Anyone willing to guess WHEN the "replace" of ACA will take place?

Well, no real guesses from right wingers as to when we will see TrumpCare.....

Three months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 4 years, NEVER???
Trump hit on two helpful ways: healthcare savings accounts and insurance across state borders.

Ah,the panacea of selling insurance across state lines....Here's the rub...Insurers don't want this option and unless Trump wants to COMPEL these companies to do it, they mostly will not.

Currently individual states can decide whether or not to allow insurers to sell plans from another state in their state,” the Center for Health & Economy wrote about Trump’s health plan earlier this year. “However, even where this is allowed, various barriers such as the difficulty of building a network and attracting enough customers to create a large enough risk pool make it unappealing to insurers to pursue this option.”

Sorry, Trump: Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines Wouldn't Lower Costs


Of course some are going to say that. Aren't cha following along?

If you had a banana stand, and you and another guy were the only two banana sellers in the town, why would you want ten other banana vendors in your area?

Why would insurance companies want more competition forcing them to lower prices?

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