Anyone know why the Democrats are trying to smear Tulsi?

Tulsi is a low level political figure
Attractive, articulate and charismatic

But her message applies more to Conservatives
She has a future as a Fox News Contributor

Universal health care? Getting us out of the wars? This applies to Conservatives? When did the left completely give up on this?
Mediocre Democratic candidates will never accept someone that makes them look inadequate. The establishment puppets are threatened by Tulsi's refusal to cowtow to them. Tulsi has her warts but she's definitely the most powerful candidate Democrats have.

Gabbard is the weakest candidate on that stage. Her policies both foreign and domestic, have all of the depth of a wading pool but especially when it comes to foreign policy. She doesn't come across as being well educated or well rounded. The bio on her website says she was elected to the state legislature are age 21 and doesn't mention any post secondary education other than officer candidate school, where she graduated top of her class.

Given her positions, education and experience, I would not vote for her ahead of Booker, Buttigieg, Harris or Warren.

In her defense and to show you are a moron, Tulsi graduated from Hawaii Pacific University. Google works, dumbass!

"She graduated from Hawaii Pacific University with a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration in 2009."
Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia

Keep working on that GED or whatever you Canucks call it and maybe someday they will let you into the states legally.

Not to mention that one cannot be an officer in the US military without a college degree.
Beetle Smith never finished High School.

He became a 3 Star General, was Ike’s Chief of Staff in WW2, became the first Director of the new CIA, and was US Ambassador to the USSR after the war.

Only morons equate education with anything.

This is a dumb statement. You would allow someone with no education operate on you?

Now if you want to argue that it is moronic to argue that people can not accomplish anything without a degree from some high falutin college, then I will agree.
Summary of Findings | Costs of War

Some of the Costs of War Project’s main findings include:

  • Over 480,000 people have died due to direct war violence, including armed forces on all sides of the conflicts, contractors, civilians, journalists, and humanitarian workers.

  • It is likely that many times more have died indirectly in these wars, due to malnutrition, damaged infrastructure, and environmental degradation.

  • 244,000 civilians have been killed in direct violence by all parties to these conflicts.

  • Over 6,950 US soldiers have died in the wars.

  • We do not know the full extent of how many US service members returning from these wars became injured or ill while deployed.

  • Many deaths and injuries among US contractors have not been reported as required by law, but it is likely that at least 7,800 have been killed.

  • 21 million Afghan, Iraqi, Pakistani, and Syrian people are living as war refugees and internally displaced persons, in grossly inadequate conditions.

  • The US government is conducting counterterror activities in 80 countries, vastly expanding this war across the globe.

  • The wars have been accompanied by erosions in civil liberties and human rights at home and abroad.

  • The human and economic costs of these wars will continue for decades with some costs, such as the financial costs of US veterans’ care, not peaking until mid-century.

  • US government funding of reconstruction efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan has totaled over $170 billion. Most of those funds have gone towards arming security forces in both countries. Much of the money allocated to humanitarian relief and rebuilding civil society has been lost to fraud, waste, and abuse.

  • The cost of the Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria wars totals about $5.9 trillion. This does not include future interest costs on borrowing for the wars, which will add an estimated $8 trillion in the next 40 years.

Which we are not paying for but it's somehow evil to actually pay for health care. It's also sad how it is argued that we have to pay for health care but not bombs and bail outs.
We are losing the War ECONOMICALLY.........Unless you are with the weapons manufacturers........who are MAKING A KILLING.......

18 years and no end in sight...........8 Trillion cost counting the interest ongoing........and yet we don't leave.

Endless Wars are BS...........but those who profit want endless Wars...........and that is what we have today........I have always stated that we should have went in hard and fast after 9/11 and killed as many of the enemy as possible and then leave before the dust settles..............

But .......we went to step into the quick sand of the middle east.............and no matter how you try to get out of quick only sucks you down deeper.

Which we are not paying for but it's somehow evil to actually pay for health care. It's also sad how it is argued that we have to pay for health care but not bombs and bail outs.
We are losing the War ECONOMICALLY.........Unless you are with the weapons manufacturers........who are MAKING A KILLING.......

18 years and no end in sight...........8 Trillion cost counting the interest ongoing........and yet we don't leave.

Endless Wars are BS...........but those who profit want endless Wars...........and that is what we have today........I have always stated that we should have went in hard and fast after 9/11 and killed as many of the enemy as possible and then leave before the dust settles..............

But .......we went to step into the quick sand of the middle east.............and no matter how you try to get out of quick only sucks you down deeper.

We are losing on all levels. At least the Soviet Union was smart enough to cut their losses and pack up.

We are also creating alliances that were never considered possible before.

Iran, China and Russia will 'send a message to the world' with first ever joint war drills | Daily Mail Online

Which we are not paying for but it's somehow evil to actually pay for health care. It's also sad how it is argued that we have to pay for health care but not bombs and bail outs.
We are losing the War ECONOMICALLY.........Unless you are with the weapons manufacturers........who are MAKING A KILLING.......

18 years and no end in sight...........8 Trillion cost counting the interest ongoing........and yet we don't leave.

Endless Wars are BS...........but those who profit want endless Wars...........and that is what we have today........I have always stated that we should have went in hard and fast after 9/11 and killed as many of the enemy as possible and then leave before the dust settles..............

But .......we went to step into the quick sand of the middle east.............and no matter how you try to get out of quick only sucks you down deeper.

We are losing on all levels. At least the Soviet Union was smart enough to cut their losses and pack up.
The middle east has always been this way...........which is why only fools want to stay there.......the radical elements of that religion will always keep coming......ENDLESS.....and why we need to get the hell out of there.

Then the opposing parties go.........look what the GOP did.....look what the Dems did.........all to feed the money being made off the Machine.

Which we are not paying for but it's somehow evil to actually pay for health care. It's also sad how it is argued that we have to pay for health care but not bombs and bail outs.
The sad thing is this argument works on many Americans. We have an enormously expensive military that benefits only the 1%, but HC for all Americans is fucking Communism. CRAZY!!!

Which we are not paying for but it's somehow evil to actually pay for health care. It's also sad how it is argued that we have to pay for health care but not bombs and bail outs.
The sad thing is this argument works on many Americans. We have an enormously expensive military that benefits only the 1%, but HC for all Americans is fucking Communism. CRAZY!!!

The sad thing is it works on Democrats. Republicans I can understand.

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