Anyone remember the election in 2006?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Anyone remember the election in 2006?


Anyone remember the election in 2010


even 2008 had many a Republican and Conservative nitwit making crazed predictions.
11-02-2010, 06:28 pm
... Hairless reid will no longer be majority leader. It is a great day.

11-02-2010, 06:58 PM
Boehner and McConnell have made it pretty clear their priority is to block all Obama legislation and discredit him with House investigation. Meanwhile Democrats will be working on their image. In other words two years of campaigning all at tax payer expense.


It's true. The democrats will now retain the senate and that means that the economy rest on their shoulders. It looks like Obama will not negotiate with the republicans and with Reid's fishy win after the power went out in Nevada and poll machines went offline, he will be just as partisan as Obama. All this means is that Palin will now have ammo against them and she will use that to her advantage in 2012 to take the office of the presidency away from Obama if he isn't kicked out of office due to republican investigations into his eligibility issue of being a non Natural Born Citizen. This is good news indeed for Palin and the nation as a whole. Her stellar record as governor and executive experience will be beneficial to her.

You may be right that she may not be president, but she has a very good chance of getting the GOP nomination. A much smaller number of people vote in primaries and there the Teabaggers might have the numbers to get her the nomination, especially if there is no opposition in the Dem primary and the Dems turn "Operation Chaos" back on the GOP.

Her GOP challengers for the Nomination will rip her to shreads.

Based on what? She was the most popular governor in the U.S. with the highest approval ratings at the time she held the office with a great record.
Anyone remember the election in 2006?


Anyone remember the election in 2010


even 2008 had many a Republican and Conservative nitwit making crazed predictions.
I remember the 2006 mid-terms like it was yesterday. Republican's got booted out of office faster than mexican water through a first time tourist. It was a wholesale repudiation of the neocon agenda. All (but 2) pro-war candidates lost their jobs. But the one thing I remember most, was that the republicans actually cheated and tried to fix the vote count in their favor, but they didn't realize the level of outrage the country had towards them and didn't fix enough votes to stop the purge.

But then, right after the election, Pelosi tells the country, they've taken impeachment off the table, which was one of the reasons the country put them back in power. Then they abandoned most of the key elements of the liberal agenda they said they were going to do during the campaign once they got in office, which dis-allusioned many of the young voters that came out in droves (because they were so sick of what Bush did to the country) and as a result, they stayed away from the 2010 election to punish the dems for going back on their word.

Many on the right are so twisted in their belief that people actually voted for them in 2010 because they supported their policies. They don't realize they didn't do anything to deserve the votes. Just like the last 4 years. They've done nothing for the country. I challenge anyone to name me one piece of legislation they voted into law, that has benefited average American's. Just one!
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Anyone remember the election in 2006?


Anyone remember the election in 2010


even 2008 had many a Republican and Conservative nitwit making crazed predictions.
I remember the 2006 mid-terms like it was yesterday. Republican's got booted out of office faster than mexican water through a first time tourist. It was a wholesale repudiation of the neocon agenda. All (but 2) pro-war candidates lost their jobs. But the one thing I remember most, was that the republicans actually cheated and tried to fix the vote count in their favor, but they didn't realize the level of outrage the country had towards them and didn't fix enough votes to stop the purge.

But then, right after the election, Pelosi tells the country, they've taken impeachment off the table, which was one of the reasons the country put them back in power. Then they abandoned most of the key elements of the liberal agenda they said they were going to do during the campaign once they got in office, which dis-allusioned many of the young voters that came out in droves (because they were so sick of what Bush did to the country) and as a result, they stayed away from the 2010 election to punish the dems for going back on their word.

Many on the right are so twisted in their belief that people actually voted for them in 2010 because they supported their policies. They don't realize they didn't do anything to deserve the votes. Just like the last 4 years. They've done nothing for the country. I challenge anyone to name me one piece of legislation they voted into law, that has benefited average American's. Just one!

Truly and ignorant statement by someone who is addicted to government goodies.

The right does not want legislation that helps the average worker....such legislation is a myth.

They want no federal legislation and regulation that inhibits the ability of people to take care of themselves.

All the money we spend on education and we are still dealing with this ?
Truly and ignorant statement by someone who is addicted to government goodies.
Like Halliburton, KBR, General Dynamics, etc are?

The right does not want legislation that helps the average worker....such legislation is a myth.
Name one piece of legislation the right has enacted in the last 4 years that has benefited American's. Just one. Because if you can't, it's not a myth.

They want no federal legislation and regulation that inhibits the ability of people to take care of themselves.
It's the federal governments job to enact all laws to maintain the health and welfare the the country. And there are no more regulations now, than there was back in the early 90's, when we had 8 years of economic growth.

All the money we spend on education and we are still dealing with this ?
I'm more worried about the money were spending to fund these unecessary bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years.
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Truly and ignorant statement by someone who is addicted to government goodies.
Like Halliburton, KBR, General Dynamics, etc are?

Were you trying to make a point here ? I don't like big companies, especially the ones that are to big to fail

The right does not want legislation that helps the average worker....such legislation is a myth.
Name one piece of legislation the right has enacted in the last 4 years that has benefited American's. Just one. Because if you can't, it's not a myth.[/QUOTE]

Did you miss the point of my post.....there is no such is a myth. Not being able to name one is a testament to the job the people elected congress to do...stop the Obamacrap.

They want no federal legislation and regulation that inhibits the ability of people to take care of themselves.
It's the federal governments job to enact all laws to maintain the health and welfare the the country. And there are no more regulations now, than there was back in the early 90's, when we had 8 years of economic growth.[/QUOTE]

Your statement about the federal government is only again evidence that whatever money you spent on education was wasted.

That is not their job.

All the money we spend on education and we are still dealing with this ?
I'm more worried about the money were spending to fund these unecessary bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years.[/QUOTE]

I agree.

But that isn't going to help you get smarter.

We already spend way to much on education and not getting any good return on that.
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Were you trying to make a point here ? I don't like big companies, especially the ones that are to big to fail
I'm making the point that when it comes to government goodies, there are no bigger recipients than the military industrial complex.

Did you miss the point of my post.....there is no such is a myth. Not being able to name one is a testament to the job the people elected congress to do...stop the Obamacrap.
70% of the country wanted healthcare reform. Americans wanted jobs. They wanted the wars to end. And they wanted an end to corporate welfare. The republicans did nothing to address those issues.

You don't elect people to do nothing in office. No one pays someone not to do their jobs. And they certainly don't pay someone to prevent others from doing their jobs.

Your statement about the federal government is only again evidence that whatever money you spent on education was wasted.
Care to explain that in a little more detail? Or are vague innuendo's as far as you go?
That is not their job.
It's not their job? Does this look familiar?

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To...provide for the...general Welfare of the United States;
And to think, you commented on my education.

I agree.

But that isn't going to help you get smarter.

We already spend way to much on education and not getting any good return on that.
You just want to dumb down the country so they won't call you on all the bullshit you're spewing.
Were you trying to make a point here ? I don't like big companies, especially the ones that are to big to fail
I'm making the point that when it comes to government goodies, there are no bigger recipients than the military industrial complex.

Did you miss the point of my post.....there is no such is a myth. Not being able to name one is a testament to the job the people elected congress to do...stop the Obamacrap.
70% of the country wanted healthcare reform. Americans wanted jobs. They wanted the wars to end. And they wanted an end to corporate welfare. The republicans did nothing to address those issues.

You don't elect people to do nothing in office. No one pays someone not to do their jobs. And they certainly don't pay someone to prevent others from doing their jobs.

Care to explain that in a little more detail? Or are vague innuendo's as far as you go?
It's not their job? Does this look familiar?

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To...provide for the...general Welfare of the United States;
And to think, you commented on my education.

I agree.

But that isn't going to help you get smarter.

We already spend way to much on education and not getting any good return on that.
You just want to dumb down the country so they won't call you on all the bullshit you're spewing.

As has been proven on numerous threads....the General Welfare Clause does not mean what you wished it meant. If you need further clarification...I'll make up for what you didn't get in High School.

Ever read the Federalist Papers, or Madison's letters ?

As to Health Care Reform....most of the country wanted reform...not Obamacare. There is a huge difference.

What was that about bulls**t ?
As has been proven on numerous threads....the General Welfare Clause does not mean what you wished it meant. If you need further clarification...I'll make up for what you didn't get in High School.

Ever read the Federalist Papers, or Madison's letters ?
I read the Constitution and you're still not explaining what I'm missing here. You're just throwing out innuendo's and acting like you've just made a point, when it's still not clear what you're saying. I should not have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out what your point is. Just give a couple of examples of what you mean. Or just state what the definition of the "general welfare" of the country means. I'll take it from there.

As to Health Care Reform....most of the country wanted reform...not Obamacare. There is a huge difference.

What was that about bulls**t ?
No it wasn't. I myself, withdrew support for the bill, once it was clear the public option was out and the mandate was in. I don't like the bill, either, but that's not the reason the reps got back the Senate. If you look at the demographics for voters in the last two elections, the only difference is the 15% less voters in the 18-25 year old brackets. In 2006, those people voted the reps out of office. In 2010, they stayed away to punish the dems for not doing what they said they would do.
Ho Hum....

Federalist 45 (penned by Madison):

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

On the General Welfare'll find dozens of these kinds of references

Lettes to the Editor: General Welfare Is to Be Via the Enumerated Powers -

They all quote Madison and restate his argument, ad naseum, that if the General Welfare Clause meant unlimited power then the U.S. Constitution would be crap and that states powers (as guaranteed by the 10th amendment) would be meaningless. He further goes on to say that they have the General Welfare Clause to allow them to do the job they are chartered with in the Constitution (not to do anything they like). Their powers (as suggested in Federalist 45) are few and defined.
Truly and ignorant statement by someone who is addicted to government goodies.

The right does not want legislation that helps the average worker....such legislation is a myth.

They want no federal legislation and regulation that inhibits the ability of people to take care of themselves.

All the money we spend on education and we are still dealing with this ?

good gawd man, how the fuck do people like you subsist on a diet of bumper sticker slogans, talking points, and wingnut bullshit?
As to Health Care Reform....most of the country wanted reform...not Obamacare. There is a huge difference.

jesus h. christ, you are dumb. Health Care Insurance Reform had to start some place.

The duly elected Congress and President enacted it. And the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled Obamacare constitutional

America! Love it or leave it.
crawl back under your rock
As to Health Care Reform....most of the country wanted reform...not Obamacare. There is a huge difference.

jesus h. christ, you are dumb. Health Care Insurance Reform had to start some place.

The duly elected Congress and President enacted it. And the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled Obamacare constitutional

America! Love it or leave it.
crawl back under your rock

Stop drinking and posting asswipe.

Your statement seems to indicate this was a good place to start...whose dumb ?

As to the USC and the SCOTUS...hopefully that mistake will be rectified in the near future...but until then even the SCOTUS said...not under the commerce clause.

I do love it....So GFY.
As to Health Care Reform....most of the country wanted reform...not Obamacare. There is a huge difference.

jesus h. christ, you are dumb. Health Care Insurance Reform had to start some place.

The duly elected Congress and President enacted it. And the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled Obamacare constitutional

America! Love it or leave it.
crawl back under your rock

Stop drinking and posting asswipe.

Your statement seems to indicate this was a good place to start...whose dumb ?

As to the USC and the SCOTUS...hopefully that mistake will be rectified in the near future...but until then even the SCOTUS said...not under the commerce clause.

I do love it....So GFY.

Ho Hum....

Federalist 45 (penned by Madison):

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

On the General Welfare'll find dozens of these kinds of references

Lettes to the Editor: General Welfare Is to Be Via the Enumerated Powers -

They all quote Madison and restate his argument, ad naseum, that if the General Welfare Clause meant unlimited power then the U.S. Constitution would be crap and that states powers (as guaranteed by the 10th amendment) would be meaningless. He further goes on to say that they have the General Welfare Clause to allow them to do the job they are chartered with in the Constitution (not to do anything they like). Their powers (as suggested in Federalist 45) are few and defined.
Unfortunately, the Federalist Papers do not supersede the Constititution. And the powers of the states, are limited to each state. States do not have the power to regulate interstate commerce, the federal government does. And Congress can make any law it so deems to provide for the general welfare of the country, as long as it is uniform throughout the entire country. And a single-payer, non-profit, universal healthcare system, definately meets that definition.

It's the federal governments job to deal with all threats to the nation as a whole. And when you got a for-profit, $2 trillion/yr, healthcare industry monopoly, that is the cause for 51% of all bankruptcy's filed in the US, that is a threat to this country and its citizens. All the government has to do, is cut the defense budget in half, end the wars, close all our bases around the world, raise the capital gains tax by 10% and we got enough money to provide healthcare for the nation, money to jumpstart the economy through infrastructure projects AND pay down the deficit, all at the same time.

Problem solved.
Ho Hum....

Federalist 45 (penned by Madison):

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

On the General Welfare'll find dozens of these kinds of references

Lettes to the Editor: General Welfare Is to Be Via the Enumerated Powers -

They all quote Madison and restate his argument, ad naseum, that if the General Welfare Clause meant unlimited power then the U.S. Constitution would be crap and that states powers (as guaranteed by the 10th amendment) would be meaningless. He further goes on to say that they have the General Welfare Clause to allow them to do the job they are chartered with in the Constitution (not to do anything they like). Their powers (as suggested in Federalist 45) are few and defined.

The Federalist were an argument presented to the people of the state of New York. They formed an argument, not a creed to be followed by fundamentalist leaders.

After the US Constitution was ratified 'by the people' and NOT the States, Madison wrote lots of things about interpretation and meanings. You'd be surprised to know that Madison and Hamilton could not agree with each other or with themselves over many of the constitutional arguments...yet people like you seem to think you have some secret sauce that can help you interpret things the framers themselves could not.

btw, Madison wrote to somebody who asked about meanings and interpretations, to look to the ratifiers, not the framers.

Who ratified the US Constitution? Not the framers or the states, but the 'people' of each state as a national body. Twas an up or down vote -- take it or leave it -- written behind closed doors -- no official records were kept.

In their wisdom the framers probably foresaw people like you coming down the road. :eusa_whistle:
Hold on a second. Someone on this board actually said Palin would win the presidency this year? What a loon!

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