AOC Can’t Define Capitalism

Capitalism exists every time someone does something to make money.

No, if a bunch of farmers get together and build a jointly owned grain elevator, then they can make more money storing the grain until a train can come take it all, but that is socialism, not capitalism.

Actually capitalism is only when you profit only from the fact you have essential capital others need and you can demand high profits just for loaning out.
Banks are the essential ingredient for capitalism.

If 2 parties exchange goods, labor, or money, that is just a transaction and not capitalism.
Blood transfusions and blood banks.
Cadaveric blood transfusion - Wikipedia
Sergei Yudin (surgeon) - Wikipedia
Human kidney transplants in 1933 by Yuriy Voroniy
The first ICBM in the world, that through Mutually Assured Destruction would prevent a war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact from ever unfolding.
R-7 Semyorka - Wikipedia
The first ever Satellite, man in space and the first & only photos ever taken of the surface of Venus.
Sputnik 1 - Wikipedia
yuri gagarin - Google Search
Venera - Wikipedia

Synthetic Rubber
Sergey Lebedev (chemist) - Wikipedia
Synthetic rubber - Wikipedia
The world’s first ever Film School
Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography - Wikipedia
Lev Kuleshov - Wikipedia
The Theremin & interlaced video (same inventor)
Interlaced video - Wikipedia
Theremin - Wikipedia
Graphical sound
Graphical sound - Wikipedia
The Gene Pool
“The Russian geneticist Aleksandr Sergeevich Serebrovskii first formulated the concept in the 1920s as genofond (gene fund), a word that was imported to the United States from the Soviet Union by Theodosius Dobzhansky, who translated it into English as “gene pool.”
Rabbage, was the first ever non-sterile hybrid obtained through the crossbreeding, which was an important step in biotechnology. It was produced by Georgii Karpechenko in 1928.
Electric rocket motors
Electrically powered spacecraft propulsion - Wikipedia
Valentin Glushko - Wikipedia
Russian Airborne Troops - Wikipedia
Pressure suits
Pressure suit - Wikipedia
Yevgeny Chertovsky - Wikipedia
Used in rocket engines:
Hypergolic propellant - Wikipedia
There’s way, way more. Including: Postal codes, Underwater welding, Cherkenov Detector (radiation), the first nuclear power plant, 3D holography, drag chutes, etc.
First one is a lie, so I stopped there.
Charles Lindbergh worked on the first artificial heart in 1935.
If America is not capitalism, then why are you Leftards so busy attacking capitalism demanding capitalism be changed?

And again, you Leftards refuse to name a nation with a better economic system and tell us why you refuse to move there.

Because part of the US are socialist, and some are capitalist.
And the capitalist parts don't work and are harming us.
Like using private, for profit, health insurance that does nothing good for anyone.
Or charging students so much for tuition that only the wealthy can afford college.
No, if a bunch of farmers get together and build a jointly owned grain elevator, then they can make more money storing the grain until a train can come take it all, but that is socialism, not capitalism.

Actually capitalism is only when you profit only from the fact you have essential capital others need and you can demand high profits just for loaning out.
Banks are the essential ingredient for capitalism.

If 2 parties exchange goods, labor, or money, that is just a transaction and not capitalism.
That's a Communist definition of capitalism and totally wrong.
Really? Which for profit company os being paid to take care of the environment? No, this shows the difference between representative government and authoritarianism
The capitalist countries take care of the environment.

Communist countries destroy the environment.
That's a Communist definition of capitalism and totally wrong.

Every system always has transactions, and they can always be barter or currency.
That has nothing to do with capitalism.
Capitalism is when you profit merely by the ownership of excess capital, not by doing any labor or providing any goods.
Capitalism is what created the effing contraption that we are talking on. Capitalism is the driving force behind almost all the great inventions this world has ever seen. Capitalism has won wars and made peoples lives infinitely better. Capitalism isn't perfect but it elevates the human condition a hell of a lot better than Marxism or communism. Marxists just don't understand the value of freedom, liberty and independence. But if you like Marxism's promise, why not just follow your dream. There are plenty of properties in Cuba and Venezuela available for immediate occupation.
First one is a lie, so I stopped there.
Charles Lindbergh worked on the first artificial heart in 1935.
Long before then, Soviet researchers had made important breakthroughs in heart transplantation, albeit only in animal experiments. In 1946, Vladimir Demikhov3,4 performed the world's first orthotopic heart-lung transplant, in a dog that survived for 2 hours. The next year, he carried out the first isolated lung transplant, achieving 7-day survival in a dog. In 1951, Demikhov performed the first orthotopic heart transplant, again in a dog, which survived for 11 hours. Because of the language barrier, Americans first learned about these breakthroughs in 1962, when Demikhov's publications began to be translated into English. His work influenced Barnard, who visited Demikhov in Moscow that same year.
Boston U degree in Economics
Finished 3rd in her class.

Makes you want to spend $$$$ to send your kids there.

The common theme of Communists and Socialists is they’ll never tell you which nation has the best economic system, let alone why they refuse to move there.
They just want to destroy America.

View attachment 514942

I asked AOC to make me a Shandy and she didn't know that was either
Boston U degree in Economics
Finished 3rd in her class.

Makes you want to spend $$$$ to send your kids there.

The common theme of Communists and Socialists is they’ll never tell you which nation has the best economic system, let alone why they refuse to move there.
They just want to destroy America.

View attachment 514942

.....making a note: never hire anyone who went to Boston University
How're those oil company restrictions working for the environment in Venezuela?
Citgo and the venezuelan oil industry didn't do particularly worse than anyone else when the oil prices were low. Venezuela made the error of tying their entire economy to their nationalized oil industry, when prices were higher.
.....making a note: never hire anyone who went to Boston University
Many of the universities ought to be sued for malpractice. When jabbering retards like AOC graduate, and are clearly utterly uneducated, or when "statesmen" like Hank Johnson (Dipshit GA) can be stupid enough to believe islands can capsize we should be seriously examining the ability for these institutions to hand out credentials.
I don't think this makes any sense on any level. Citgo and the venezuelan oil industry didn't do particularly worse than anyone else when the oil prices were low. Venezuela made the error of tying their entire economy to their nationalized oil industry, when prices were higher.


How're those oil company restrictions working for the environment in Venezuela?

I don't think this makes any sense on any level.

Why not?

Venezuela made the error of tying their entire economy to their nationalized oil industry, when prices were higher.

When you've destroyed the rest of you economy, what else can you do?

Oh, right, destroy the oil industry too. DURR.

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