AOC Can’t Define Capitalism

there ya go lying about what we/I said,,,

what do you mean by bailed out??
I have no problem with voluntary charity/welfare,, but to have the government force it upon us with no accountability is not charity,,,

You know what I mean. Why do you do this?
You know what I mean. Why do you do this?
no I dont know what you mean,,,

in the case of a company bailout most of the time its a one time thing,,
with a person most times ends up to be a long drawn out excuse to not work and even ends up being generational,,

so please be specific,,
no I dont know what you mean,,,

in the case of a company bailout most of the time its a one time thing,,
with a person most times ends up to be a long drawn out excuse to not work and even ends up being generational,,

so please be specific,,

One time or multiple times doesn't matter. Tell me where you find this in capitalism.
Many of the universities ought to be sued for malpractice. When jabbering retards like AOC graduate, and are clearly utterly uneducated, or when "statesmen" like Hank Johnson (Dipshit GA) can be stupid enough to believe islands can capsize we should be seriously examining the ability for these institutions to hand out credentials.
The Left yap about student loan debt, which everyone is free to accept or turn down, saying it is a problem that requires me, who took no part in their decision to take on that debt, needs to pay for. While they churn out total morons like AOC by the tens of thousands.
The Left yap about student loan debt, which everyone is free to accept or turn down, saying it is a problem that requires me, who took no part in their decision to take on that debt, needs to pay for. While they churn out total morons like AOC by the tens of thousands.
It's deliberate of course. They're not "education" institutions, they're leftist drone factories. They should have their license to issue credentials revoked and their assets liquidated.
Long before then, Soviet researchers had made important breakthroughs in heart transplantation, albeit only in animal experiments. In 1946, Vladimir Demikhov3,4 performed the world's first orthotopic heart-lung transplant, in a dog that survived for 2 hours. The next year, he carried out the first isolated lung transplant, achieving 7-day survival in a dog. In 1951, Demikhov performed the first orthotopic heart transplant, again in a dog, which survived for 11 hours. Because of the language barrier, Americans first learned about these breakthroughs in 1962, when Demikhov's publications began to be translated into English. His work influenced Barnard, who visited Demikhov in Moscow that same year.
What a hoot of Leftard propaganda! Americans first learned about these breakthroughs in 1962 BE AUSE OF LANGUAGE BARRIERS?

How about Soviet secrecy that murdered anyone suspected of divulging information.

FYI - the NAZIS were sawing off limbs of Jews and reattaching them on others in the 1930’s. Again you lie for your Commie love.
Dufus thinks every company is out to destroy the planet.
No she doesn't. She doesn't even know what those words mean. She just parrots the most extreme left-wing crap she is trained to repeat. A bird-brain can't really talk, it just repeats sounds as it was trained to do.
Every system always has transactions, and they can always be barter or currency.
That has nothing to do with capitalism.
Capitalism is when you profit merely by the ownership of excess capital, not by doing any labor or providing any goods.
Capitalism is when A trades something in exchange for something else with B.
So it's ok to print funny money and use it?
I have some advice for you that I hope you take to heart. Here it is - if you have nothing to say don’t say anything.

stop talking to hear yourself talk

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