Anyone watching Maria Bartiroma now.............Saint James Comey will be put away for life.

They should give a lethal injection to all of them. After what these treasonous bastards did, why the hell should we have to feed and house them for more than a week? And make sure to leave their families penniless too. They owe.
There is a secret recording going to be revealed on Maria soon.......................I'm so in love with Maria, I'd wash her feet.
They should give a lethal injection to all of them. After what these treasonous bastards did, why the hell should we have to feed and house them for more than a week? And make sure to leave their families penniless too. They owe.
There is a secret recording going to be revealed on Maria soon.......................I'm so in love with Maria, I'd wash her feet.
I always admired her work ethic. She doesn't have to be putting in the kind of time she does at this stage of her career. She's a little like Trumpie in that regard.
Holy Cow. Saint James Comey will be busting up rocks forever.LOL

Treason is a death sentence.

We're going to need to build another prison to house all these COMMIE TRAITORS!!!!
What type of treason did they commit?
The death penalty kind. We can't let these people get away with running a coup. If we do, our government loses all credibility and then our country will be in deep, irreversible shit.
Holy Cow. Saint James Comey will be busting up rocks forever.LOL

Treason is a death sentence.

We're going to need to build another prison to house all these COMMIE TRAITORS!!!!
What type of treason did they commit?
Trying to unseat a duly elected President by cooking up a Russian scheme involving Flynn to cover up the illegal spying of a legitimate candidate for no legal basis. Then a Hail Mary impeachment that was intercepted right away.
For future reference MODS in current events.

Let's say OJ is taking another ride in the Bronco 5 minutes after it happened and I posted it per a reliable live camera. How do I link it going live? Thanky

How current is it happening in front of our noses??
You could find 5,000 of these headline posts on this site that NEVER EVER come true. It’s always a fucking lie from you folks. When will you learn you’re just in a circle jerk?

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