Anyone remember the full page ad in the NYT advocating AGAINST invading Iraq?

Graham: White House Lying About Iraq Status of Forces Agreement

"Graham told the story of his personal role in the negotiations during the draw down of U.S. forces in Iraq. He said when he and Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) were in Iraq, Malik agreed to a "follow up force" being left in theater and it was the Obama administration's intentional refusal to give the Iraqis a solid troop number that destroyed the deal."

So why did Obama switch sides in the GWOT? Why is Obama backing Al Qaeda?

Wow talk about fair...A Republican on a republican site claims that its all his political opponents fault. Thats typical.

Got anything from yanno...not a hack site or a politician looking to score points or disproves the reporting from WSJ? :lol:

See, this is what happens when you don't read the articles you link

"But Mr. Maliki said the only way for any of the remaining 50,000 or so American soldiers to stay beyond 2011 would be for the two nations to negotiate—with the approval of Iraq's Parliament—a new Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA, similar to the one concluded in 2008."

You didn't read the article, right? You saw the headline and grabbed it.

Funny you cut it off too early because beneath that it says:

That deal took a year of protracted negotiations in the face of vehement opposition from many among Mr. Maliki's own Shiite constituency, and no repeat is expected.

Mr. Maliki and U.S. officials have refrained for the most part from raising the issue publicly during the months of political wrangling in Baghdad, as Mr. Maliki negotiated with potential coalition partners, many of whom have adamantly opposed an extended U.S. stay.

So, like I said, the reason we arent still there is because Iraqi's didnt want us there. Fucktard
Then they are stupid. You can't have it both ways.

The entire world is stupid because they trusted the President of the United States of America is what you are saying. OK, everyone is stupid for trusting the President of the United States of America. We have a problem if nobody will trust the President of the United States of America.

Before we can fix our problem we have to admit we have a problem. Refusal to admit the problem makes the problem irreparable. That means it can not be repaired. Cowards refuse to admit their mistakes and people with no moral character refuse to admit their mistakes.
America is the home of the brave and we are not afraid to admit our mistakes. We are also a nation of people with high degrees and levels of moral character.
You'll understand it some day.

I understand perfectly. The UN and democrats had the same intelligence and the democrats said Saddam had WMDs before Bush became president. We can agree or disagree whether invasion was right or wrong, but when it comes to blame there is more than enough for all participants. That's my point. Putting the entire blame on Bush is dishonest.

You are missing the whole point. The UN and the Congress, Democrat and Republican did not have the same intelligence. They had the cherry picked, bastardized, manipulated intelligence that Bush and his administration tricked them with. That is what Wilson-Plame scandal was all about. That is what the DOWNING STREET MEMO's were all about. That is why the shit hit the fan when wikileaks came out. That is why the shit hit the fan when the administration was forced through court orders to declassify specific documents.
When all the data came out the whole world looked at the USA called and called us a bunch of liars who started a war over lies. We looked into it and discovered we were a bunch of liars. We admitted our failure and mistakes and exposed the bastards who put us in that position. There are some among us who refuse to take responsibility for letting this crime occur.
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^ Here's Iraq after we removed Saddam


^Here's Iraq after Obama switch sides to support Islamic Jihad

They did the same thing on the West Bank....isn't democracy wonderful?

That lady probably had her head cut off for showing her purple finger in the media.
"But Mr. Maliki said the only way for any of the remaining 50,000 or so American soldiers to stay beyond 2011 would be for the two nations to negotiate—with the approval of Iraq's Parliament—a new Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA, similar to the one concluded in 2008."

So the Left continues to lie

Yeah thats what Frank does...he says shit completely false then disappears when someone calls him on it.

You should be so lucky.

So is Maliki no longer a credible source in the interview YOU posted?

not only that but he's not a credible leader Frank57. Malaki has alienated huge swaths of his population & put political hacks in as Commanders w/ ghost soldiers (getting paid but not present) on the payroll in the military. YET, he was Bushy's guy :eusa_hand:

You may be a bigger moron than FranCoWTF

Do you post just to hear yourself talk?

^ Here's Iraq after we removed Saddam
Seriously, do you people ever follow the news. Wiki already exposed what some had been saying for years.

U.S. military colluded in rigging the 2010 elections
Leaked documents ?WikiLeaks?: U.S. military colluded in rigging the 2010 elections, the Iraqi - Iraqi Dinar News, Information and Facts - IRAQI DINAR
The election in Baghdad was fairer and more accurate than in any major Democrat controlled US city

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

^ Here's Iraq after we removed Saddam
Seriously, do you people ever follow the news. Wiki already exposed what some had been saying for years.

U.S. military colluded in rigging the 2010 elections
Leaked documents ?WikiLeaks?: U.S. military colluded in rigging the 2010 elections, the Iraqi - Iraqi Dinar News, Information and Facts - IRAQI DINAR
The election in Baghdad was fairer and more accurate than in any major Democrat controlled US city

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Thats because people had to provide ID to vote. And amazingly Iraqis living in the middle ages had no problem. But somehow liberal pols think American blacks can't do that.
Seriously, do you people ever follow the news. Wiki already exposed what some had been saying for years.

U.S. military colluded in rigging the 2010 elections
Leaked documents ?WikiLeaks?: U.S. military colluded in rigging the 2010 elections, the Iraqi - Iraqi Dinar News, Information and Facts - IRAQI DINAR
The election in Baghdad was fairer and more accurate than in any major Democrat controlled US city

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Thats because people had to provide ID to vote. And amazingly Iraqis living in the middle ages had no problem. But somehow liberal pols think American blacks can't do that.

You are an outrageously stupid liar. Yeah they had so much I.D. they needed purple fingers to control fraud. Moves you up to #1 Liar and #3 Stupid. Congrats.
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Anyone remember Joe Biden saying this in 2010.

On Larry King Live last night, Vice President Joe Biden said Iraq "could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government."
The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

Seems like you lefties were more than willing to hop on that band wagon and take credit for what was happening in Iraq then not so much anymore though.
The election in Baghdad was fairer and more accurate than in any major Democrat controlled US city

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Thats because people had to provide ID to vote. And amazingly Iraqis living in the middle ages had no problem. But somehow liberal pols think American blacks can't do that.

You are an outrareously stupid liar. Yeah they had so much I.D. they needed purple fingers to control fraud. Moves you up to #1 Liar and #3 Stupid. Congrats.

him & Oldstyle are two of the biggest rw kool aid drinkers :alcoholic: on the board.

As to the OP, the people who goaded Congress into approving their war-of-choice need to :anj_stfu:
Obama threw it all away when he switched side to support the Jihadists

you people and your rw hyperbole. How many decades of occupation do repub chickenhawks, like Cheney, need to win a war of choice? AND who is going to pay for it?

Too bad condi didn't have the spine to stand up to Dick or at least resign instead of signing onto the biggest foreign policy disaster in a generation. :(


^ Here's the Iraq that was entrusted to Obama


^ Here's Iraq under Obama and Al Qaeda

I heard a sad murmuring today about reports of ISIS beheading a lot of the people it is killing in order to take cities over in Iraq.

Those people don't deserve to be in charge any more than Saddam Hussein and his rape room killer sons Uday and Qusay.

The alleged leader of the attackers in Iraq is said to be Saddam's former son in law, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri.

It's the same way Saddam came to power--he literally murdered his way up to the top, and when he got there, he accelerated his kills to 70,000 per year on average over a 25-year rule.

President Obama allowing another Hussein relative to continue Saddam's ministry of terror is sad, to say the least.
Thats because people had to provide ID to vote. And amazingly Iraqis living in the middle ages had no problem. But somehow liberal pols think American blacks can't do that.

You are an outrareously stupid liar. Yeah they had so much I.D. they needed purple fingers to control fraud. Moves you up to #1 Liar and #3 Stupid. Congrats.

him & Oldstyle are two of the biggest rw kool aid drinkers :alcoholic: on the board.

As to the OP, the people who goaded Congress into approving their war-of-choice need to :anj_stfu:

William Kristol (the guy who goaded both Clinton & Bush to invade Iraq & a current fox News employee :eusa_shhh: ) was told that he needs to enlist in the Iraqi Army if he feels so strongly about his war Nation editor stuns ?architect of catastrophe? Bill Kristol: Join Iraqi Army if you want war
I heard a sad murmuring today about reports of ISIS beheading a lot of the people it is killing in order to take cities over in Iraq.

Those people don't deserve to be in charge any more than Saddam Hussein and his rape room killer sons Uday and Qusay.

The alleged leader of the attackers in Iraq is said to be Saddam's former son in law, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri.

It's the same way Saddam came to power--he literally murdered his way up to the top, and when he got there, he accelerated his kills to 70,000 per year on average over a 25-year rule.

President Obama allowing another Hussein relative to continue Saddam's ministry of terror is sad, to say the least.

where did you hear it (link?) & what is your solution? You a Malaki grl? Bu$h II put all his chips on Malaki & this is what we get.

Heres what was said last Sunday to the chief architect of the Iraq War (he's a rw'er like you & current Fox News employee :eusa_shifty: :eusa_shhh: )

Nation editor stuns ?architect of catastrophe? Bill Kristol: Join Iraqi Army if you want war
“For example, the president should go to Congress if he’s going to take military action in Iraq,” she explained. “There’s no military solution to Iraq, and I have to say, sitting next to Bill Kristol, man — I mean, the architects of catastrophe that have cost this country trillions of dollars, thousands of lives — there should be accountability.”

“If there are no regrets for the failed assumptions that have grievously wounded this nation — I don’t know what happened to our politics and media accountability, but we need it, Bill,” she continued. “Because this country should not go back to war. We don’t need armchair warriors, and if you feel so strongly, you should, with all due respect, enlist in the Iraqi Army.”


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I heard a sad murmuring today about reports of ISIS beheading a lot of the people it is killing in order to take cities over in Iraq.

Those people don't deserve to be in charge any more than Saddam Hussein and his rape room killer sons Uday and Qusay.

The alleged leader of the attackers in Iraq is said to be Saddam's former son in law, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri.

It's the same way Saddam came to power--he literally murdered his way up to the top, and when he got there, he accelerated his kills to 70,000 per year on average over a 25-year rule.

President Obama allowing another Hussein relative to continue Saddam's ministry of terror is sad, to say the least.

where did you hear it (link?) & what is your solution? You a Malaki grl? Bu$h II put all his chips on Malaki & this is what we get.

Heres what was said last Sunday to the chief architect of the Iraq War (he's a rw'er like you & current Fox News employee :eusa_shifty: :eusa_shhh: )

Nation editor stuns ?architect of catastrophe? Bill Kristol: Join Iraqi Army if you want war
“For example, the president should go to Congress if he’s going to take military action in Iraq,” she explained. “There’s no military solution to Iraq, and I have to say, sitting next to Bill Kristol, man — I mean, the architects of catastrophe that have cost this country trillions of dollars, thousands of lives — there should be accountability.”

“If there are no regrets for the failed assumptions that have grievously wounded this nation — I don’t know what happened to our politics and media accountability, but we need it, Bill,” she continued. “Because this country should not go back to war. We don’t need armchair warriors, and if you feel so strongly, you should, with all due respect, enlist in the Iraqi Army.”


where did you hear it (link?)

On tv.

You can't link Direct TV. I know this is a serious error on my part... :D
Thanks for conceding that vietraq was a crap shoot gone disastrously bad from the outset. It was like stomping on a hornet's nest. Admit it.
you people and your rw hyperbole. How many decades of occupation do repub chickenhawks, like Cheney, need to win a war of choice? AND who is going to pay for it?

Too bad condi didn't have the spine to stand up to Dick or at least resign instead of signing onto the biggest foreign policy disaster in a generation. :(


^ Here's the Iraq that was entrusted to Obama


^ Here's Iraq under Obama and Al Qaeda

I heard a sad murmuring today about reports of ISIS beheading a lot of the people it is killing in order to take cities over in Iraq.

Those people don't deserve to be in charge any more than Saddam Hussein and his rape room killer sons Uday and Qusay.

The alleged leader of the attackers in Iraq is said to be Saddam's former son in law, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri.

It's the same way Saddam came to power--he literally murdered his way up to the top, and when he got there, he accelerated his kills to 70,000 per year on average over a 25-year rule.

President Obama allowing another Hussein relative to continue Saddam's ministry of terror is sad, to say the least.

That's true of every Progressive Leader, they murder their way to the top: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, all of them

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