Anyone remember this delusional gem of Hillary's?

Here we are, stuck with two candidates who imagined a lot of things that never happened. How did we get to this point?

Great question, and I assume there are several viable answers. For the Dems they have been heading down this path for a long while. 2-3 years ago most people were predicting her as the nominee. The Libs will usually fall in line for the 'cause' because they are mostly mindless sheep who do what they are told.

On the other hand, many conservatives prefer not to get involved and will just stay out of the mess. That is until things get so bad that they have had enough. And in my view that is what happen here. We have been trusting the wrong people, we went along with McCain, Romney, and gave them control of congress, and nothing changed. So BAM, screw you guys we are going in a different direction. Trumps timing was impeccable. I don't know if he sensed it or was just lucky, but his timing was perfect.

I can't fathom this woman being in charge of national security

I can’t fathom why you guys have to take things out of context, remove key words from phrases, etc…

oh wow, such as bill clinton saying in an interview that was later edited that his wife has frequent fainting spells.
Care to comment on the editing.

Care to stick to the topic?

I did...and you're a hack

I can't fathom this woman being in charge of national security

I can’t fathom why you guys have to take things out of context, remove key words from phrases, etc…

oh wow, such as bill clinton saying in an interview that was later edited that his wife has frequent fainting spells.
Care to comment on the editing.

Care to stick to the topic?

I did...and you're a hack

No, you brought up some supposed interview that Bill Clinton gave that wasn’t mentioned in the op…. When you lie as much as a conservative has to, I understand it may be hard to keep up with them all. But you should at least try. Don’t make me correct you again.

I can't fathom this woman being in charge of national security

I can’t fathom why you guys have to take things out of context, remove key words from phrases, etc…

oh wow, such as bill clinton saying in an interview that was later edited that his wife has frequent fainting spells.
Care to comment on the editing.

Care to stick to the topic?

I did...and you're a hack

No, you brought up some supposed interview that Bill Clinton gave that wasn’t mentioned in the op…. When you lie as much as a conservative has to, I understand it may be hard to keep up with them all. But you should at least try. Don’t make me correct you again.

Lol, in a court of law it's called discovery.
You just called me a liar. Now, do you really wanna go there?
Well, doesn't a girl have a right to a good delusion every once in a while?

or a lie from whole cloth for no apparent reason or to satisfy her own political goals or to keep her ass out of prison.

A girl has to have those too....

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