Anyone watching the Snowden Interview?

Sure! It would've been great if he'd been able to create some real change within our nation!

But instead he sold our secrets (almost 2 million documents) to our enemies and is enjoying asylum in the arms of our arch nemesis.

Why would he want to come back home then?

He has no "home" here anymore. If he comes back it'll be because he thinks there's a buck to make off of it.

I think he would be arrested if he came back.
Is he still a traitor?

If exposing a corrupt government that tramples it's citizenry's rights makes him a traitor; then yes, he is very much unapologetically a traitor.

What if he exposes it to a far more corrupt government whose never given it's citizens any rights and that information happens to endanger his former country's citizens and military and then he unapologetically uses it to his benefit within that enemy government?

What if we said that making these claims requires evidence to be taken seriously?
What if he exposes it to a far more corrupt government whose never given it's citizens any rights and that information happens to endanger his former country's citizens and military and then he unapologetically uses it to his benefit within that enemy government?

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” - Ben Franklin

They're not just words. They're axiomatic.

"We the people..."

Snowden's not one of those anymore

Actually he is still an American citizen.
"We the people..."

Snowden's not one of those anymore

It's true, he is not.

But on some of the things he said I could understand how he saw things being done as wrong.

Sure! It would've been great if he'd been able to create some real change within our nation!

But instead he sold our secrets (almost 2 million documents) to our enemies and is enjoying asylum in the arms of our arch nemesis.

Your second point has absolutely no evidence to back it up, and your first point is equally wrong. The President of the United States was forced to publicly back reform of NSA policies because of Snowden's leaks. That's actual change, even if those reforms, in substance, will be paltry, the President was forced to implicitly admit that Snowden was right.
Watching the interview now and I'm wondering why nobody ever introduces interviews with government officials with, "He clearly came armed with a number of talking points" the way Brian Williams did with Snowden. Not only that, but their talking points are always the same when it comes to whistle-blowers. They're traitors, they harmed national security, they're narcissists, etc...
Give Snowden the Congressional Medal Of Honor, then shoot him for treason.
Then drag the President and all his inner circle of advisers out on the Capital Lawn and hang them from those Cherry Trees, or it the trees are no longer there just build a scaffold, but hang them all.

Our own Government, especially the Executive Branch, is the most corrupt in history.
Give Snowden the Congressional Medal Of Honor, then shoot him for treason.
Then drag the President and all his inner circle of advisers out on the Capital Lawn and hang them from those Cherry Trees, or it the trees are no longer there just build a scaffold, but hang them all.

Our own Government, especially the Executive Branch, is the most corrupt in history.

How about no.
So we learned that Snowden brought his concerns to people higher up multiple times and was rebuffed, and that he destroyed all of the information that he had before he went traveling through Russia.
He's blindingly smart, my ass.

"The NSA, the Russian intelligence service, the Chinese intelligence service, any intelligence service in the world that has significant funding and a real technological research team can own that phone the minute it connects to their network," Snowden said.

They can turn on a phone remotely if it's off, he said. And even a detail like a Google search for a sports score can reveal a lot about you.

"You probably speak English. You are probably an American. You are interested in this sport. They might know what your habits are," Snowden said. 'Where were you in the world when you checked the score? Do you check it when you travel? Do you check it when you're at home? They could tell your pattern of life. Where are you doing these activities? When do you wake up? When do you go to sleep? What other phones are around you? Are you with someone who's not your wife? Are you someplace that you shouldn't be?"

Edward Snowden's interview: 10 things we learned -

Damn, my parakeet could have told you that.
He's blindingly smart, my ass.

"The NSA, the Russian intelligence service, the Chinese intelligence service, any intelligence service in the world that has significant funding and a real technological research team can own that phone the minute it connects to their network," Snowden said.

They can turn on a phone remotely if it's off, he said. And even a detail like a Google search for a sports score can reveal a lot about you.

"You probably speak English. You are probably an American. You are interested in this sport. They might know what your habits are," Snowden said. 'Where were you in the world when you checked the score? Do you check it when you travel? Do you check it when you're at home? They could tell your pattern of life. Where are you doing these activities? When do you wake up? When do you go to sleep? What other phones are around you? Are you with someone who's not your wife? Are you someplace that you shouldn't be?"

Edward Snowden's interview: 10 things we learned -

Damn, my parakeet could have told you that.

So because he said something you already know he's not smart? Is that even a real criticism?
I'm watching it, near the end now. I think Snowden is brilliant. He's disclosed that he was not some low level bureaucrat, which is what has been said of him. He was, in fact, quite high up in the NSA. He further explained what the government could do with your turned off cell phone .. scary.
With a simple promise to get Government out of your phones, your computers and faces he could be elected president in absentia. Despite the regime having pulled his passport he's still more American born than some in contention, indeed in office!

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