Anyone remember when "racism" was real?

The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
Yes, and now the Trumpsters are doing it again. Just look at dang near any thread on USMB. Weird.

As far as racism goes, who knows what happened to it?

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
your list is silly --doesn't prove crap hahahhahahah
it proves you really don't have any proof of white racism

So, what DOES it prove? That a lengthy list of individuals here,(you included) "are not racist, but just SAY things that are"?

It's actually direct evidence which makes it even more mind boggling that they just keep piling it on.

God forbid any of them ever find themselves in a situation where they're being accused of some crime motivated by racism. The proof of what they think and believe is right here.

Not to speak for MaryL but, I think people being accused of racism without cause is precisely one of the things she's talking about.

I myself have been accused in the past of racism by one of the posters in this discussion without cause. Why? Because I'm white. This would fall under "crime motivated by race". "Sin" might be the better word to use here but I think you get my meaning.

Another poster here says (also in this discussion) that most whites are racist. Being white, I know this is patently false. What motivates this idea? Well, you tell me.
..the R word means nothing now because they have used it for so much crap..we laugh when a white is accused of racism

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The word has lost all meaning.
Well that's your [wrong] opinion and unless you're an officer of the court it has no more weight any anyone else's opinion.

It's not just my opinion. A lot of whites and even a few blacks are saying this.

I'll give you a perfect example of what I'm talking about from right here on this board. IM2 called me racist not long after I got here, basically for no other reason than that I disagreed with him on one minor issue of race or race relations. Later in another discussion he claimed that blacks can't commit racism or be racist because they don't have the power or authority.

So, he can't be racist because he doesn't have power or authority but I can be racist without it and just for disagreeing with him on some minor point about race. Doesn't that seem a little ambivalent, wishy washy and one-sided to you?

As a matter of fact, he and Asclepias have appropriated and redefined the word "racism" itself into something entirely different from the dictionary definition. We're seeing decorative cotton displays being called racist along with white people with dreadlocks (appropriation); criticizing the black president for his policies; a white person winning an Oscar; milk being labelled a symbol of white supremacy. The list is endless.

There is no clear consensus these days as to what constitutes racism because anything and everything is being called racist.
..they call me racist for saying Africa is a shithole---and this is after I proved it...literally and figuratively a shithole
..they think a continent is a race/etc

Pathetic thing. The American born Negroes have managed to bring the filth of Africa to American cities.
For God's sakes how many times do we have to explain the difference between PERSONAL and SYSTEMIC Racism. Yes there are Racists walking around today of ALL COLORS. No there is no SYSTEMIC Racism. You have polices that protect bad police officers from being fired. That is a union issue not a systemic Racism issue.
This is filth.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement I was an Engineer. The last 20 years of my career I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental "diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
This is filth.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement I was an Engineer. The last 20 years of my career I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental "diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
Golly no one would ever make up a story like that! Yep you can take that one to the bank, must be legit, anonymous author, doesn't name his company. Gobble gobble little goldfish.......
Is racism funny? Is it ever funny? Is racism ever right or justified? If your answer is no to any or all of these questions then I can only assume that you feel that my views on the matter are not as valid. That's kind of like saying that if I get stabbed once and you get stabbed twice by the same guy, I don't know what getting stabbed is like.
I said "almost" and I didn't mean funny like use of the "funny" emoticon here on U.S. Message Board, I meant funny as in ironic, like when someone says "you know what's funny?"

You provided no context regarding your incident(s) of having to defend your character so I have no idea who made the accusation or why however I can just about guarantee you that your experiences do not compare to that of black people simply because you're only now being questioned about presumably something you've said, done or failed to do, while we don't get questions, we're outright accused - of all manner of idiocy and have been our entire lives. In other words, this is new to you, but is something that has always been a part of our lives.

And no I was not saying that a false accusation should be tolerated but from your writings as well as those of MaryL, you all are doing the exact same thing that you're accusing black people of. You seem to be angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated yet you all automatically presume that when black people level charges of racism and/or retaliation motivated by racism, that we're simply playing the race card or as MaryL has alleged, are making the accusations merely to shut down the conversation based on not a shred of evidence which is patently false in most cases.

And the reason this pisses me off as much as it does is because I have tons of case and investigative files where I've been able to review how charges of racism/sexim, etc. were investigated and some of the things that the individuals accused of racism have been allowed to get away with is unbelieveable, at least it would be to most people, as is the assistance they are afforded to help them escape liability for their violations by other racists. Some of them even work for the agencies which were created to enforce the civil rights laws yet some of these individuals seem to be there solely to help the pertetrators avoid being charged and found in violation.

The rest of your response I will have to address in separate comments because you brought up several pertinent issues.
This is filth.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement I was an Engineer. The last 20 years of my career I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental "diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
You should notify the EEOC IM2. It sounds like upper management was complicit in this as well.
Is racism funny? Is it ever funny? Is racism ever right or justified? If your answer is no to any or all of these questions then I can only assume that you feel that my views on the matter are not as valid. That's kind of like saying that if I get stabbed once and you get stabbed twice by the same guy, I don't know what getting stabbed is like.
I said "almost" and I didn't mean funny like use of the "funny" emoticon here on U.S. Message Board, I meant funny as in ironic, like when someone says "you know what's funny?"

It would be ironic if I myself was guilty of racism. But alas, I am not. If I felt I had anything to do with or any connection at all to the racism of other whites, or if it was only blacks accusing me of being racist, I would see your point.

See, you're looking at this from a black/white perspective whereas I'm looking at it from an individual perspective. Remember when I mentioned that whites are also throwing the word "racism" around so blithely? This is very much true. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if whites are more guilty of it right now. We're starting to see more whites than blacks at BLM marches. In fact, one of the black BLM leaders commented on it recently.

One of my first experiences being called racist was from two young white punks on facebook. I'll relate a story and I'll try to be brief.

A couple of years ago there was an incident in Seattle (where else?) where a white guy with a swastika on his jacket arm was spotted riding one of the monorails. The person took a pic of this guy with his phone and put it on Twitter saying "Hey, look what I just saw on the monorail. He got off at such-and-such street." Others got involved tweeting that they just saw him walking here or there and in this way, they tracked him to a specific location in the city where some guy accosted him, engaged him in a brief debate and then suddenly, without provocation, knocked the guy out with one punch. My niece - who currently lives in Seattle - shared the story on facebook and applauded the assault.

The whole thing disturbed me greatly. Not that some Nazi was knocked out, but that a guy exercising his 1st Amendment rights was hunted down in a major American city and assaulted for it. The most obvious question for me was: Who will be next?

I expressed my feelings on the matter and her boyfriend (white) and a mutual friend of theirs (who also lives in Seattle and is also white) debated with me about it. Their position was basically: He's a Nazi who hates Jews and blacks so he deserved it.
Even after explaining numerous times that I was not defending his Nazi ideals, that I was defending his Constitutional rights as an American citizen, they insisted on arguing that I was defending a Nazi and, inevitably, called me a Nazi and a racist.

So you see, for me, it's not a black vs. white issue. It's an issue of people of all colors allowing themselves to get caught up in a religious hysteria and tossing reason right out the window and leveling accusations of racism with little or no cause or evidence just so they can prove to other hysterics how virtuous they are.

You provided no context regarding your incident(s) of having to defend your character so I have no idea who made the accusation or why however I can just about guarantee you that your experiences do not compare to that of black people simply because you're only now being questioned about presumably something you've said, done or failed to do, while we don't get questions, we're outright accused - of all manner of idiocy and have been our entire lives. In other words, this is new to you, but is something that has always been a part of our lives.

Comparison is neither required nor relevant. A false accusation is a false accusation. Again, it's not a contest.

As for context, I just provided one but I have an even better example. It's a rather involved story that not only involves the story itself but the subsequent exchange between myself and IM2 when I related it here on USMB some time back. This post is already long enough so I won't relate it here. I may do that in my next post.

And no I was not saying that a false accusation should be tolerated but from your writings as well as those of MaryL, you all are doing the exact same thing that you're accusing black people of.

Who is "you all"? I've never accused a black person of anything other than falsely accusing me of racism.

You seem to be angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated yet you all automatically presume that when black people level charges of racism and/or retaliation motivated by racism, that we're simply playing the race card or as MaryL has alleged, are making the accusations merely to shut down the conversation based on not a shred of evidence which is patently false in most cases.

I'm not angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated, I'm angry that certain accusations are even being made at all. I'm also angry that when an accusation is made, most people assume (white and black) that it is true even before an investigation is begun. THAT is the crux of the issue for myself and a lot of other folks. For most people these days, where the subject of racism is concerned, accusation/allegation = guilt.

Remember the Nick Sandmann case? You mentioned that I hadn't provided context for my incidents. But not one person who reviled Sandmann ever asked for context before condemning him. By the time context was provided in the form of the longer video, the damage was already done.

Sandmann, his class, the entire school and even his family were threatened. The threats got so bad that, for the safety of the students, the school had to shut down for a time until the storm passed. What's more, even in light of the new information provided by the video, people still condemn him to this day.

And the reason this pisses me off as much as it does is because I have tons of case and investigative files where I've been able to review how charges of racism/sexim, etc. were investigated and some of the things that the individuals accused of racism have been allowed to get away with is unbelieveable, at least it would be to most people, as is the assistance they are afforded to help them escape liability for their violations by other racists. Some of them even work for the agencies which were created to enforce the civil rights laws yet some of these individuals seem to be there solely to help the pertetrators avoid being charged and found in violation.

The rest of your response I will have to address in separate comments because you brought up several pertinent issues.
This is filth.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement I was an Engineer. The last 20 years of my career I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental "diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
Golly no one would ever make up a story like that! Yep you can take that one to the bank, must be legit, anonymous author, doesn't name his company. Gobble gobble little goldfish.......
Talk to flash about it, because this is his comment. That's why I posted it in response to his post.
This is filth.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement I was an Engineer. The last 20 years of my career I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never short listed anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental "diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
You should notify the EEOC IM2. It sounds like upper management was complicit in this as well.
This was a comment made by flash. I don't know the company or flash's real name.
When racism was real was before my time..until Obama became president.
I thought we'd be over the division he sowed by now..I was wrong.
Most of my generation and the old school are still the same, but some people are not right.
I can't believe the division that bastard sowed. With karma being what it is, someday he might pay for it while here on earth.
Is racism funny? Is it ever funny? Is racism ever right or justified? If your answer is no to any or all of these questions then I can only assume that you feel that my views on the matter are not as valid. That's kind of like saying that if I get stabbed once and you get stabbed twice by the same guy, I don't know what getting stabbed is like.
I said "almost" and I didn't mean funny like use of the "funny" emoticon here on U.S. Message Board, I meant funny as in ironic, like when someone says "you know what's funny?"

You provided no context regarding your incident(s) of having to defend your character so I have no idea who made the accusation or why however I can just about guarantee you that your experiences do not compare to that of black people simply because you're only now being questioned about presumably something you've said, done or failed to do, while we don't get questions, we're outright accused - of all manner of idiocy and have been our entire lives. In other words, this is new to you, but is something that has always been a part of our lives.

And no I was not saying that a false accusation should be tolerated but from your writings as well as those of MaryL, you all are doing the exact same thing that you're accusing black people of. You seem to be angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated yet you all automatically presume that when black people level charges of racism and/or retaliation motivated by racism, that we're simply playing the race card or as MaryL has alleged, are making the accusations merely to shut down the conversation based on not a shred of evidence which is patently false in most cases.

And the reason this pisses me off as much as it does is because I have tons of case and investigative files where I've been able to review how charges of racism/sexim, etc. were investigated and some of the things that the individuals accused of racism have been allowed to get away with is unbelieveable, at least it would be to most people, as is the assistance they are afforded to help them escape liability for their violations by other racists. Some of them even work for the agencies which were created to enforce the civil rights laws yet some of these individuals seem to be there solely to help the pertetrators avoid being charged and found in violation.

The rest of your response I will have to address in separate comments because you brought up several pertinent issues.

Ghost has not faced racism. For example, he has claimed he faced racism because a black man spit on him. Come to find out he reported that guy to a supervisor. There is no evidence that race had anything to do with it. Not according to EEOC standards. Ghost provides no documented evidence of racist behavior by that employee. He could have spit on ghost because he reported him. That black man was fired. Had ghost faced racism, a black supervisor would have let that black man keep his job after spitting on him.
Is racism funny? Is it ever funny? Is racism ever right or justified? If your answer is no to any or all of these questions then I can only assume that you feel that my views on the matter are not as valid. That's kind of like saying that if I get stabbed once and you get stabbed twice by the same guy, I don't know what getting stabbed is like.
I said "almost" and I didn't mean funny like use of the "funny" emoticon here on U.S. Message Board, I meant funny as in ironic, like when someone says "you know what's funny?"

You provided no context regarding your incident(s) of having to defend your character so I have no idea who made the accusation or why however I can just about guarantee you that your experiences do not compare to that of black people simply because you're only now being questioned about presumably something you've said, done or failed to do, while we don't get questions, we're outright accused - of all manner of idiocy and have been our entire lives. In other words, this is new to you, but is something that has always been a part of our lives.

And no I was not saying that a false accusation should be tolerated but from your writings as well as those of MaryL, you all are doing the exact same thing that you're accusing black people of. You seem to be angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated yet you all automatically presume that when black people level charges of racism and/or retaliation motivated by racism, that we're simply playing the race card or as MaryL has alleged, are making the accusations merely to shut down the conversation based on not a shred of evidence which is patently false in most cases.

And the reason this pisses me off as much as it does is because I have tons of case and investigative files where I've been able to review how charges of racism/sexim, etc. were investigated and some of the things that the individuals accused of racism have been allowed to get away with is unbelieveable, at least it would be to most people, as is the assistance they are afforded to help them escape liability for their violations by other racists. Some of them even work for the agencies which were created to enforce the civil rights laws yet some of these individuals seem to be there solely to help the pertetrators avoid being charged and found in violation.

The rest of your response I will have to address in separate comments because you brought up several pertinent issues.

Ghost has not faced racism. For example, he has claimed he faced racism because a black man spit on him. Come to find out he reported that guy to a supervisor. There is no evidence that race had anything to do with it. Not according to EEOC standards. Ghost provides no documented evidence of racist behavior by that employee. He could have spit on ghost because he reported him. That black man was fired. Had ghost faced racism, a black supervisor would have let that black man keep his job after spitting on him.

And as usual, IM2 gets it all wrong. I've only had to correct him on the details like thirty times and he still gets it wrong.

I reported the guy to a supervisor after he spit on me. He spit on me because I suggested he wear gloves for the job he was doing as per COMPANY SAFETY RULES. I also had to correct another black crewmember (a Honduran) for a similar safety oversight.

I never reported these infractions and I never have for anybody, white or black. I spoke to each of them personally and asked them to follow safety rules and procedures because that is my fucking job and is expected of me as a captain. If my crewmembers consistently fail to follow the rules it's my ass that gets reamed.

Anyway, apparently the first guy thought I was harassing them and told me so. I tried to explain to him that I was not but he was having none of it. He was being difficult and hard to work with so I felt like something had to be done. I asked the port captain to come mediate a discussion between us (NOT to report his failure to wear gloves. That was a minor, piddling issue as far as I was concerned) but that went absolutely nowhere; he had his mind made up that I was harassing them.

I pretty much gave up any hope of resolving the issue and just hoped working with him in the future wouldn't be too much of a problem. But at the end of the two week hitch when he and I were in the company truck on our way to the office where we'd get our personal vehicles and go home, he turned to me and said "This is what I think of you." and proceeded to spit on me.

We had a brief scuffle in the front seat of the company truck but I backed off as I was driving. I reported to the HR guy when we got to the office about ten minutes later that the guy had spit on me.

THAT'S what got him fired. It was nothing I said or did in the prior two weeks on the vessel. I never reported the incident about the gloves. I spoke to him personally and that was where it ended.

IM2 also likes to cite EEOC

This is the story I was talking about in my earlier post.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
Yes, and now the Trumpsters are doing it again. Just look at dang near any thread on USMB. Weird.

As far as racism goes, who knows what happened to it?

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
Engage me and die, n'gr.
Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
You're talking about balkanization. I'm all for it. I'm also for restoring the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress making only White people U.S. Citizens.
Hasn't it been proven, in the last few days, that blacks are incapable of living in the environment of civilization? Send them back to Africa.
..just like Africa is the shithole of the world, the black US communities mirror that
You can take a negro out of the ghetto. But you can't take the ghetto out of the negro.
is that you Jussie Wallace?
Is racism funny? Is it ever funny? Is racism ever right or justified? If your answer is no to any or all of these questions then I can only assume that you feel that my views on the matter are not as valid. That's kind of like saying that if I get stabbed once and you get stabbed twice by the same guy, I don't know what getting stabbed is like.
I said "almost" and I didn't mean funny like use of the "funny" emoticon here on U.S. Message Board, I meant funny as in ironic, like when someone says "you know what's funny?"

You provided no context regarding your incident(s) of having to defend your character so I have no idea who made the accusation or why however I can just about guarantee you that your experiences do not compare to that of black people simply because you're only now being questioned about presumably something you've said, done or failed to do, while we don't get questions, we're outright accused - of all manner of idiocy and have been our entire lives. In other words, this is new to you, but is something that has always been a part of our lives.

And no I was not saying that a false accusation should be tolerated but from your writings as well as those of MaryL, you all are doing the exact same thing that you're accusing black people of. You seem to be angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated yet you all automatically presume that when black people level charges of racism and/or retaliation motivated by racism, that we're simply playing the race card or as MaryL has alleged, are making the accusations merely to shut down the conversation based on not a shred of evidence which is patently false in most cases.

And the reason this pisses me off as much as it does is because I have tons of case and investigative files where I've been able to review how charges of racism/sexim, etc. were investigated and some of the things that the individuals accused of racism have been allowed to get away with is unbelieveable, at least it would be to most people, as is the assistance they are afforded to help them escape liability for their violations by other racists. Some of them even work for the agencies which were created to enforce the civil rights laws yet some of these individuals seem to be there solely to help the pertetrators avoid being charged and found in violation.

The rest of your response I will have to address in separate comments because you brought up several pertinent issues.

Ghost has not faced racism. For example, he has claimed he faced racism because a black man spit on him. Come to find out he reported that guy to a supervisor. There is no evidence that race had anything to do with it. Not according to EEOC standards. Ghost provides no documented evidence of racist behavior by that employee. He could have spit on ghost because he reported him. That black man was fired. Had ghost faced racism, a black supervisor would have let that black man keep his job after spitting on him.

Disregard my previous post. I accidentally posted before I was ready and then the time limit expired for editing or deleting. I wanted to pare it down and get rid of extraneous text but time ran out. Anyway, below is a more concise and less rambling telling.

This is the story I referred to in my earlier post and IM2's remarks here are a perfect example of what I had to deal with before with him. As usual, he gets it all wrong. I've only had to correct him on the details like thirty times and he still can't get it right, even after asking me a series of questions. What's more, he accused me of making the story up at first before bothering with a debate or discussion about it.

He is completely and totally wrong in the details. His comments are, and were, filled with irrelevancies, incorrect assumptions and untruths. This after we had a discussion on it that lasted for days. And when it came up in later discussions, I found that he apparently had never listened to a word I said because he had the entire story bass ackwards.

I reported the guy after he spit on me. I DID NOT report him for racial harassment or discrimination. I never officially reported anything until after he spit on me and even then, that was the only thing I reported him for.

He spit on me because I suggested he wear gloves for the job he was doing as per COMPANY SAFETY RULES. I also had to correct another black crewmember (a Honduran) for a similar safety oversight that same hitch.

I never reported these infractions of the safety rules and I never have for anybody, white or black. I spoke to each of them personally and asked them to follow safety rules and procedures because that is my fucking job and is expected of me as a captain. If my crewmembers consistently fail to follow the rules it's my ass that gets reamed.

Anyway, apparently the first guy thought I was harassing them and told me so. I tried to explain to him that I was not but he was having none of it. He was being difficult because of it and hard to work with so I felt like something had to be done.
I asked the port captain to come mediate a discussion between us, NOT to report his failure to wear gloves - that was a minor, piddling issue as far as I was concerned - but to try to resolve the issue as to his wrong assumption that I was harassing him so he'd quit being an asshole and just do his job. But that went absolutely nowhere; he had his mind made up that I was harassing them.

I pretty much gave up any hope of resolving the issue and just hoped working with him in the future wouldn't be too much of a problem. But at the end of the two week hitch when he and I were in the company truck on our way to the office where we'd get our personal vehicles and go home, he turned to me and said "This is what I think of you." and proceeded to spit on me.

We had a brief scuffle in the front seat of the company truck but I backed off as I was driving. I reported to the HR guy when we got to the office about ten minutes later that the guy had spit on me.

THAT'S what got him fired. It was nothing I said or did in the prior two weeks on the vessel. I never reported the incident about the gloves and I never mentioned race to anyone. I spoke to him personally and that was where it ended. Or so I thought.

IM2 also likes to cite nonsense about EEOC regulations and "documented" cases of racial discrimination and blah blah blah. But what has never occurred to IM2 is that there is always a first time. Whether or not there was any documentation of this guy giving white supervisors a hard time is irrelevant. None of that means that he did not accuse me of harassing him because he's black and none of that negates the fact that the asshole spit on me.

Not only did I have to deal with this guy's racism in his assuming that I was racist (because I'm white) and harassing him, I've had to deal with IM2's racism in his accusing me of concocting the story in the first place; his refusal to get the details straight, even after correcting him numerous times; and his assumption that I MUST have done something to piss the guy off. Not once did it ever occur to him that the guy might have been wrong about my motives and simply overreacted.

And finally, again, contrary to what IM2 thinks, I never reported to the HR guy that the whole thing was racially motivated. I never talked to HR at all until arriving at the office that day after he spit on me. That was simply the conclusion I came to to explain his actions and attitude.

I told you the story was rather involved so I don't expect a response and it won't hurt my feelings if you don't.
Is racism funny? Is it ever funny? Is racism ever right or justified? If your answer is no to any or all of these questions then I can only assume that you feel that my views on the matter are not as valid. That's kind of like saying that if I get stabbed once and you get stabbed twice by the same guy, I don't know what getting stabbed is like.
I said "almost" and I didn't mean funny like use of the "funny" emoticon here on U.S. Message Board, I meant funny as in ironic, like when someone says "you know what's funny?"

It would be ironic if I myself was guilty of racism. But alas, I am not. If I felt I had anything to do with or any connection at all to the racism of other whites, or if it was only blacks accusing me of being racist, I would see your point.

See, you're looking at this from a black/white perspective whereas I'm looking at it from an individual perspective. Remember when I mentioned that whites are also throwing the word "racism" around so blithely? This is very much true. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if whites are more guilty of it right now. We're starting to see more whites than blacks at BLM marches. In fact, one of the black BLM leaders commented on it recently.

One of my first experiences being called racist was from two young white punks on facebook. I'll relate a story and I'll try to be brief.

A couple of years ago there was an incident in Seattle (where else?) where a white guy with a swastika on his jacket arm was spotted riding one of the monorails. The person took a pic of this guy with his phone and put it on Twitter saying "Hey, look what I just saw on the monorail. He got off at such-and-such street." Others got involved tweeting that they just saw him walking here or there and in this way, they tracked him to a specific location in the city where some guy accosted him, engaged him in a brief debate and then suddenly, without provocation, knocked the guy out with one punch. My niece - who currently lives in Seattle - shared the story on facebook and applauded the assault.

The whole thing disturbed me greatly. Not that some Nazi was knocked out, but that a guy exercising his 1st Amendment rights was hunted down in a major American city and assaulted for it. The most obvious question for me was: Who will be next?

I expressed my feelings on the matter and her boyfriend (white) and a mutual friend of theirs (who also lives in Seattle and is also white) debated with me about it. Their position was basically: He's a Nazi who hates Jews and blacks so he deserved it.
Even after explaining numerous times that I was not defending his Nazi ideals, that I was defending his Constitutional rights as an American citizen, they insisted on arguing that I was defending a Nazi and, inevitably, called me a Nazi and a racist.

So you see, for me, it's not a black vs. white issue. It's an issue of people of all colors allowing themselves to get caught up in a religious hysteria and tossing reason right out the window and leveling accusations of racism with little or no cause or evidence just so they can prove to other hysterics how virtuous they are.

You provided no context regarding your incident(s) of having to defend your character so I have no idea who made the accusation or why however I can just about guarantee you that your experiences do not compare to that of black people simply because you're only now being questioned about presumably something you've said, done or failed to do, while we don't get questions, we're outright accused - of all manner of idiocy and have been our entire lives. In other words, this is new to you, but is something that has always been a part of our lives.

Comparison is neither required nor relevant. A false accusation is a false accusation. Again, it's not a contest.

As for context, I just provided one but I have an even better example. It's a rather involved story that not only involves the story itself but the subsequent exchange between myself and IM2 when I related it here on USMB some time back. This post is already long enough so I won't relate it here. I may do that in my next post.

And no I was not saying that a false accusation should be tolerated but from your writings as well as those of MaryL, you all are doing the exact same thing that you're accusing black people of.

Who is "you all"? I've never accused a black person of anything other than falsely accusing me of racism.

You seem to be angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated yet you all automatically presume that when black people level charges of racism and/or retaliation motivated by racism, that we're simply playing the race card or as MaryL has alleged, are making the accusations merely to shut down the conversation based on not a shred of evidence which is patently false in most cases.

I'm not angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated, I'm angry that certain accusations are even being made at all. I'm also angry that when an accusation is made, most people assume (white and black) that it is true even before an investigation is begun. THAT is the crux of the issue for myself and a lot of other folks. For most people these days, where the subject of racism is concerned, accusation/allegation = guilt.

Remember the Nick Sandmann case? You mentioned that I hadn't provided context for my incidents. But not one person who reviled Sandmann ever asked for context before condemning him. By the time context was provided in the form of the longer video, the damage was already done.

Sandmann, his class, the entire school and even his family were threatened. The threats got so bad that, for the safety of the students, the school had to shut down for a time until the storm passed. What's more, even in light of the new information provided by the video, people still condemn him to this day.

And the reason this pisses me off as much as it does is because I have tons of case and investigative files where I've been able to review how charges of racism/sexim, etc. were investigated and some of the things that the individuals accused of racism have been allowed to get away with is unbelieveable, at least it would be to most people, as is the assistance they are afforded to help them escape liability for their violations by other racists. Some of them even work for the agencies which were created to enforce the civil rights laws yet some of these individuals seem to be there solely to help the pertetrators avoid being charged and found in violation.

The rest of your response I will have to address in separate comments because you brought up several pertinent issues.
First of all, thanks for adding some context to your experiences, that was very helpful. And while I won't have time to adequately address your comment until this weekend I agree with you on at least one thing, and that is merely acknowledging someone else's first amendment right to freedom of expression does not mean that you agree/support the content of that speech.

The rest I'll get to later but several crimes were committed apparently by those who did not appreciate the guy's choice in expressing his beliefs/opinions. That makes the whole thing even worse.
When racism was real was before my time..until Obama became president.
I thought we'd be over the division he sowed by now..I was wrong.
Most of my generation and the old school are still the same, but some people are not right.
I can't believe the division that bastard sowed. With karma being what it is, someday he might pay for it while here on earth.
I am wishing the same karma on this current fuckup of a POTUS.
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Reactions: IM2
I do. Now? It's just a empty accusation by leftist creeps as a tool to shut down debate. By lefties/BLM that want to demonize whites or anyone that disagrees with them.
The ultra right did the same thing back in the 50's calling anyone they didn't approve of as "communists" under MacCarthy.
But the McCarthyist right didn't riot and destroy stuff and take over parts of our cities as a form of blackmail. Nope, this is an example of how SHIT the BLM/democrats are.
Damn good point
Is racism funny? Is it ever funny? Is racism ever right or justified? If your answer is no to any or all of these questions then I can only assume that you feel that my views on the matter are not as valid. That's kind of like saying that if I get stabbed once and you get stabbed twice by the same guy, I don't know what getting stabbed is like.
I said "almost" and I didn't mean funny like use of the "funny" emoticon here on U.S. Message Board, I meant funny as in ironic, like when someone says "you know what's funny?"

It would be ironic if I myself was guilty of racism. But alas, I am not. If I felt I had anything to do with or any connection at all to the racism of other whites, or if it was only blacks accusing me of being racist, I would see your point.

See, you're looking at this from a black/white perspective whereas I'm looking at it from an individual perspective. Remember when I mentioned that whites are also throwing the word "racism" around so blithely? This is very much true. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if whites are more guilty of it right now. We're starting to see more whites than blacks at BLM marches. In fact, one of the black BLM leaders commented on it recently.

One of my first experiences being called racist was from two young white punks on facebook. I'll relate a story and I'll try to be brief.

A couple of years ago there was an incident in Seattle (where else?) where a white guy with a swastika on his jacket arm was spotted riding one of the monorails. The person took a pic of this guy with his phone and put it on Twitter saying "Hey, look what I just saw on the monorail. He got off at such-and-such street." Others got involved tweeting that they just saw him walking here or there and in this way, they tracked him to a specific location in the city where some guy accosted him, engaged him in a brief debate and then suddenly, without provocation, knocked the guy out with one punch. My niece - who currently lives in Seattle - shared the story on facebook and applauded the assault.

The whole thing disturbed me greatly. Not that some Nazi was knocked out, but that a guy exercising his 1st Amendment rights was hunted down in a major American city and assaulted for it. The most obvious question for me was: Who will be next?

I expressed my feelings on the matter and her boyfriend (white) and a mutual friend of theirs (who also lives in Seattle and is also white) debated with me about it. Their position was basically: He's a Nazi who hates Jews and blacks so he deserved it.
Even after explaining numerous times that I was not defending his Nazi ideals, that I was defending his Constitutional rights as an American citizen, they insisted on arguing that I was defending a Nazi and, inevitably, called me a Nazi and a racist.

So you see, for me, it's not a black vs. white issue. It's an issue of people of all colors allowing themselves to get caught up in a religious hysteria and tossing reason right out the window and leveling accusations of racism with little or no cause or evidence just so they can prove to other hysterics how virtuous they are.

You provided no context regarding your incident(s) of having to defend your character so I have no idea who made the accusation or why however I can just about guarantee you that your experiences do not compare to that of black people simply because you're only now being questioned about presumably something you've said, done or failed to do, while we don't get questions, we're outright accused - of all manner of idiocy and have been our entire lives. In other words, this is new to you, but is something that has always been a part of our lives.

Comparison is neither required nor relevant. A false accusation is a false accusation. Again, it's not a contest.

As for context, I just provided one but I have an even better example. It's a rather involved story that not only involves the story itself but the subsequent exchange between myself and IM2 when I related it here on USMB some time back. This post is already long enough so I won't relate it here. I may do that in my next post.

And no I was not saying that a false accusation should be tolerated but from your writings as well as those of MaryL, you all are doing the exact same thing that you're accusing black people of.

Who is "you all"? I've never accused a black person of anything other than falsely accusing me of racism.

You seem to be angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated yet you all automatically presume that when black people level charges of racism and/or retaliation motivated by racism, that we're simply playing the race card or as MaryL has alleged, are making the accusations merely to shut down the conversation based on not a shred of evidence which is patently false in most cases.

I'm not angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated, I'm angry that certain accusations are even being made at all. I'm also angry that when an accusation is made, most people assume (white and black) that it is true even before an investigation is begun. THAT is the crux of the issue for myself and a lot of other folks. For most people these days, where the subject of racism is concerned, accusation/allegation = guilt.

Remember the Nick Sandmann case? You mentioned that I hadn't provided context for my incidents. But not one person who reviled Sandmann ever asked for context before condemning him. By the time context was provided in the form of the longer video, the damage was already done.

Sandmann, his class, the entire school and even his family were threatened. The threats got so bad that, for the safety of the students, the school had to shut down for a time until the storm passed. What's more, even in light of the new information provided by the video, people still condemn him to this day.

And the reason this pisses me off as much as it does is because I have tons of case and investigative files where I've been able to review how charges of racism/sexim, etc. were investigated and some of the things that the individuals accused of racism have been allowed to get away with is unbelieveable, at least it would be to most people, as is the assistance they are afforded to help them escape liability for their violations by other racists. Some of them even work for the agencies which were created to enforce the civil rights laws yet some of these individuals seem to be there solely to help the pertetrators avoid being charged and found in violation.

The rest of your response I will have to address in separate comments because you brought up several pertinent issues.
First of all, thanks for adding some context to your experiences, that was very helpful. And while I won't have time to adequately address your comment until this weekend I agree with you on at least one thing, and that is merely acknowledging someone else's first amendment right to freedom of expression does not mean that you agree/support the content of that speech.

The rest I'll get to later but several crimes were committed apparently by those who did not appreciate the guy's choice in expressing his beliefs/opinions. That makes the whole thing even worse.
So I have a request to make and that is that instead of reacting to my words, that you instead try to understand what it is I'm trying to convey here.

Generally when I and the other black posters are discussing racism, we're not talking about hurt feelings because of the use of the N-word or other derogatory comments although that is a part of it, a symptom of racism if you will. Instead we're talking about actions that cause harm, sometimes irreparable, to black people. False accusations of crimes or misconduct that leads to job loss, demotions, being passed over for promotions, being constructively terminated, etc. are just a few examples. If the job loss then leads of loss of one's home or marriage, etc. this is irreparable harm. You mentioned the Sandman case and yes the threats against him and his family as well as others were unwarranted as well as unlawful but think about it. How do you think black families felt when they were being harassed and terrorized by the Klan or the white citizens councils who made a point of going out and ensuring that black people lost their jobs, mortages, lines of credit, their businesses boycotted etc. in their attempts to achieve total subjugation of black citizens to the white race? They didn't get justice through the legal system as Sandman did, no instead they got one of their churches bombed and 4 of their daughters murdered in one instance.

As far as your experience with the guy wearing the Swatstika, he was the victim in this scenario after a group of people used Twitter to track and cyberstalk him ultimately culminating in him being physically assaulted. And you were correct in pointing out how wrong everyone else was in their opinions that they had the right violate his first amendment rights to freedom of expression by doing what they did to him and then attacking your perspective because you rightly disagreed with them.

So you know they're wrong on the first issue, and you know they're wrong on the second issues of calling you both a Nazi and a racist, however them calling you that is not racism, it's ignorance on their part of what actually contitutes racism and the laws of the United States. And if they took part in the posting, reposting, commenting and/or targeting of the guy with jackets, then that makes them culpable in his stalking and assault, not to say that anything will ever do done about it unless some how he found out what they did to precipitate his assault.

People say and do stupid things all of the time and not everything is actionable. Being falsely accused of being a racist by know-nothings because they erroneously perceive you to not be in support of Black and Jewish people, as if you're supposed to be, again is just ignorance on their part and is simply just not the same thing that we're discussing. It's even different than us being accused of being racist by people who are themselves racist and taunt and disparage black people here on a daily basis and this is why I asked you to think about what I've written and please not merely just react to it.
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Reactions: IM2
Is racism funny? Is it ever funny? Is racism ever right or justified? If your answer is no to any or all of these questions then I can only assume that you feel that my views on the matter are not as valid. That's kind of like saying that if I get stabbed once and you get stabbed twice by the same guy, I don't know what getting stabbed is like.
I said "almost" and I didn't mean funny like use of the "funny" emoticon here on U.S. Message Board, I meant funny as in ironic, like when someone says "you know what's funny?"

It would be ironic if I myself was guilty of racism. But alas, I am not. If I felt I had anything to do with or any connection at all to the racism of other whites, or if it was only blacks accusing me of being racist, I would see your point.

See, you're looking at this from a black/white perspective whereas I'm looking at it from an individual perspective. Remember when I mentioned that whites are also throwing the word "racism" around so blithely? This is very much true. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if whites are more guilty of it right now. We're starting to see more whites than blacks at BLM marches. In fact, one of the black BLM leaders commented on it recently.

One of my first experiences being called racist was from two young white punks on facebook. I'll relate a story and I'll try to be brief.

A couple of years ago there was an incident in Seattle (where else?) where a white guy with a swastika on his jacket arm was spotted riding one of the monorails. The person took a pic of this guy with his phone and put it on Twitter saying "Hey, look what I just saw on the monorail. He got off at such-and-such street." Others got involved tweeting that they just saw him walking here or there and in this way, they tracked him to a specific location in the city where some guy accosted him, engaged him in a brief debate and then suddenly, without provocation, knocked the guy out with one punch. My niece - who currently lives in Seattle - shared the story on facebook and applauded the assault.

The whole thing disturbed me greatly. Not that some Nazi was knocked out, but that a guy exercising his 1st Amendment rights was hunted down in a major American city and assaulted for it. The most obvious question for me was: Who will be next?

I expressed my feelings on the matter and her boyfriend (white) and a mutual friend of theirs (who also lives in Seattle and is also white) debated with me about it. Their position was basically: He's a Nazi who hates Jews and blacks so he deserved it.
Even after explaining numerous times that I was not defending his Nazi ideals, that I was defending his Constitutional rights as an American citizen, they insisted on arguing that I was defending a Nazi and, inevitably, called me a Nazi and a racist.

So you see, for me, it's not a black vs. white issue. It's an issue of people of all colors allowing themselves to get caught up in a religious hysteria and tossing reason right out the window and leveling accusations of racism with little or no cause or evidence just so they can prove to other hysterics how virtuous they are.

You provided no context regarding your incident(s) of having to defend your character so I have no idea who made the accusation or why however I can just about guarantee you that your experiences do not compare to that of black people simply because you're only now being questioned about presumably something you've said, done or failed to do, while we don't get questions, we're outright accused - of all manner of idiocy and have been our entire lives. In other words, this is new to you, but is something that has always been a part of our lives.

Comparison is neither required nor relevant. A false accusation is a false accusation. Again, it's not a contest.

As for context, I just provided one but I have an even better example. It's a rather involved story that not only involves the story itself but the subsequent exchange between myself and IM2 when I related it here on USMB some time back. This post is already long enough so I won't relate it here. I may do that in my next post.

And no I was not saying that a false accusation should be tolerated but from your writings as well as those of MaryL, you all are doing the exact same thing that you're accusing black people of.

Who is "you all"? I've never accused a black person of anything other than falsely accusing me of racism.

You seem to be angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated yet you all automatically presume that when black people level charges of racism and/or retaliation motivated by racism, that we're simply playing the race card or as MaryL has alleged, are making the accusations merely to shut down the conversation based on not a shred of evidence which is patently false in most cases.

I'm not angry that accusations are being taken seriously enough to be investigated, I'm angry that certain accusations are even being made at all. I'm also angry that when an accusation is made, most people assume (white and black) that it is true even before an investigation is begun. THAT is the crux of the issue for myself and a lot of other folks. For most people these days, where the subject of racism is concerned, accusation/allegation = guilt.

Remember the Nick Sandmann case? You mentioned that I hadn't provided context for my incidents. But not one person who reviled Sandmann ever asked for context before condemning him. By the time context was provided in the form of the longer video, the damage was already done.

Sandmann, his class, the entire school and even his family were threatened. The threats got so bad that, for the safety of the students, the school had to shut down for a time until the storm passed. What's more, even in light of the new information provided by the video, people still condemn him to this day.

And the reason this pisses me off as much as it does is because I have tons of case and investigative files where I've been able to review how charges of racism/sexim, etc. were investigated and some of the things that the individuals accused of racism have been allowed to get away with is unbelieveable, at least it would be to most people, as is the assistance they are afforded to help them escape liability for their violations by other racists. Some of them even work for the agencies which were created to enforce the civil rights laws yet some of these individuals seem to be there solely to help the pertetrators avoid being charged and found in violation.

The rest of your response I will have to address in separate comments because you brought up several pertinent issues.
First of all, thanks for adding some context to your experiences, that was very helpful. And while I won't have time to adequately address your comment until this weekend I agree with you on at least one thing, and that is merely acknowledging someone else's first amendment right to freedom of expression does not mean that you agree/support the content of that speech.

The rest I'll get to later but several crimes were committed apparently by those who did not appreciate the guy's choice in expressing his beliefs/opinions. That makes the whole thing even worse.
So I have a request to make and that is that instead of reacting to my words, that you instead try to understand what it is I'm trying to convey here.

I understand perfectly what you're trying to convey. I've said nothing thus far to suggest I don't. All I've done is point out that false and frivolous accusations of racism are being made every day. And they are. It destroys reputations, friendships, jobs, family relationships, etc.

If this were a contest, you win. But it is not. A history of white racism and discrimination does not make a false accusation any less wrong or damaging and does nothing but harm progress towards racial harmony.

When I talk about these things, it is not to say "Hey look black people, some whites have it bad too." Rather, it is to say "Let us not go down the path of paranoia, violence and retribution to 'right' the wrong of racism." Because that is what I see happening. I don't so much see an uplifting of the black man to the same level as whites as much as I see a mere abasement of the white man and what amount to a witch hunt.

We're being told to be ashamed of our "whiteness", of our race and our history and they're tearing down all the statues to illustrate this. The white man is being brought low and made to feel somehow morally deficient by simple virtue of his white skin. If it continues, we'll have yet another period of state sanctioned racism and discrimination.

I want racial harmony but being ashamed of my own skin color and erasing white history was not supposed to be part of the bargain.

Speaking of that, I was against the banning of the Confederate flag, not because I'm a Southerner and have cultural ties here - I'm not and I don't - but because I knew it wouldn't end there. And sure enough, it didn't. It then escalated to Confederate statues and then escalated again to pretty much any statue of a white historical figure. It's completely gotten out of hand and is only getting worse.

I also see a lot of examples of double standards. The kneeling for the National Anthem being one. Tim Tebow got a lot of flack for kneeling and praying during games but a lot of those same people have no problem with - and in fact encourage - kneeling for the National Anthem. They even had a "Black National Anthem" before a game recently for Christ's sake.

The BLM "mural" in front of Trump tower being another. Some on this board felt that when the lady came along to paint over it that it was defacement of public property. Others asked: how is painting over graffiti defacement? It was then pointed out that the city authorized and commissioned the mural.
This may have been true. But the obvious questions for me were: 1.) Has the city ever sanctioned anything like this before? I would think this sort of thing was not allowed on a street surface because it is a distraction to drivers. 2.) Would the city have allowed an "All Lives Matter" or "Blue Lives Matter" mural? In my opinion, absolutely not. I know, and they know full well, they would have never authorized that. Why? Because it would have been seen as racist and they probably feel it is racist themselves. Double standard.

I'm all about honesty, integrity, fairness and playing by the rules. But I see a lot of dishonesty, disingenuousness, double standards, hypocrisy and flouting of the laws and rules being done in the name of bringing about racial "wokeness".

I am fifty seven years old so I've seen a few things and gained some wisdom. I am also a lay student of history. In addition, one of my gifts is my ability to see the bigger picture, see patterns and make inferences and predictions that a lot of other people miss. From this, I can tell you from my heart that, with what I've learned about human nature and history, what's happening now is not working, and will not work to bring racial harmony. I guarantee you, it will not end well. There will be blood before it's all over and it won't be from thrown water bottles.

when I and the other black posters are discussing racism, we're not talking about hurt feelings because of the use of the N-word or other derogatory comments although that is a part of it, a symptom of racism if you will. Instead we're talking about actions that cause harm, sometimes irreparable, to black people. False accusations of crimes or misconduct that leads to job loss, demotions, being passed over for promotions, being constructively terminated, etc. are just a few examples. If the job loss then leads of loss of one's home or marriage, etc. this is irreparable harm. You mentioned the Sandman case and yes the threats against him and his family as well as others were unwarranted as well as unlawful but think about it. How do you think black families felt when they were being harassed and terrorized by the Klan or the white citizens councils who made a point of going out and ensuring that black people lost their jobs, mortages, lines of credit, their businesses boycotted etc. in their attempts to achieve total subjugation of black citizens to the white race? They didn't get justice through the legal system as Sandman did, no instead they got one of their churches bombed and 4 of their daughters murdered in one instance.

I understand all this. But, Sandmann didn't get justice, he got money. And think about this: Sandmann was reviled by almost an entire country and probably not a few from other countries. The media; social media; politicians; celebrities; CEOs and other company executives; whites; blacks; Hispanics and people of every race and culture and walks of life were all too eager to jump on the bandwagon and drag this kid through the mud. All because of a fucking hat and a smile on his face.

The history of racism and discrimination is a dark period in our country, no doubt about it. But I doubt any black person has ever experienced this magnitude and scope of hatred and loathing heaped on their heads all at once by an entire nation because of their skin color.

I have seen and heard some of the actions and words of some of these people, who would have us believe they are paragons of virtue and warriors for righteousness, but their hearts are blacker than your skin. For too many people, it is just a moral charade. The cause has become a cause for its own sake.

As far as your experience with the guy wearing the Swatstika, he was the victim in this scenario after a group of people used Twitter to track and cyberstalk him ultimately culminating in him being physically assaulted. And you were correct in pointing out how wrong everyone else was in their opinions that they had the right violate his first amendment rights to freedom of expression by doing what they did to him and then attacking your perspective because you rightly disagreed with them.

So you know they're wrong on the first issue, and you know they're wrong on the second issues of calling you both a Nazi and a racist, however them calling you that is not racism, it's ignorance on their part of what actually contitutes racism and the laws of the United States. And if they took part in the posting, reposting, commenting and/or targeting of the guy with jackets, then that makes them culpable in his stalking and assault, not to say that anything will ever do done about it unless some how he found out what they did to precipitate his assault.

People say and do stupid things all of the time and not everything is actionable. Being falsely accused of being a racist by know-nothings because they erroneously perceive you to not be in support of Black and Jewish people, as if you're supposed to be, again is just ignorance on their part and is simply just not the same thing that we're discussing. It's even different than us being accused of being racist by people who are themselves racist and taunt and disparage black people here on a daily basis and this is why I asked you to think about what I've written and please not merely just react to it.

What we're discussing is the title of the OP: Anyone Remember When Racism was Real?

The premise of the OP is that the country is in the grip of a hysteria about racism such that paranoia and suspicion are rampant and most of the time what is seen as racism is not. What's worse, it is breeding a whole slew of new (and widely accepted) prejudices: against Trump supporters; Republicans; conservatives; Christians; gun owners; rich people; police officers and finally, whites.

You can't fight prejudice with prejudice. It is ultimately self defeating.
I understand all this. But, Sandmann didn't get justice, he got money. And think about this: Sandmann was reviled by almost an entire country and probably not a few from other countries. The media; social media; politicians; celebrities; CEOs and other company executives; whites; blacks; Hispanics and people of every race and culture and walks of life were all too eager to jump on the bandwagon and drag this kid through the mud. All because of a fucking hat and a smile on his face.

The history of racism and discrimination is a dark period in our country, no doubt about it. But I doubt any black person has ever experienced this magnitude and scope of hatred and loathing heaped on their heads all at once by an entire nation because of their skin color.
There is a lot you unpacked in one response and I have something to say in response to most of it however the two paragraphs above particularly struck me.

Sandmann was reviled but I heard he received 25 million dollars to salve his wounded feelings however you have to be incredibly naive or simply disconnected from reality if you think that what he faced and received money for was worse than what black people who have been terrorized and killed by white supremacists have suffered only to be told by our "justice" system that what they have suffered simply doesn't matter, let alone receive any compensation for their loss, pain and suffering.

I simply cannot understand how you think being lynched, dragged to death behind a pick-up truck, having your church bombed causing the death of 4 young congregants, being mowed down by gunfire during prayer group, having your black community which was the most affluent in the country burned to the ground, and the white mob who perpetratored that attack all got off scot free and then on top of that, being the subject of legally sanctioned threats, harassment and systemic racism comes anywhere close to being compensated in the millions for defamation and threats which lots of people receive online unfortunately.

And whilte you're right that this isn't a contest the intentional infliction of pain and emotional distress that has been metted out upon people of African descent for the last several centuries is a continuing violation that has to be answered for. All of this distraction, white people calling other white people racists and nazis, has nothing to do with the task at hand or what any of you call it. And with the exception of someone telling you all to be ashamed of being white, I understand your gripes (why you would listen to anyone who doesn't have their act together is beyond me, maybe you can explain it?).

The issue though, at least from my perspective, is why is it only now a concern that everything be 100% fair and just, when the white supremacist didn't have problems with things not being fair and just as long as everything favored them? I'm sure I've stated this before, but white people, white men in particular are not being targeted, you're simply no longer being favored to the extent that you have been in the past.

I understand that change can be uncomfortable and cause anxiety and fear but per usual you're blaming the wrong people. The people causing the most problems for white people are the same people that cause us problems - white racists. They're the reason for the backlash and the implemtation of rules and laws that you all don't like because you consider them as being unfair and taking things from you (chants of "We will not be replaced!", all due to the racists in your own race.

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