Anyone remember the full page ad in the NYT advocating AGAINST invading Iraq?

Bush lied to invade Iraq.

So did democrats and the UN.

They believed the lies of Bush and Powell. They trusted those two liars and repeated the lies. That is why the entire world views them as liars today. Only limited supporters here in the US argue and defend them. Even most of their supporters admit they lied, but claim they were mistaken and not actually guilty of malicious lying.

Too bad you people, such as [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & 10-20+/- other cons/repub drones on this board, keep saying that Iraq was a brilliant foreign policy move :rofl: , were too busy lapping-up what Dick, Condi, & Colin were spoon-feeding them :(

Heres just ONE POINT made in the full page ad run prior to Bu$h II's war:
26 September 2002 New York Times Advertisement
Even if we win easily, we have no plausible exit strategy. Iraq is a deeply divided society that the United States would have to occupy and police for many years to create a viable state.

This guy was a signatory and was interviewed on cspan. Needless to say, he pointed-out the obvious :up: Invading Iraq was a collossal foreign policy disaster that broke America's economic back.

Shibley Telhami

Washington Journal Middle East History | Video |
June 22, 2014
Sunni-Shiite Conflict in Iraq

Shibley Telhami talked about the history of Islamic sects in Iraq. Topics included the differences between Sunnis, Shias, and Kurd. He also discussed the history of sharia law and the region as it had been under the rule of Saddam Hussein.

TOLD YOU SO :boohoo: Thanks A LOT chickenhawks :thup:
It's a failure that is coming back to haunt Republicans. The wackos are even taking shots at each other, like Rand Paul and Dick Cheney sniping at each other recently.

Rand Paul: Blame Dick Cheney for Iraq violence, not Obama - CBS News

The right are proven to be dopes, yet again.

Too bad you people, such as [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & 10-20+/- other cons/repub drones on this board, keep saying that Iraq was a brilliant foreign policy move :rofl: , were too busy lapping-up what Dick, Condi, & Colin were spoon-feeding them :(

Heres just ONE POINT made in the full page ad run prior to Bu$h II's war:
26 September 2002 New York Times Advertisement

This guy was a signatory and was interviewed on cspan. Needless to say, he pointed-out the obvious :up: Invading Iraq was a collossal foreign policy disaster that broke America's economic back.

Shibley Telhami

Washington Journal Middle East History | Video |

TOLD YOU SO :boohoo: Thanks A LOT chickenhawks :thup:

thats funny calling someone a Drone....thats almost as funny as you saying someone is whining...:lol:

so I took you off ignore ystrdy & the 1st post I see by you is an partisan ad hom whine? :eusa_doh: Know what that means? :bye1: Back on ignore for ANOTHER 2 years :rofl: :boohoo: Can't say I didn't give you a chance hackboi :(

As to my OP- its pretty clear-cut. The last Repub Admin broke this nation's back [economically] (what OBL's goal was BTW) by willfully ignoring scholars who warned them against their "it'll pay for itself" foreign entanglement.

This lie cost us a couple trillion but you know what gets republicans panties in a bunch? "If you like your dr you can keep him" and some people couldnt....because that is just like trillions of dollars
Not according to people who were handling the negotiations.

But, again, you will repeat anything fed into the Prog Collective

Like the wall street journal? Lets play a game...I provide a source backing what I say and you do the same. I'll go first

BAGHDAD—Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ruled out the presence of any U.S. troops in Iraq after the end of 2011, saying his new government and the country's security forces were capable of confronting any remaining threats to Iraq's security, sovereignty and unity.

Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

Your turn? "Do the Rubioooo" :lol:

you asking Frank57 to back up what he says w/ credible sources? :rofl: You're funny :D

Maliki is no longer a credible source during his own interview?
you people and your rw hyperbole. :blahblah: How many decades of occupation do repub chickenhawks, like Cheney, need to win a war of choice? AND who is going to pay for it?

Too bad Condi didn't have the spine to stand up to Dick or at least resign instead of signing onto the biggest foreign policy disaster in a generation. :(
Frank57 never answered my above question. :eusa_think: QUELLE SURPRISE..... NOT :doubt:
Iraq was standing. It might have been wobbly, but it was on the way when Bush left office.

The disaster came when obama took Iraq in a new direction. The current disaster in Iraq occurred because obama armed ISIS in Syria. Had that not happened, Assad would have put down that rebellion in days and there would never have been an ISIS.

if a smoldering powderkeg, due to Malaki alienating all non-Shiia in the country = "standing", then yes :thup: Stop w/ the rw cray cray :tinfoil: talk hackgrl :eusa_hand:

Yeah thats what Frank does...he says shit completely false then disappears when someone calls him on it.

You should be so lucky.

So is Maliki no longer a credible source in the interview YOU posted?
Like the wall street journal? Lets play a game...I provide a source backing what I say and you do the same. I'll go first

Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ

Your turn? "Do the Rubioooo" :lol:

you asking Frank57 to back up what he says w/ credible sources? :rofl: You're funny :D

Maliki is no longer a credible source during his own interview?

You didnt quote Malki you quoted Lindsey Graham then you provided a link that debunked your bullshit :lol:

Hows that bullet feel in your foot?
This is a display of some very pathetic posts.
As I have stated earlier, Obama has made more than he share of mistakes but what is going on Iraq isn't one of his mistakes.
Fact: The Bush Administration were warned by two of their own intelligence agencies that if Saddam was disposed a bloody civil war would break out. Not only did the intelligence community state this but so did a large number of ME experts. It seems that the Bushies didn't give a shit about the warnings, I guess they thought they knew better.
Second fact, Bush signed of on the troop withdrawal and the timeline for the troops departure.
These are well known facts, yet we have some that just plain ignore historical facts just so they can avoid responsibility of their ideology and blame someone else. What ever happened to personal responsibility? It only applies to the other guy, I guess.
Like I said, this is absolutely pathetic.
I'll bet Al Qaeda is using Obama in their recruiting posters.

Join Jihad, the Prophet Obama guides us! We have All the land from Aleppo to Baghdad and $15B in the best US Equipment. Praise be to Obama! Praise be his Holy Name!

Hahaha. You're as crazy as me. I was thinking of the potential of radical Islamist entrepreneurship when I put up these ideas in another thread.

:lol: Become a burqa designer. Mega bucks baby. Better yet become a Obama/Bush flammable effigy maker.

And no good entrepreneur in a radical hard line Islamist country could be without this.

The guaranteed quick light flammable American flag baby! Guaranteed to light quickly for the cameras but burn slow enough to get in at least ten Death to America chants while Al Jazeera films.

Even AQ denounced these more fail from you

Too bad you people, such as [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & 10-20+/- other cons/repub drones on this board, keep saying that Iraq was a brilliant foreign policy move :rofl: , were too busy lapping-up what Dick, Condi, & Colin were spoon-feeding them :(

Heres just ONE POINT made in the full page ad run prior to Bu$h II's war:
26 September 2002 New York Times Advertisement

This guy was a signatory and was interviewed on cspan. Needless to say, he pointed-out the obvious :up: Invading Iraq was a collossal foreign policy disaster that broke America's economic back.

Shibley Telhami

Washington Journal Middle East History | Video |

TOLD YOU SO :boohoo: Thanks A LOT chickenhawks :thup:

thats funny calling someone a Drone....thats almost as funny as you saying someone is whining...:lol:

so I took you off ignore ystrdy & the 1st post I see by you is an partisan ad hom whine? :eusa_doh: Know what that means? :bye1: Back on ignore for ANOTHER 2 years :rofl: :boohoo: Can't say I didn't give you a chance hackboi :(

As to my OP- its pretty clear-cut. The last Repub Admin broke this nation's back [economically] (what OBL's goal was BTW) by willfully ignoring scholars who warned them against their "it'll pay for itself" foreign entanglement.

so before you go are you going to prove that accusation you made about me?.....or are you just going to run from something like you are saying Frank is doing?....just askin....
Bush lied to invade Iraq.

So did democrats and the UN.

They believed the lies of Bush and Powell. They trusted those two liars and repeated the lies. That is why the entire world views them as liars today. Only limited supporters here in the US argue and defend them. Even most of their supporters admit they lied, but claim they were mistaken and not actually guilty of malicious lying.

Then they are stupid. You can't have it both ways.
you asking Frank57 to back up what he says w/ credible sources? :rofl: You're funny :D

Maliki is no longer a credible source during his own interview?

You didnt quote Malki you quoted Lindsey Graham then you provided a link that debunked your bullshit :lol:

Hows that bullet feel in your foot?

I quoted Maliki from the article YOU posted and STILL haven't read

"But Mr. Maliki said the only way for any of the remaining 50,000 or so American soldiers to stay beyond 2011 would be for the two nations to negotiate—with the approval of Iraq's Parliament—a new Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA, similar to the one concluded in 2008."

Please, stop embarrassing yourself. If you don't know how to read, find an adult to read the article you posted to you
Frank57 never answered my above question. :eusa_think: QUELLE SURPRISE..... NOT :doubt:

if a smoldering powderkeg, due to Malaki alienating all non-Shiia in the country = "standing", then yes :thup: Stop w/ the rw cray cray :tinfoil: talk hackgrl :eusa_hand:

Yeah thats what Frank does...he says shit completely false then disappears when someone calls him on it.

You should be so lucky.

So is Maliki no longer a credible source in the interview YOU posted?

not only that but he's not a credible leader Frank57. Malaki has alienated huge swaths of his population & put political hacks in as Commanders w/ ghost soldiers (getting paid but not present) on the payroll in the military. YET, he was Bushy's guy :eusa_hand:
So did democrats and the UN.

They believed the lies of Bush and Powell. They trusted those two liars and repeated the lies. That is why the entire world views them as liars today. Only limited supporters here in the US argue and defend them. Even most of their supporters admit they lied, but claim they were mistaken and not actually guilty of malicious lying.

Then they are stupid. You can't have it both ways.

The entire world is stupid because they trusted the President of the United States of America is what you are saying. OK, everyone is stupid for trusting the President of the United States of America. We have a problem if nobody will trust the President of the United States of America.

Before we can fix our problem we have to admit we have a problem. Refusal to admit the problem makes the problem irreparable. That means it can not be repaired. Cowards refuse to admit their mistakes and people with no moral character refuse to admit their mistakes.
America is the home of the brave and we are not afraid to admit our mistakes. We are also a nation of people with high degrees and levels of moral character.
You'll understand it some day.
Yeah thats what Frank does...he says shit completely false then disappears when someone calls him on it.

You should be so lucky.

So is Maliki no longer a credible source in the interview YOU posted?

not only that but he's not a credible leader Frank57. Malaki has alienated huge swaths of his population & put political hacks in as Commanders w/ ghost soldiers (getting paid but not present) on the payroll in the military. YET, he was Bushy's guy :eusa_hand:

Wait a second. You high fived Closed for posting the Maliki Interview and now you're throwing them under the bus? Wow! That's faster than Obama switching sides and supporting Al Qaeda

Too bad you people, such as [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & 10-20+/- other cons/repub drones on this board, keep saying that Iraq was a brilliant foreign policy move :rofl: , were too busy lapping-up what Dick, Condi, & Colin were spoon-feeding them :(

Heres just ONE POINT made in the full page ad run prior to Bu$h II's war:
26 September 2002 New York Times Advertisement
Even if we win easily, we have no plausible exit strategy. Iraq is a deeply divided society that the United States would have to occupy and police for many years to create a viable state.

This guy was a signatory and was interviewed on cspan. Needless to say, he pointed-out the obvious :up: Invading Iraq was a collossal foreign policy disaster that broke America's economic back.

Shibley Telhami

Washington Journal Middle East History | Video |
June 22, 2014
Sunni-Shiite Conflict in Iraq

Shibley Telhami talked about the history of Islamic sects in Iraq. Topics included the differences between Sunnis, Shias, and Kurd. He also discussed the history of sharia law and the region as it had been under the rule of Saddam Hussein.

TOLD YOU SO :boohoo: Thanks A LOT chickenhawks :thup:

you didn't tell anyone anything.

you haven't had a free thought in decades.

and really, going back over a decade for an "I told you so"?


Too bad you people, such as [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & 10-20+/- other cons/repub drones on this board, keep saying that Iraq was a brilliant foreign policy move :rofl: , were too busy lapping-up what Dick, Condi, & Colin were spoon-feeding them :(

Heres just ONE POINT made in the full page ad run prior to Bu$h II's war:
26 September 2002 New York Times Advertisement
Even if we win easily, we have no plausible exit strategy. Iraq is a deeply divided society that the United States would have to occupy and police for many years to create a viable state.

This guy was a signatory and was interviewed on cspan. Needless to say, he pointed-out the obvious :up: Invading Iraq was a collossal foreign policy disaster that broke America's economic back.

Shibley Telhami

Washington Journal Middle East History | Video |
June 22, 2014
Sunni-Shiite Conflict in Iraq

Shibley Telhami talked about the history of Islamic sects in Iraq. Topics included the differences between Sunnis, Shias, and Kurd. He also discussed the history of sharia law and the region as it had been under the rule of Saddam Hussein.

TOLD YOU SO :boohoo: Thanks A LOT chickenhawks :thup:

you didn't tell anyone anything.

you haven't had a free thought in decades.

and really, going back over a decade for an "I told you so"?


AND she claims Frank runs and avoids......something she does quite well herself
They believed the lies of Bush and Powell. They trusted those two liars and repeated the lies. That is why the entire world views them as liars today. Only limited supporters here in the US argue and defend them. Even most of their supporters admit they lied, but claim they were mistaken and not actually guilty of malicious lying.

Then they are stupid. You can't have it both ways.

The entire world is stupid because they trusted the President of the United States of America is what you are saying. OK, everyone is stupid for trusting the President of the United States of America. We have a problem if nobody will trust the President of the United States of America.

Before we can fix our problem we have to admit we have a problem. Refusal to admit the problem makes the problem irreparable. That means it can not be repaired. Cowards refuse to admit their mistakes and people with no moral character refuse to admit their mistakes.
America is the home of the brave and we are not afraid to admit our mistakes. We are also a nation of people with high degrees and levels of moral character.
You'll understand it some day.

I understand perfectly. The UN and democrats had the same intelligence and the democrats said Saddam had WMDs before Bush became president. We can agree or disagree whether invasion was right or wrong, but when it comes to blame there is more than enough for all participants. That's my point. Putting the entire blame on Bush is dishonest.
Last edited:

Too bad you people, such as [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & 10-20+/- other cons/repub drones on this board, keep saying that Iraq was a brilliant foreign policy move :rofl: , were too busy lapping-up what Dick, Condi, & Colin were spoon-feeding them :(

Heres just ONE POINT made in the full page ad run prior to Bu$h II's war:
26 September 2002 New York Times Advertisement
Even if we win easily, we have no plausible exit strategy. Iraq is a deeply divided society that the United States would have to occupy and police for many years to create a viable state.

This guy was a signatory and was interviewed on cspan. Needless to say, he pointed-out the obvious :up: Invading Iraq was a collossal foreign policy disaster that broke America's economic back.

Shibley Telhami

Washington Journal Middle East History | Video |
June 22, 2014
Sunni-Shiite Conflict in Iraq

Shibley Telhami talked about the history of Islamic sects in Iraq. Topics included the differences between Sunnis, Shias, and Kurd. He also discussed the history of sharia law and the region as it had been under the rule of Saddam Hussein.

TOLD YOU SO :boohoo: Thanks A LOT chickenhawks :thup:

you didn't tell anyone anything.

you haven't had a free thought in decades.

and really, going back over a decade for an "I told you so"?


Cool story bro

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