AOC fans joke about Sniping Steve Scalise

On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
Do you know what "satirical" means?
Bodecea, bad judgment can turn satirical into hatespeak, and in this case it did. Some of those Democrats hear hatespeak and go out and shoot to kill the object of the satire. That's already happened once, and it is to be abhorred. This Cortez woman is a loud-mouthed bully, and so are several of her fellow Democrats. They have too much power, and they're cowards because they know one of their crazier followers will take his guns to town and have himself a little killing spree. Some people have to be silenced with jail time, and something tells me that the new House Speaker cannot control this hatespeech problem foisted against Republicans by hatemongers who were elected by rabid left-wing precincts who have no compunctions about letting people they agree with vote more than once. I know. I heard some of the precinct chairmen yammering and bragging about their illegal voting on Time Forums back when they had them, middle to late 90's as I recollect. When I called them out on it, they disappeared instantly, and the thread disappeared the very next morning. This voting malpractice has been going on for some time, and human beings who have been brainwashed to harass people with differing viewpoints do not belong in a governing body, much less chairpersons in a voting precinct.
It's all too easy to imagine Occasional-Cortex sort of oiling around the dark shadows of a bad, crumbling neighborhood (in which you see weeds sprouting in the sidewalk cracks) while telling any male passerby, "I'll fuck you for a pack of Camel filters."
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?

Anyone who defies the elites on Twitter has to put up with threats. This tweet is still up. And she, (((Wurtzel))), being a shallow celebrity Democrat (but I repeat myself), is immune to censor.
Understand this..she is calling for the killing of your president.

View attachment 238754

Elizabeth Wurtzel on Twitter
I don't know who this person is, but she should get a visit from the Secret Service regarding her threat if she made one.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
Do you know what "satirical" means?
Bodecea, bad judgment can turn satirical into hatespeak, and in this case it did. Some of those Democrats hear hatespeak and go out and shoot to kill the object of the satire. That's already happened once, and it is to be abhorred. This Cortez woman is a loud-mouthed bully, and so are several of her fellow Democrats. They have too much power, and they're cowards because they know one of their crazier followers will take his guns to town and have himself a little killing spree. Some people have to be silenced with jail time, and something tells me that the new House Speaker cannot control this hatespeech problem foisted against Republicans by hatemongers who were elected by rabid left-wing precincts who have no compunctions about letting people they agree with vote more than once. I know. I heard some of the precinct chairmen yammering and bragging about their illegal voting on Time Forums back when they had them, middle to late 90's as I recollect. When I called them out on it, they disappeared instantly, and the thread disappeared the very next morning. This voting malpractice has been going on for some time, and human beings who have been brainwashed to harass people with differing viewpoints do not belong in a governing body, much less chairpersons in a voting precinct.
Then, if this is indeed a threat, it's easy enough for Scalise to report it and it be traced. IF it's not to that level, then he's the snowflake.
It's all too easy to imagine Occasional-Cortex sort of oiling around the dark shadows of a bad, crumbling neighborhood (in which you see weeds sprouting in the sidewalk cracks) while telling any male passerby, "I'll fuck you for a pack of Camel filters."
And I'm sure that deplorables fantasize in that way a just confirmed it.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
Do you know what "satirical" means?
Bodecea, bad judgment can turn satirical into hatespeak, and in this case it did. Some of those Democrats hear hatespeak and go out and shoot to kill the object of the satire. That's already happened once, and it is to be abhorred. This Cortez woman is a loud-mouthed bully, and so are several of her fellow Democrats. They have too much power, and they're cowards because they know one of their crazier followers will take his guns to town and have himself a little killing spree. Some people have to be silenced with jail time, and something tells me that the new House Speaker cannot control this hatespeech problem foisted against Republicans by hatemongers who were elected by rabid left-wing precincts who have no compunctions about letting people they agree with vote more than once. I know. I heard some of the precinct chairmen yammering and bragging about their illegal voting on Time Forums back when they had them, middle to late 90's as I recollect. When I called them out on it, they disappeared instantly, and the thread disappeared the very next morning. This voting malpractice has been going on for some time, and human beings who have been brainwashed to harass people with differing viewpoints do not belong in a governing body, much less chairpersons in a voting precinct.
Then, if this is indeed a threat, it's easy enough for Scalise to report it and it be traced. IF it's not to that level, then he's the snowflake.
Not exactly.

2017 Congressional baseball shooting[edit]
Main article: 2017 Congressional baseball shooting
On Wednesday, June 14, 2017, at 7:09 am EDT, Scalise and three other people were shot and wounded by James Hodgkinson, a left-wing activist[4][5] who opened fire with a rifle during a baseball practice of the Republican team for the annual Congressional Baseball Game. The practice was taking place at the Eugene Simpson Baseball Fields in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia. Scalise, the only member of Congress to be hit, was shot in the hip. Representative Mo Brooks, who was also at the practice, witnessed the attack and said he saw someone with a rifle behind the third base dugout. Brooks then heard Scalise scream from second base. Scalise crawled into right field, bleeding. Senator Jeff Flake and Representative Brad Wenstrup, a former podiatrist, ran to assist Scalise after Hodgkinson was shot.[65][66] Senator Rand Paul, also a witness, said he heard "as many as 50 shots".

Scalise, initially conscious, went into shock while being taken to MedStar Washington Hospital Center[7][67] in critical condition, where he underwent immediate surgery. Scalise was hit by a single rifle bullet that "travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding".[7] Dr. Jack Sava at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center said that "when he arrived, he was in critical condition with an imminent risk of death". By June 16, although still in critical condition, Sava said, "We have controlled internal bleeding and his vital signs have stabilized." On June 17, it was announced that his condition had improved to "serious" and he was responsive enough to talk with his family.[68] On June 21, the hospital issued a press release, stating, "Congressman Steve Scalise continues to make good progress. He is now listed in fair condition and is beginning an extended period of healing and rehabilitation."[69][70]

On July 5, 2017, Scalise was returned to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) after becoming ill with an infection related to the shooting.[71]

On July 13, 2017, it was reported that Scalise had undergone additional surgery and that his condition had been upgraded to fair.[72] He was discharged from MedStar Washington Hospital Center on July 26 and went through a period of inpatient rehabilitation.[73] On September 28, to applause and cheers, he returned to the House of Representatives, where he gave a speech about his experience related to the traumatic events.[8]

Hodgkinson, a left-wing activist and vocal supporter of Bernie Sanders, had a previous record of domestic violence and was a fierce critic of the Republican Party and Donald Trump.[4][5]

The Virginia Attorney General concluded the suspect was "fueled by rage against Republican legislators" and "an act of terrorism".[74]

2018 victim of threats[edit]
On June 30 a man left death threats against Scalise and his family.[75] A suspect was arrested.[76][77] Steve Scalise - Wikipedia
His fight with death, he won. I don't expect you to have a nursing degree, but the kind of shock he endured by nearly bleeding out on the field while creepo was still shooting can and has been fatal to others. Fortunately, he had good doctors to help him deal with his imminent death risk. but it took them several days just to stop his internal bleeding.
I do not find hatespeak amusing, ma'am, and I hope you review your marginalizing attitude that the man is somehow unworthy of his office. He doesn't threaten anyone, he simply works his butt off to make sure the people of his state are taken care of nationally. Louisiana has always had a rough fiscal time of it due to weather, poverty, and corruption. He fought very hard to keep income taxes and state expenditures down, so middle class people would have enough to raise a family on. And I'm so glad he made it through that brutal shooting that cost him mobility-wise, although he fought that too. I don't think calling him a snowflake or any other negative term is appropriate.

A democrat activist listened to hatespeak and went after Republicans by taking his gun to town and using it. The loudmouth limes hurling hatespeak, the f-word, and every other bad thing is begging history to repeat itself. If that particular brand of killing continues on by DNC activists motivated by female congresswomen, there will be consequences, and they are not going to be pleasant ones against those who incite and commit acts of terrorism on account of party affiliation.
Donkey Face Cortez, if she actually had been raised in the Bronx, would be much more sensitive, one would hope, to victims of gunshot wounds by democrat criminals.
Donkey Face Cortez, if she actually had been raised in the Bronx, would be much more sensitive, one would hope, to victims of gunshot wounds by democrat criminals.
I don't know what makes people engage in such low level speech, Snouter, but I'm going to bed tonight with a full prayer list of lost souls who verbally step on other people for personal hatespeak of the crudest kind, but I'm faulting the education system that produced these walking duplicitous diplomacy disasters. The field of education needs to shape up its products for making society better, not turn them into AK-47 bitter banter mouths, or we need to withdraw funding this kind of mental depravity in society. So good evening, all.
Democrats who control the "education system" attack Western family "values" such as discipline which can only happen with a son if there is a father helping to raise the son, for example. As a result the child is somewhat lost and is forced to look to "teachers" for guidance instead of the parents or other street thugs. The "teachers" then brainwash the child to hate Whitey and the street thugs are taught to hate Whitey since their fat, ugly Momma's husband ran out on the family.
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There are people here who believe that no USMB conservatives have ever suggested that someone be killed?


Prove it. I mean other than terrorists, murderers, etc.

You're serious?

Yes. Prove me wrong. Do what the lying loser couldn’t.

How many examples do you need to admit that you are wrong?

First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?

Poor baby. You think people can't understand what is meant by words.

Here is one. Took me abiut a minute to find. I'll add another when you tell me that this one isn't good enough.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
I guess makes jokes about chucking her skinny commie ass out of a helicopter fair game, huh?
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
it's too bad because he was losing on the facts of what AOC posted.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
I guess makes jokes about chucking her skinny commie ass out of a helicopter fair game, huh?
Yes, neither "side" has much claim to high ground, but when the leader of your party is Trump, just shut up and sit the fuck down.
View attachment 238799
Prove it. I mean other than terrorists, murderers, etc.

You're serious?

Yes. Prove me wrong. Do what the lying loser couldn’t.

How many examples do you need to admit that you are wrong?

First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?

Poor baby. You think people can't understand what is meant by words.

Here is one. Took me abiut a minute to find. I'll add another when you tell me that this one isn't good enough.

No moron, what I think is that idiots on the left just parrot nonsense they hear elsewhere. One is enough. Funny that you took only about a minute, but the other guy who made the original statement couldn’t do it at all. He’s the kind of moron who just parrots whatever he hears.
View attachment 238799
You're serious?

Yes. Prove me wrong. Do what the lying loser couldn’t.

How many examples do you need to admit that you are wrong?

First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?

Poor baby. You think people can't understand what is meant by words.

Here is one. Took me abiut a minute to find. I'll add another when you tell me that this one isn't good enough.

No moron, what I think is that idiots on the left just parrot nonsense they hear elsewhere. One is enough. Funny that you took only about a minute, but the other guy who made the original statement couldn’t do it at all. He’s the kind of moron who just parrots whatever he hears.

You are such a poor sport. You have no integrity so you can't simply admit your error. Sad. But Trumpian.
View attachment 238799
You're serious?

Yes. Prove me wrong. Do what the lying loser couldn’t.

How many examples do you need to admit that you are wrong?

First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?

Poor baby. You think people can't understand what is meant by words.

Here is one. Took me abiut a minute to find. I'll add another when you tell me that this one isn't good enough.

No moron, what I think is that idiots on the left just parrot nonsense they hear elsewhere. One is enough. Funny that you took only about a minute, but the other guy who made the original statement couldn’t do it at all. He’s the kind of moron who just parrots whatever he hears.
Too stupid to read post 36 or my other links dimwit.
View attachment 238799
Yes. Prove me wrong. Do what the lying loser couldn’t.

How many examples do you need to admit that you are wrong?

First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?

Poor baby. You think people can't understand what is meant by words.

Here is one. Took me abiut a minute to find. I'll add another when you tell me that this one isn't good enough.

No moron, what I think is that idiots on the left just parrot nonsense they hear elsewhere. One is enough. Funny that you took only about a minute, but the other guy who made the original statement couldn’t do it at all. He’s the kind of moron who just parrots whatever he hears.

You are such a poor sport. You have no integrity so you can't simply admit your error. Sad. But Trumpian.

How stupid are you exactly? I didn’t make a mistake. I simply demanded that he prove his statement which he wasn’t able to do. Take a reading class, idiot.
View attachment 238799
How many examples do you need to admit that you are wrong?

First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?

Poor baby. You think people can't understand what is meant by words.

Here is one. Took me abiut a minute to find. I'll add another when you tell me that this one isn't good enough.

No moron, what I think is that idiots on the left just parrot nonsense they hear elsewhere. One is enough. Funny that you took only about a minute, but the other guy who made the original statement couldn’t do it at all. He’s the kind of moron who just parrots whatever he hears.

You are such a poor sport. You have no integrity so you can't simply admit your error. Sad. But Trumpian.

How stupid are you exactly? I didn’t make a mistake. I simply demanded that he prove his statement which he wasn’t able to do. Take a reading class, idiot.
Admit you're wrong moron.
View attachment 238799
How many examples do you need to admit that you are wrong?

First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?

Poor baby. You think people can't understand what is meant by words.

Here is one. Took me abiut a minute to find. I'll add another when you tell me that this one isn't good enough.

No moron, what I think is that idiots on the left just parrot nonsense they hear elsewhere. One is enough. Funny that you took only about a minute, but the other guy who made the original statement couldn’t do it at all. He’s the kind of moron who just parrots whatever he hears.

You are such a poor sport. You have no integrity so you can't simply admit your error. Sad. But Trumpian.

How stupid are you exactly? I didn’t make a mistake. I simply demanded that he prove his statement which he wasn’t able to do. Take a reading class, idiot.

You challenged him...and me. We all understand the meaning of words. Fuck off weirdo.

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