AOC fans joke about Sniping Steve Scalise

You are being dishonest if you say otherwise. You know better.

So far, 3 people, myself included, who have been in this site much longer than you have are calling you out because we know you are full of shit. If there are so many, you should be able to produce one. You can’t and you won’t.

You are simply a partisan hack liar.
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.
You, apparently have no fucking idea what the word hypocrisy means you simpleton.

And yes.....

I hope it was only liberals homes that were incinerated and I hope it was only liberals that died.

Like I said. I don't give a shit. Hence the reason I don't give a shit about the left laughing about Scalise being shot. I know they all did too. Including you, you lying hypocritical gasbag.
Exhibit A of the typical psycho conservative. This may be considered a moderate post for Owl. He is just one of the psycho conservatives on this board and others. Watch him get approvals for that post. My point has been proved.
I have noticed you have not condemned the comments in question toward Scalise.
Of course I condemn those comments as I do all comments of that vain.
So far, 3 people, myself included, who have been in this site much longer than you have are calling you out because we know you are full of shit. If there are so many, you should be able to produce one. You can’t and you won’t.

You are simply a partisan hack liar.
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.
You, apparently have no fucking idea what the word hypocrisy means you simpleton.

And yes.....

I hope it was only liberals homes that were incinerated and I hope it was only liberals that died.

Like I said. I don't give a shit. Hence the reason I don't give a shit about the left laughing about Scalise being shot. I know they all did too. Including you, you lying hypocritical gasbag.
Exhibit A of the typical psycho conservative. This may be considered a moderate post for Owl. He is just one of the psycho conservatives on this board and others. Watch him get approvals for that post. My point has been proved.
I have noticed you have not condemned the comments in question toward Scalise.
Of course I condemn those comments as I do all comments of that vain.
Now AOC needs to publicly.
So far, 3 people, myself included, who have been in this site much longer than you have are calling you out because we know you are full of shit. If there are so many, you should be able to produce one. You can’t and you won’t.

You are simply a partisan hack liar.
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.
You, apparently have no fucking idea what the word hypocrisy means you simpleton.

And yes.....

I hope it was only liberals homes that were incinerated and I hope it was only liberals that died.

Like I said. I don't give a shit. Hence the reason I don't give a shit about the left laughing about Scalise being shot. I know they all did too. Including you, you lying hypocritical gasbag.
Exhibit A of the typical psycho conservative. This may be considered a moderate post for Owl. He is just one of the psycho conservatives on this board and others. Watch him get approvals for that post. My point has been proved.
I have noticed you have not condemned the comments in question toward Scalise.
Of course I condemn those comments as I do all comments of that vain.
Oh, aren't you sweet. We know exactly what you think and how you think.

You defend blm, antifa and every other group determined to overthrow this country.

You voted for the saul alinsky black marxist and you voted for the saul alinsky bitch in a pants suit.

You still believe Kavanaugh raped some woman even though there was ZERO PROOF OF ANY KIND except for some woman that claimed she was raped with no corroboration. Yet, probably have a poster of bill, despite the vast evidence including a bleeding lip on Juanita Broderick and testimony of Arkansas state troopers in regards to Paula Jones, all attacked by liberal feminists.

So, you can take your bullshit and shove it. This is a war, and I am done trying to convince you of shit.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?

Perhaps this is just another case of Republicans acting like sulking children when their own tactics are used against them?
Care to post any quotes?
That is hilarious. More than you can count.
Knock yourself out.
You are being dishonest if you say otherwise. You know better.

So far, 3 people, myself included, who have been in this site much longer than you have are calling you out because we know you are full of shit. If there are so many, you should be able to produce one. You can’t and you won’t.

You are simply a partisan hack liar.
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.

Yeah, I saw the posts too. They aren’t what you are trying to portray them as. YOU claim that we do it and do it a lot. If that was true, you could easily prove it. Yet, no proof is forthcoming.

You are exactly as I said, a liar.
That is hilarious. More than you can count.
Knock yourself out.
You are being dishonest if you say otherwise. You know better.

So far, 3 people, myself included, who have been in this site much longer than you have are calling you out because we know you are full of shit. If there are so many, you should be able to produce one. You can’t and you won’t.

You are simply a partisan hack liar.
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.

Yeah, I saw the posts too. They aren’t what you are trying to portray them as. YOU claim that we do it and do it a lot. If that was true, you could easily prove it. Yet, no proof is forthcoming.

You are exactly as I said, a liar.
Wrong. You are a partisan hack who attacks me just to attack me. You did not even understand my initial post. However, I have better things to do than to argue with a drooling boob too intellectually dishonest to admit he was wrong.
Knock yourself out.
You are being dishonest if you say otherwise. You know better.

So far, 3 people, myself included, who have been in this site much longer than you have are calling you out because we know you are full of shit. If there are so many, you should be able to produce one. You can’t and you won’t.

You are simply a partisan hack liar.
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.

Yeah, I saw the posts too. They aren’t what you are trying to portray them as. YOU claim that we do it and do it a lot. If that was true, you could easily prove it. Yet, no proof is forthcoming.

You are exactly as I said, a liar.
Wrong. You are a partisan hack who attacks me just to attack me. You did not even understand my initial post. However, I have better things to do than to argue with a drooling boob too intellectually dishonest to admit he was wrong.

In other words you have no proof at all. Good bye liar.
You are being dishonest if you say otherwise. You know better.

So far, 3 people, myself included, who have been in this site much longer than you have are calling you out because we know you are full of shit. If there are so many, you should be able to produce one. You can’t and you won’t.

You are simply a partisan hack liar.
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.

Yeah, I saw the posts too. They aren’t what you are trying to portray them as. YOU claim that we do it and do it a lot. If that was true, you could easily prove it. Yet, no proof is forthcoming.

You are exactly as I said, a liar.
Wrong. You are a partisan hack who attacks me just to attack me. You did not even understand my initial post. However, I have better things to do than to argue with a drooling boob too intellectually dishonest to admit he was wrong.

In other words you have no proof at all. Good bye liar.
Once again too much of a pussy to admit he was wrong. Get lost, loser.
So far, 3 people, myself included, who have been in this site much longer than you have are calling you out because we know you are full of shit. If there are so many, you should be able to produce one. You can’t and you won’t.

You are simply a partisan hack liar.
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.

Yeah, I saw the posts too. They aren’t what you are trying to portray them as. YOU claim that we do it and do it a lot. If that was true, you could easily prove it. Yet, no proof is forthcoming.

You are exactly as I said, a liar.
Wrong. You are a partisan hack who attacks me just to attack me. You did not even understand my initial post. However, I have better things to do than to argue with a drooling boob too intellectually dishonest to admit he was wrong.

In other words you have no proof at all. Good bye liar.
Once again too much of a pussy to admit he was wrong. Get lost, loser.

I thought you had better things to do. I guess you don’t really. You just can’t stop lying can you?
See post 36. BTW, I have never read as many terrible posts from conservatives as in the California Burning thread. Nearly all have been deleted because they were so atrocious. Save me your fucking hypocrisy and willful ignorance.

Yeah, I saw the posts too. They aren’t what you are trying to portray them as. YOU claim that we do it and do it a lot. If that was true, you could easily prove it. Yet, no proof is forthcoming.

You are exactly as I said, a liar.
Wrong. You are a partisan hack who attacks me just to attack me. You did not even understand my initial post. However, I have better things to do than to argue with a drooling boob too intellectually dishonest to admit he was wrong.

In other words you have no proof at all. Good bye liar.
Once again too much of a pussy to admit he was wrong. Get lost, loser.

I thought you had better things to do. I guess you don’t really. You just can’t stop lying can you?
Snowflake, admit you are wrong. You won't because you are a pussy and loser.
Yeah, I saw the posts too. They aren’t what you are trying to portray them as. YOU claim that we do it and do it a lot. If that was true, you could easily prove it. Yet, no proof is forthcoming.

You are exactly as I said, a liar.
Wrong. You are a partisan hack who attacks me just to attack me. You did not even understand my initial post. However, I have better things to do than to argue with a drooling boob too intellectually dishonest to admit he was wrong.

In other words you have no proof at all. Good bye liar.
Once again too much of a pussy to admit he was wrong. Get lost, loser.

I thought you had better things to do. I guess you don’t really. You just can’t stop lying can you?
Snowflake, admit you are wrong. You won't because you are a pussy.

No moron. We asked you for proof, you have provided none. What was I wrong about liar.
Wrong. You are a partisan hack who attacks me just to attack me. You did not even understand my initial post. However, I have better things to do than to argue with a drooling boob too intellectually dishonest to admit he was wrong.

In other words you have no proof at all. Good bye liar.
Once again too much of a pussy to admit he was wrong. Get lost, loser.

I thought you had better things to do. I guess you don’t really. You just can’t stop lying can you?
Snowflake, admit you are wrong. You won't because you are a pussy.

No moron. We asked you for proof, you have provided none. What was I wrong about liar.
If you can't read some of the posts on this thread dimwit as well as some of the links posted to other comments I can't help you. You are too dishonest to admit you are wrong. BTW you said goodbye, why are you still here? Still being dishonest?
In other words you have no proof at all. Good bye liar.
Once again too much of a pussy to admit he was wrong. Get lost, loser.

I thought you had better things to do. I guess you don’t really. You just can’t stop lying can you?
Snowflake, admit you are wrong. You won't because you are a pussy.

No moron. We asked you for proof, you have provided none. What was I wrong about liar.
If you can't read some of the posts on this thread dimwit as well as some of the links posted to other comments I can't help you. You are too dishonest to admit you are wrong. BTW you said goodbye, why are you still here? Still being dishonest?

You've not posted ANYTHING to back up your claim. Nothing.
In other words you have no proof at all. Good bye liar.
Once again too much of a pussy to admit he was wrong. Get lost, loser.

I thought you had better things to do. I guess you don’t really. You just can’t stop lying can you?
Snowflake, admit you are wrong. You won't because you are a pussy.

No moron. We asked you for proof, you have provided none. What was I wrong about liar.
If you can't read some of the posts on this thread dimwit as well as some of the links posted to other comments I can't help you. You are too dishonest to admit you are wrong. BTW you said goodbye, why are you still here? Still being dishonest?

Lol, I said good bye because YOU lied and said that you had better things to do. You still provide no proof of anything you say and cannot stop lying.

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