AOC fans joke about Sniping Steve Scalise

In all fairness to them, and to not be hypocritical, I don't give one tiny fuck if every liberal died a miserable death today.

So, personally, I don't give a shit that they laugh about that.

I piss on their graves and laugh whenever I hear of their miserable deaths.

I don't have anything against Liberals or Democrats but I draw the line against Communists, Socialists and Progressives. Besides their labels they are for One World Government and the New World Order. Their credos are totally against the Constitution and this makes them anti-American in my opinion and don't deserve to live here or even live. These ideas used to be illegal and against the law in America and used to get people jailed and blacklisted. I wouldn't waste a bullet on any of them but I wish there was a bounty on their traitorous carcasses.
I would like to thank liberal intestinal cysts for proving they're EXACTLY like their muslim whoremasters: violence and death threats are the only language that these America-hating disease-bags understand.
Donkey Face Cortez and that Muslim Tlaib are other democrats, are borderline domestic terrorists. Again, Donkey Face Cortez and the Michigan Muslim RahsadTaliban or whatever the fuck that sick creep's name is need to be studying American history and US government, not tweeting nonsense which triggers the low IQ democrat idiots who support them (because they hate Whitey). And they and other ugly ass dems need to stop putting on red lipstick. It doesn't help! Just reminds us of the old "lipstick on a pig" to sell something to suckers. :p
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?

Anyone who defies the elites on Twitter has to put up with threats. This tweet is still up. And she, (((Wurtzel))), being a shallow celebrity Democrat (but I repeat myself), is immune to censor.
Understand this..she is calling for the killing of your president.


Elizabeth Wurtzel on Twitter
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
I think the woman and her supporters are true sickos and should be hospitalized along with the Creepsister Tlaib who used her seat in Congress to use taboo language on this nation's CEO. I wonder what it would take to make these profane ninnyhammers use acceptable language. Censure? The Democrats are making a conservative monarchy a thing of the future.
On Political boards, how many conservatives ruminate about mass murder or killing someone? You can't stop assholes from being assholes in either party.
The Constitution says that you can. It's called censure, and if there is a repeat performance of the offense, you can turn them over to the courts for slander and calumny. The courts can determine the punishment, it's true, but the lying and mental illness behavior has got to go.
Occasional-Cortex is such a TRASHY WHORE, that sperm-trench can't even do her own hair and makeup in a classy, tasteful manner! Who the fuck is this sow-in-heat's beautician, Bozo the Clown or Tammy Faye from beyond the grave??? It looks like some ridiculous, badly-made child's doll on which someone splattered globs of makeup as a practical joke. Jesus Christ, what a female clown!
There are people here who believe that no USMB conservatives have ever suggested that someone be killed?


Prove it. I mean other than terrorists, murderers, etc.

You're serious?

Yes. Prove me wrong. Do what the lying loser couldn’t.

How many examples do you need to admit that you are wrong?

First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?
In all fairness to them, and to not be hypocritical, I don't give one tiny fuck if every liberal died a miserable death today.

So, personally, I don't give a shit that they laugh about that.

I piss on their graves and laugh whenever I hear of their miserable deaths.

I don't have anything against Liberals or Democrats but I draw the line against Communists, Socialists and Progressives. Besides their labels they are for One World Government and the New World Order. Their credos are totally against the Constitution and this makes them anti-American in my opinion and don't deserve to live here or even live. These ideas used to be illegal and against the law in America and used to get people jailed and blacklisted. I wouldn't waste a bullet on any of them but I wish there was a bounty on their traitorous carcasses.
Deportation comes to mind. The American public deserves leadership, not ninnyhammering good men to death using the most taboo and acerbic language. It's hard to believe some of these new Congresswomen with the extra foul mouths graduated from universities in this nation. Maybe their teachers are guiding them through evilspeak to get what they want without regard for the welfare of people. This national debt crap is going to end badly. There is going to come a time when all that money debt is going to be purchased by someone who hates America and wants to ruin us. We won't know what hit us, but imho, it's inevitable. You absolutely have to pay your bills and get rid of debt if you possibly can. The liberals don't think so, and they're going to bring everybody in this country down if they don't grow up.
I've seen female-like vomit on the Jerry Springer show that was more appealing and respectable than this Occasional-Cortex piece of trash. Who would suck and swallow on street corners for whatever its drug of choice is. What a detestable, used-up whore! Are there any fellow men out there who would lower themselves to sticking their dicks in this STD-crawling, living toilet-trapway? Whose female plumbing has absorbed the sperm of thousands of men and various male anmals?
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