AOC Can’t Define Capitalism

AOC bein all social conscious while wearing high dollar designer clothing.
Like this $2000 dress she wore here during a press statement.

View attachment 515089

Or on her appearance on "The View" a $632 sequined shirt.

View attachment 515094

She really would make a typical communist party member.
She is a socialist not a communist, brainwashed functional moron dingbat.
And you can’t define communism or socialism. And don’t understand science.

and feel free to let us know when your orange sociopath defined anything properly.

in other words no one cares what you think
Government controls all means of production.
Enough playing with the idiot Leftards.

Capitalism definition is -
an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of
capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision,
and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are
determined mainly by competition in a free market.

The individual owns the results of their labor, whether intellectual, organizational or physical. Then can freely exchange that product in mutually agreed to transactions.

The key to real capitalism is the right to property, the work of the individual, and the right to total control the property.
Boston U degree in Economics
Finished 3rd in her class.

Wow.... only 3 students in the class? That's pretty exclusive.

This awkward fuck was fired from a bartending job for stealing her coworker's tips.

She known for offerings like this (and I quote): "Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs." and "Attorneys don't know much about the law as lawyers do and Ben Shapiro is just an attorney, so yeah."


Let's keep her front and center.
Name an invention from a communist nation.
Blood transfusions and blood banks.
Cadaveric blood transfusion - Wikipedia
Sergei Yudin (surgeon) - Wikipedia
Human kidney transplants in 1933 by Yuriy Voroniy
The first ICBM in the world, that through Mutually Assured Destruction would prevent a war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact from ever unfolding.
R-7 Semyorka - Wikipedia
The first ever Satellite, man in space and the first & only photos ever taken of the surface of Venus.
Sputnik 1 - Wikipedia
yuri gagarin - Google Search
Venera - Wikipedia

Synthetic Rubber
Sergey Lebedev (chemist) - Wikipedia
Synthetic rubber - Wikipedia
The world’s first ever Film School
Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography - Wikipedia
Lev Kuleshov - Wikipedia
The Theremin & interlaced video (same inventor)
Interlaced video - Wikipedia
Theremin - Wikipedia
Graphical sound
Graphical sound - Wikipedia
The Gene Pool
“The Russian geneticist Aleksandr Sergeevich Serebrovskii first formulated the concept in the 1920s as genofond (gene fund), a word that was imported to the United States from the Soviet Union by Theodosius Dobzhansky, who translated it into English as “gene pool.”
Rabbage, was the first ever non-sterile hybrid obtained through the crossbreeding, which was an important step in biotechnology. It was produced by Georgii Karpechenko in 1928.
Electric rocket motors
Electrically powered spacecraft propulsion - Wikipedia
Valentin Glushko - Wikipedia
Russian Airborne Troops - Wikipedia
Pressure suits
Pressure suit - Wikipedia
Yevgeny Chertovsky - Wikipedia
Used in rocket engines:
Hypergolic propellant - Wikipedia
There’s way, way more. Including: Postal codes, Underwater welding, Cherkenov Detector (radiation), the first nuclear power plant, 3D holography, drag chutes, etc.
Dummies, weaklings, the lazy, those who think of themselves as victims, those who are jealous of others success and the delusional are all drawn to socialism. But everyone knows our government does little to nothing right so smart people will depend on them as little as possible. Just look at our national debt and then explain why there is so much poverty in the US. Just look at the amount of money we spend on education and explain why we suck so bad compared to other countries? Why are SS and Medicare both heading toward bankruptcy? How about the post office? It's because our government is too big, inefficient and corrupt. They don't do anything well but overspend and make money disappear. I don't want them micromanaging any part of my life. I can do much better for myself.
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When a poor person needs bailed out you (and many others) call it socialism. When it's a business you call it cronyism but none of it is capitalism.
there ya go lying about what we/I said,,,

what do you mean by bailed out??
I have no problem with voluntary charity/welfare,, but to have the government force it upon us with no accountability is not charity,,,
Dummies, weaklings, the lazy, those who think of themselves as victims, those who are jealous of others success and the delusional are all drawn to socialism. But everyone knows our government does little to nothing right so smart people will depend on them as little as possible. Just look at our national debt and then explain why there is so much poverty in the US. Just look at the amount of money we spend on education and explain why we suck so bad compared to other countries? Why are SS and Medicare both heading toward bankruptcy? How about the post office? It's because our government is too big, inefficient and corrupt. They don't do anything well but overspend and make money disappear. I don't want them micromanaging any part of my life. I can do much better for myself.
Dummies, weaklings, the lazy, those who think of themselves as victims, those who are jealous of others success and the delusional ------ sounds like trump and his supporters.
According to any socialist in any democracy, socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. France Italy Spain etcetera all had communist and socialist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy and all that entails. Every modern country but us is socialist at this point. Only brainwashed English speakers don't know the difference.

We are all socialists now! - - Finland President when Obamacare passed. But totally obstructed and sabotaged by the scumbag GOP.
Translation~ so we are not socialist
there ya go lying about what we/I said,,,

what do you mean by bailed out??
I have no problem with voluntary charity/welfare,, but to have the government force it upon us with no accountability is not charity,,,
So you're against all those give aways for the rich? good to hear.

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