Anyone notice Google isn't honoring Pearl Harbor day?

Lol some of you people get out of your bed and make it your daily quest to see what you can be paranoid about.

We aren't paranoid. They really are out to get us.

I'm talking about the OP caring about what design the google word is for that particular day.

It's the 70th anniversity. It's very substantial in general, but when it's the 70th, it's huge. Meanwhile they'll be honoring Gay history day.
We aren't paranoid. They really are out to get us.

I'm talking about the OP caring about what design the google word is for that particular day.

It's the 70th anniversity. It's very substantial in general, but when it's the 70th, it's huge. Meanwhile they'll be honoring Gay history day.

and if they honor a gay person, I'm sure that'll be your excuse to be paranoid that day.

Me personally, I don't worry about the colors or shapes on google's front page, call me crazy.
It was an American defeat. It was inflicted on us by a government that no longer exists. Today's Japan is as different from the Japan of 1941 as today's Germany is from Nazi Germany. We won the war that followed decisively.

Enough. Time to move on.

So why does Google honor Cinco de mayo? That celebrates a Mexican victory over France. That was many French republics ago, not the same government. Why is it honored?

(Shrug.) I don't celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Maybe if I were Mexican I would. Maybe not; maybe I'd regard it the same way I regard Pearl Harbor day.

Actually, for me Pearl Harbor day is also my father's birthday. They bombed the place on his birthday when he was 14. Three years later, he lied about his age to get into the Marines. I think there may have been a causal connection there, but he never said.

Regardless, for me it's just history. I know the significance of it, but it's hardly a current issue.
Yea Google has disappointed on this one. I don't know what they're thinking these days. Bing is doing the right thing though. Gotta give them Kudos.
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Well, I guess they don't want to offend those in Japan that use their search engine.

They have their own search engine in Japan. We use the US version in the US.

Should Google not have a 4th of July thing because it might offend the BRitish?

I think that they actually do. If you search Google Doodles, you will see celebrations from many different countries....holidays that we don't celebrate.

Maybe they couldn't come up with something dazzling enough? Maybe they just had more important things to do. Maybe one of the ones who designs them was on vacation?

I don't think that it has anything to do with Islam or Communism.
Oh and out of curiosity I looked up why american fundie types were whining and pouting about google in terms of islam. Saying nothing pops up after you type "islam" into google search or "islam is", but stuff does prop up and pretty much all negative, so I'm not sure what this round of hysteria is for.
Anyone notice Google isn't honoring Pearl Harbor day?
You spent all morning, researching who is/isn't "honoring" Pearl harbor Day?

Everyone (totally) overlooked the fact it's Tom Waits' birthday??!!!


[ame=]Tom Waits - The Piano Has Been Drinking - 1977 - YouTube[/ame]


1937: Red Sox acquire the contract of 19-year-old Ted Williams

1945: Microwave oven patented.

1988: Yasser Arafat recognizes existence of Israel.​
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It was an American defeat. It was inflicted on us by a government that no longer exists. Today's Japan is as different from the Japan of 1941 as today's Germany is from Nazi Germany. We won the war that followed decisively.

Enough. Time to move on.

So why does Google honor Cinco de mayo? That celebrates a Mexican victory over France. That was many French republics ago, not the same government. Why is it honored?

Any excuse to party and drink. You really needed me to tell you that?
I do find it interesting. My take is that someone dropped the ball at Google. Considering what else they celebrate with Google-doodles, that is the only thing that makes sense to me.
It was an American defeat. It was inflicted on us by a government that no longer exists. Today's Japan is as different from the Japan of 1941 as today's Germany is from Nazi Germany. We won the war that followed decisively.

Enough. Time to move on.

So why does Google honor Cinco de mayo? That celebrates a Mexican victory over France. That was many French republics ago, not the same government. Why is it honored?

I've got an idea...why don't you boycott them for the day! That'll show them!
We aren't paranoid. They really are out to get us.

I'm talking about the OP caring about what design the google word is for that particular day.

It's the 70th anniversity. It's very substantial in general, but when it's the 70th, it's huge. Meanwhile they'll be honoring Gay history day.

Do you really need Google to honor the Pearl Harbor attack in order to make you feel good? Can't you honor it on your own or just tune in to one of the countless Pearl Harbor ceremonies? Christ, get a grip.
So Sergey Brin, Dennis Hwang, and Larry Page are pro-Islam, and Communist? Does that make sense?
So today google honors a female programmer who was in the navy but they didn't honor Pearl harbor day

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