Anyone willing to guess WHEN the "replace" of ACA will take place?

Which Republicans in Congress do you speak of?

When one can't address the main issue, one feigns ignorance.....(but maybe its not feigned)

Here are some quotes that lawmakers verified to The Washington Post as authentic from the leaked tape related to repealing and replacing the ACA:

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created” with repeal, said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.”


Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) warned his colleagues that the estimated budget savings from passing the Obamacare repeal bill — which Republicans say could approach a half-trillion dollars — are needed to fund the costs of setting up a replacement. “This is going to be what we’ll need to be able to move to that transition,” he said.


Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Tex.) worried that one idea floated by Republicans — a refundable tax credit — would not work for middle-class families that cannot afford to prepay their premiums and wait for a tax refund.


And Rep. John Faso (R-N.Y.), a freshman congressman from the Hudson Valley, warned strongly against using the repeal of the ACA to also defund Planned Parenthood. “We are just walking into a gigantic political trap if we go down this path of sticking Planned Parenthood in the health insurance bill,” he said. “If you want to do it somewhere else, I have no problem, but I think we are creating a political minefield for ourselves — House and Senate.”

These guys have no idea what they are doing, and they are terrified of the political consequences for what they are about to unleash. There is no way that Republicans will be able to replace Obamacare with something that is better, cheaper, and will cover more people.

So discussing and having opinions on possible replacement options is what you consider "scared shitless?"

That's very wishful thinking on your part. Republicans are going to debate this issue, offer their own solutions, and yes, debate each other's solutions. But that's a far cry from scared shitless. After all, getting rid of Commie Care was one of Trump's main issues. Why would they be scared of an issue that helped win them the White House? After all, most people that use Commie Care are probably strict Democrat voters anyway.

That is NOT what is happening.

Today, we're getting tweets and piecemeal proposals from groups or individuals with NO bi-partisan input even on objectives. In fact, we aren't even seeing any agreement on objectives from Republicans.

Calling what we are getting a "discussion" is just plain stupid. There is no indication that even Republicans are having discussions, given the wild variation in what we're hearinh.

And, yes that is scary.

Do you even get what is being tossed in the air here?

This is the health care system used by every American.

You dan not threaten that with the current random nonsense and think it doesn't concern every family, every parent, every aging American, every American finally able to get coverage so they don't have to use the ER.

The reality is way too stark for right wingers to address without resulting to empty and inane responses such as, "we need more time....after all, seven long years are not nearly enough for republicans to have come up with a plan..."

Repealing Obamacare was never really supposed to happen. Republicans thought that they could keep running on repealing the ACA for years. It was campaign having come back to bite them in their fat asses.
Which Republicans in Congress do you speak of?

When one can't address the main issue, one feigns ignorance.....(but maybe its not feigned)

Here are some quotes that lawmakers verified to The Washington Post as authentic from the leaked tape related to repealing and replacing the ACA:

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created” with repeal, said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.”


Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) warned his colleagues that the estimated budget savings from passing the Obamacare repeal bill — which Republicans say could approach a half-trillion dollars — are needed to fund the costs of setting up a replacement. “This is going to be what we’ll need to be able to move to that transition,” he said.


Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Tex.) worried that one idea floated by Republicans — a refundable tax credit — would not work for middle-class families that cannot afford to prepay their premiums and wait for a tax refund.


And Rep. John Faso (R-N.Y.), a freshman congressman from the Hudson Valley, warned strongly against using the repeal of the ACA to also defund Planned Parenthood. “We are just walking into a gigantic political trap if we go down this path of sticking Planned Parenthood in the health insurance bill,” he said. “If you want to do it somewhere else, I have no problem, but I think we are creating a political minefield for ourselves — House and Senate.”

These guys have no idea what they are doing, and they are terrified of the political consequences for what they are about to unleash. There is no way that Republicans will be able to replace Obamacare with something that is better, cheaper, and will cover more people.

So discussing and having opinions on possible replacement options is what you consider "scared shitless?"

That's very wishful thinking on your part. Republicans are going to debate this issue, offer their own solutions, and yes, debate each other's solutions. But that's a far cry from scared shitless. After all, getting rid of Commie Care was one of Trump's main issues. Why would they be scared of an issue that helped win them the White House? After all, most people that use Commie Care are probably strict Democrat voters anyway.

That is NOT what is happening.

Today, we're getting tweets and piecemeal proposals from groups or individuals with NO bi-partisan input even on objectives. In fact, we aren't even seeing any agreement on objectives from Republicans.

Calling what we are getting a "discussion" is just plain stupid. There is no indication that even Republicans are having discussions, given the wild variation in what we're hearinh.

And, yes that is scary.

Do you even get what is being tossed in the air here?

This is the health care system used by every American.

You dan not threaten that with the current random nonsense and think it doesn't concern every family, every parent, every aging American, every American finally able to get coverage so they don't have to use the ER.

How long has this complex problem been haunting us Americans? How many decades is it going on now?

Nobody can expect the Republicans to come up with overnight miracles. They are not discussing the problem, why, because it hasn't been reported on my the MSM?

We are one week and two days into this administration, and healthcare is only one of the many issues this administration promised action on.
Nobody can expect the Republicans to come up with overnight miracles. They are not discussing the problem, why, because it hasn't been reported on my the MSM?

Don't be such a moron, joining the rest of your dumb cadre....

Have conservatives bitched about the ACA since 2011.....Yes or No?
Were there plans to "repeal and replace" the ACA since 2012.......Yes or No?
What has prevented elected conservatives from formulating a better alternate plan?
Would not a better, cheaper to the electorate have given Obama serious trouble about vetoing it.....Yes or No?

Just sit back and admit that your ilk fucked up royally.....
I mean the several plans that are being reviewed this week

"................and remember, if you place your tooth under your pillow and behave like a good boy, the Tooth Fairy will reward you when you wake up in the morning...."
Now THERE'S a great argument for somebody who has nothing intelligent to say after being bitch slapped.

hey, S. J. will you be the FIRST on this forum to share all those wonderful HC plans that right wingers have conjured up???? I mean, since you are personally privy to them, be kind and share the "good news" as soon as you can...............................(what a totally mindless asshole)
Where did I say I was privy to them? Once again you fail to have anything intelligent to say.
Republicans are currently discussing several plans. They'll have a replacement soon. He's only been POTUS one week.

So, during those SEVEN years of bitching about the ACA, and SIX years of GOP dominance of Congress, these right wing, elected morons could NOT come up with a suitable alternative?

Now, most conservatives on here will retort (as prompted by FOX) that Obama would have vetoed their plans........fair enough about the passage part, BUT to have NOTHING as an alternative now tat the Trumpster is in leads one to conclude 3 assumptions:

ONE Trump is full of shit when he stated that he had a plan
TWO, that elected conservatives just sat around for all these years playing with themselves
THREE, that there is NO better plan available (except universal insurance.)

They voted for repeal about 100 times. I think you have yourself confused with them.

There is no better plan ?????????

America must be really stupid.
Nobody can expect the Republicans to come up with overnight miracles. They are not discussing the problem, why, because it hasn't been reported on my the MSM?

Don't be such a moron, joining the rest of your dumb cadre....

Have conservatives bitched about the ACA since 2011.....Yes or No? [Absolutely]
Were there plans to "repeal and replace" the ACA since 2012.......Yes or No? [Absolutely]
What has prevented elected conservatives from formulating a better alternate plan?[They had was the one Obama killed....making inexpensive insurance illegal]
Would not a better, cheaper to the electorate have given Obama serious trouble about vetoing it.....Yes or No? [Sure it did. Anything that didn't meet the norms of so-called "social justice" or that didn't force people to buy insurance was not considered viable]

Just sit back and admit that your ilk fucked up royally.....

Obamacare is going down in flames.

A big proponent friend of mine finally admitted it was a bust and that we need something else.

He's just one of many.
See, folks, the "repeal" part is rather easy......but that other part as spewed by Trump that he would replace the ACA simultaneously with the repeal of the law, is turning out to be a bitch.

Republicans.....especially in the senate.....are scared shitless that a "TrumpCare" catastrophe will be suicidal on Nov. 2018.

All that democrats need to do, is sit back and watch the implosion...Always remember the Trump promise.......that he would replace the ACA, insure EVERYBODY, with better coverage and at a considerably lower cost to both the individual AND the US treasury.

This should be fun........

Yeah, the healthcare implosion should be real "fun", ya greasy little turd. WE don't have to lift a finger to watch Barry-Care fall apart and believe me, we're not doing if for sewage like you. I'd imagine a new healthcare program will be up and running by Labor Day and everybody will laugh and point at the leftist trash who opposed it.
Have conservatives bitched about the ACA since 2011.....Yes or No?

Yes we have.

Were there plans to "repeal and replace" the ACA since 2012.......Yes or No?

No there wasn't, only showing their Republican constituents they have every intention of getting rid of Commie Care if possible.

What has prevented elected conservatives from formulating a better alternate plan?

As I told you before, there is no sense of investing hundreds of hours to have a new plan if there is no chance of that plan ever being implemented.

Would not a better, cheaper to the electorate have given Obama serious trouble about vetoing it.....Yes or No?

No, never. Commie Care was DumBama's pride and joy. There is no way he would have ever given that up--especially if the Republicans came out with something much better. He would have sooner given up his first born.
Nobody can expect the Republicans to come up with overnight miracles. They are not discussing the problem, why, because it hasn't been reported on my the MSM?

Don't be such a moron, joining the rest of your dumb cadre....

Have conservatives bitched about the ACA since 2011.....Yes or No?
Were there plans to "repeal and replace" the ACA since 2012.......Yes or No?
What has prevented elected conservatives from formulating a better alternate plan?
Would not a better, cheaper to the electorate have given Obama serious trouble about vetoing it.....Yes or No?

Just sit back and admit that your ilk fucked up royally.....

Have you figured out how much foreign aid the USA gives to Mexico every year?

It's tough to agree on a fact, isn't it?

Say, you said a lot of stupid shit before the election. Why should anyone find value in anything you say?

How about this bit of intelligence from Nat:

Clinton drops below 270

  1. Nov 4, 2016

    nat4900Gold Member

    Road to 270: CNN's general election map -

    I love it!!

    So, tell us what the road for Trump to 270 will be......
    Some miracle prompted by your ilk sacrificing a right wing virgin for the cause?? LOL
    • clear.png
      Funny x 2
    • funny-agree.png
      Funny and Agree!! x 1
Nobody can expect the Republicans to come up with overnight miracles. They are not discussing the problem, why, because it hasn't been reported on my the MSM?

Don't be such a moron, joining the rest of your dumb cadre....

Have conservatives bitched about the ACA since 2011.....Yes or No? [Absolutely]
Were there plans to "repeal and replace" the ACA since 2012.......Yes or No? [Absolutely]
What has prevented elected conservatives from formulating a better alternate plan?[They had was the one Obama killed....making inexpensive insurance illegal]
Would not a better, cheaper to the electorate have given Obama serious trouble about vetoing it.....Yes or No? [Sure it did. Anything that didn't meet the norms of so-called "social justice" or that didn't force people to buy insurance was not considered viable]

Just sit back and admit that your ilk fucked up royally.....


Is this moron delusional much???
Have conservatives bitched about the ACA since 2011.....Yes or No?

Yes we have.

Were there plans to "repeal and replace" the ACA since 2012.......Yes or No?

No there wasn't, only showing their Republican constituents they have every intention of getting rid of Commie Care if possible.

What has prevented elected conservatives from formulating a better alternate plan?

As I told you before, there is no sense of investing hundreds of hours to have a new plan if there is no chance of that plan ever being implemented.

Would not a better, cheaper to the electorate have given Obama serious trouble about vetoing it.....Yes or No?

No, never. Commie Care was DumBama's pride and joy. There is no way he would have ever given that up--especially if the Republicans came out with something much better. He would have sooner given up his first born.

Can't fix inbred stupidity on a forum like this.......Believe what you want....From now on its ALL on your shoulders including the upcoming fuck ups......

If you think that Trum has a better, cheaper all-inclusive health care plan that will NOT kick out any of the 22 millions people who got insurance through the ACA.......You'll have my cheers.

But its been a very long time since I stopped believing in Santa Claus....

Apparently you nitiwits still do.
Can't fix inbred stupidity on a forum like this.......Believe what you want....From now on its ALL on your shoulders including the upcoming fuck ups......

If you think that Trum has a better, cheaper all-inclusive health care plan that will NOT kick out any of the 22 millions people who got insurance through the ACA.......You'll have my cheers.

But its been a very long time since I stopped believing in Santa Claus....

Apparently you nitiwits still do.

WTF are you talking about? The only way your party wins anything is by being Santa Clause.

Yes, it is on our shoulders. Unlike Democrats who blame everything from Fox to Rush for their F-ups, we will take responsibility for getting rid of that dreaded Commie Care and finding a better replacement. Perfect? Doubt it, but nobody has ever come up with a perfect solution to our healthcare problems.
Nobody can expect the Republicans to come up with overnight miracles. They are not discussing the problem, why, because it hasn't been reported on my the MSM?

Don't be such a moron, joining the rest of your dumb cadre....

Have conservatives bitched about the ACA since 2011.....Yes or No? [Absolutely]
Were there plans to "repeal and replace" the ACA since 2012.......Yes or No? [Absolutely]
What has prevented elected conservatives from formulating a better alternate plan?[They had was the one Obama killed....making inexpensive insurance illegal]
Would not a better, cheaper to the electorate have given Obama serious trouble about vetoing it.....Yes or No? [Sure it did. Anything that didn't meet the norms of so-called "social justice" or that didn't force people to buy insurance was not considered viable]

Just sit back and admit that your ilk fucked up royally.....


Is this moron delusional much???
Have conservatives bitched about the ACA since 2011.....Yes or No?

Yes we have.

Were there plans to "repeal and replace" the ACA since 2012.......Yes or No?

No there wasn't, only showing their Republican constituents they have every intention of getting rid of Commie Care if possible.

What has prevented elected conservatives from formulating a better alternate plan?

As I told you before, there is no sense of investing hundreds of hours to have a new plan if there is no chance of that plan ever being implemented.

Would not a better, cheaper to the electorate have given Obama serious trouble about vetoing it.....Yes or No?

No, never. Commie Care was DumBama's pride and joy. There is no way he would have ever given that up--especially if the Republicans came out with something much better. He would have sooner given up his first born.

Can't fix inbred stupidity on a forum like this.......Believe what you want....From now on its ALL on your shoulders including the upcoming fuck ups......

If you think that Trum has a better, cheaper all-inclusive health care plan that will NOT kick out any of the 22 millions people who got insurance through the ACA.......You'll have my cheers.

But its been a very long time since I stopped believing in Santa Claus....

Apparently you nitiwits still do.

We understand that the best you could do was pathetic. We get that.

You blew your hold on the house in four years. Amazing given that Bush was still in there screwing things up.

Terms like inbred stupidity only emanate from those who somehow screwed up what amounted to a slam dunk and now are whining and deflecting to avoid facing up to their own shortcomings.

Take'll get over it....eventually.

There is 2018......when you'll not win the house and likely will lose seats in the senate.....oh, sorry.

Obama's plan gave a bunch of people expensive insurance they could not afford to use. Again, I realize that such a pathetic production is all you clowns could produce....but hey.....

We spend 8,700 per person per year. Obama never addressed that. Total failure.

If Trump doesn't, he fails too.

But while he takes his crack at things, why don't you power down your laptop, fold it up, take a deep breath and shove it up your ass sideways.
Can't fix inbred stupidity on a forum like this.......Believe what you want....From now on its ALL on your shoulders including the upcoming fuck ups......

If you think that Trum has a better, cheaper all-inclusive health care plan that will NOT kick out any of the 22 millions people who got insurance through the ACA.......You'll have my cheers.

But its been a very long time since I stopped believing in Santa Claus....

Apparently you nitiwits still do.

WTF are you talking about? The only way your party wins anything is by being Santa Clause.

Yes, it is on our shoulders. Unlike Democrats who blame everything from Fox to Rush for their F-ups, we will take responsibility for getting rid of that dreaded Commie Care and finding a better replacement. Perfect? Doubt it, but nobody has ever come up with a perfect solution to our healthcare problems.


This is where I blame Bush...bigtime.

Health Insurance....not health care has been an issue in my book since the early 1990's.

Nobody wanted to talk about it.

After Hillarycare got shoved back down the throat of the democrats everybody got quiet.

Bush was content to spend money on stupid wars and missed a golden opportunity (frankly, I don't see the man as being that smart).

It's a non-partisan issue. We spend way to much on care.....8,700 per person per year. That didn't come down under Obama.

Getting people bronzed s**t plans that cost more money than an ER visit helped NOTHING.

Until someone has some guts to point out the realities of health care....forget it.
Can't fix inbred stupidity on a forum like this.......Believe what you want....From now on its ALL on your shoulders including the upcoming fuck ups......

If you think that Trum has a better, cheaper all-inclusive health care plan that will NOT kick out any of the 22 millions people who got insurance through the ACA.......You'll have my cheers.

But its been a very long time since I stopped believing in Santa Claus....

Apparently you nitiwits still do.

WTF are you talking about? The only way your party wins anything is by being Santa Clause.

Yes, it is on our shoulders. Unlike Democrats who blame everything from Fox to Rush for their F-ups, we will take responsibility for getting rid of that dreaded Commie Care and finding a better replacement. Perfect? Doubt it, but nobody has ever come up with a perfect solution to our healthcare problems.


This is where I blame Bush...bigtime.

Health Insurance....not health care has been an issue in my book since the early 1990's.

Nobody wanted to talk about it.

After Hillarycare got shoved back down the throat of the democrats everybody got quiet.

Bush was content to spend money on stupid wars and missed a golden opportunity (frankly, I don't see the man as being that smart).

It's a non-partisan issue. We spend way to much on care.....8,700 per person per year. That didn't come down under Obama.

Getting people bronzed s**t plans that cost more money than an ER visit helped NOTHING.

Until someone has some guts to point out the realities of health care....forget it.

I agree. The first step towards some sort of affordable healthcare is cost control, and there are nearly a dozen ways of doing that; some not costing the taxpayer a dime.

Trump hit on two helpful ways: healthcare savings accounts and insurance across state borders.

The more competition between insurance companies, the lower the price of plans. Healthcare savings accounts eliminates pencil pushers between the doctors office and insurance companies. One of the biggest complaints of insurance companies is processing these $50.00, $75.00 doctors visits. It cost more to process the damn bill than it does to finally pay it.

Hopefully the Trump administration can eliminate a couple hundred regulations that also cost insurance companies a lot of money. I also hope he gives employers a tax incentive to providing employees with healthcare benefits.
Trump hit on two helpful ways: healthcare savings accounts and insurance across state borders.

Ah,the panacea of selling insurance across state lines....Here's the rub...Insurers don't want this option and unless Trump wants to COMPEL these companies to do it, they mostly will not.

Currently individual states can decide whether or not to allow insurers to sell plans from another state in their state,” the Center for Health & Economy wrote about Trump’s health plan earlier this year. “However, even where this is allowed, various barriers such as the difficulty of building a network and attracting enough customers to create a large enough risk pool make it unappealing to insurers to pursue this option.”

Sorry, Trump: Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines Wouldn't Lower Costs


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