its fear and anxiety. All domestic challenges, all political opposition, can be reduced to this single foreign plot. The gilets jaunes in France? Stirred up by Russia. Brexit? Russian cash and Facebook ads. Trump? Russian bots and a compromising videotape. And now the 2020 US presidential election? A Russian-groomed third-party candidate to split the vote.

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