AOC fans joke about Sniping Steve Scalise

So, the answer is "no", you cannot post any any quotes. Thanks for the answer.

shut up and sit the fuck down. No one in the gop has any standing to complain about violent messaging and supporting violence. Certainly not after Charlottesville.

And you may pucker up and kiss my ass. I'm not in the GOP, I don't support violence from EITHER side and I only pointed out that that person wasn't following up with his claim. If you don't like that, you are the same sort of moron he is.

Awwww. Poor baby.

Listen here, loser. Everyone who WANTS to know, knows that there are several USMB "conservatives" who regularly threaten violence or suggest that the proper path to take is mass murder/genocide.

There are ZERO liberals who do that here.

The need to prove something that is so obviously true doesn't exist. Demanding such proof It is only a lame attempt to stonewall knowing that most people don't care enough to do the archive search.

University socialist club incites young kids to KILL Donald Trump

Punch the Trump!

James Woods is Awesome Post #2


You are really flailing.

Where are the calls to murder opposition? Shooting. Nuking. Poisoning?

Try harder.
It's all too easy to imagine Occasional-Cortex sort of oiling around the dark shadows of a bad, crumbling neighborhood (in which you see weeds sprouting in the sidewalk cracks) while telling any male passerby, "I'll fuck you for a pack of Camel filters."
And I'm sure that deplorables fantasize in that way a just confirmed it.
Not really.
You see, that is an example of a liberal utopia courtesy of progressive policies.
It sounds good in speeches, but actual applications tend to create ghettos and extreme poverty. For example look at all of the homeless people living on the street in Los Angeles. That is what Democrats want. Pain, suffering, and crack whores offering to fuck you for a smoke.
There....I fixed it.
Exactly like muslim 60-generation 1st-cousin inbreds, liberals' go-to reaction is mindless, murderous violence whenever these pigs (wallowing in their own shit) don't get their way. They don't have the brains or shrewdness to deal with disappointment in any other way, so they revert into destructive living filth. And yet liberals are so fucking stupid, they can't figure out that their own savage behavior is why I no longer consider these sadistic monsters human. In all of history, you cannot show me two violence-soaked demographics more lacking in self-awareness than liberalfilth and muslimfilth.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?

Somebody asked me if I ever thought about a communist becoming our president....I said "every time I clean my hunting rifle".
I must admit that liberalfilth never disappoint or fail to shock me; every time I think they can't possibly get more revolting, repulsive and reptilian and utterly beyond all form of redemption, they always manage to surprise me.
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First of all, I’m not wrong because I never made a statement that can right or wrong. I simply demanded that he prove what he says. As for your question, I only need one that is an actual example. Can you do what he cannot?

Poor baby. You think people can't understand what is meant by words.

Here is one. Took me abiut a minute to find. I'll add another when you tell me that this one isn't good enough.

No moron, what I think is that idiots on the left just parrot nonsense they hear elsewhere. One is enough. Funny that you took only about a minute, but the other guy who made the original statement couldn’t do it at all. He’s the kind of moron who just parrots whatever he hears.
Too stupid to read post 36 or my other links dimwit.

And, as I told you before you stupid lying moron, post 36, doesn’t say what you think it does. It’s apples to oranges. If you could read at a level higher than 4th grade and had the ability to think at all, you’d know that. But you are just a hack moron.
Oh are getting shrill. What happened to you?

Lol, petty ignorant snips taken at me have never meant anything, but you never stop trying.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Such ‘fans’ are representative of nothing and no one, including AOC.

has any democrat condemned those comments? Has AOC condemned them?
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?

Liberals are violent people..... all the more reason to preserve lawful gun ownership.
I must admit that liberalfilth never disappoint or fail to shock me; every time I think they can't possibly get more revolting, repulsive and reptilian and utterly beyond all form of redemption, they always manage to surprise me.
Yep. True.
Care to post any quotes?
That is hilarious. More than you can count.

So, the answer is "no", you cannot post any any quotes. Thanks for the answer.

shut up and sit the fuck down. No one in the gop has any standing to complain about violent messaging and supporting violence. Certainly not after Charlottesville.

And you may pucker up and kiss my ass. I'm not in the GOP, I don't support violence from EITHER side and I only pointed out that that person wasn't following up with his claim. If you don't like that, you are the same sort of moron he is.

Awwww. Poor baby.

Listen here, loser. Everyone who WANTS to know, knows that there are several USMB "conservatives" who regularly threaten violence or suggest that the proper path to take is mass murder/genocide.

There are ZERO liberals who do that here.

The need to prove something that is so obviously true doesn't exist. Demanding such proof It is only a lame attempt to stonewall knowing that most people don't care enough to do the archive search.

Zero is untrue.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
Ever read what gets posted on this board?
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Such ‘fans’ are representative of nothing and no one, including AOC.

has any democrat condemned those comments? Has AOC condemned them?
I'm sorry, but we have lives and don't sit behind our keyboards 24/7 looking for some social media posts to be offended by....Wouldn't even know about these so-called threateners unless posters like you kept reviving their posts for more to see.....trying to make them somehow relevant when they really are nothing but stupid individuals.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?

Liberals are violent people..... all the more reason to preserve lawful gun ownership.
Yeah...we're real violent. Don't mess with us. Just sayin' :71:
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?
Ever read what gets posted on this board?
If that’s your argument then stop whining about Trump’s rhetoric or anyone else’s.
On Saturday, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-S.C.), the House minority whip, responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who had advocated for a 70 percent top tax rate. When Ocasio-Cortez shot back, her supporters joked about assassinating Scalise, who nearly lost his life in the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting.

"Snipe his a**!" the popular satirical account Raandy tweeted, responding to Ocasio-Cortez. His tweet received 582 "likes" and 7 "retweets."

Ocasio-Cortez Fans Joke About Assassinating Steve Scalise

This of course shows more liberal hypocracy. Wonder if she will condemn it?

Liberals are violent people..... all the more reason to preserve lawful gun ownership.
Yep. As we see by Rightwinger’s comment they condone mob violence and calls for murder on social media.
Anyone in the Party of Trump (formerly the GOP) who has not denounced Trump's support of violence and racism has no complaint, certainly not when a dem politician is not the source of any rhetoric aimed at them. I've read Scalise is not a bad guy, and I'm sorry he got shot, but he is riding the Trumpian elephant

So let me see if I've got this straight. You just said, "It's hypocritical for you to criticize these remarks because I assume you don't criticize Trump. These remarks are okay because Scalise is a Republican!"

It takes a special level of stupid to pack this much hypocrisy into only two sentences. Your last sentence invalidated any moral right you had to your pussy-hurt in your first sentence,
That is hilarious. More than you can count.

So, the answer is "no", you cannot post any any quotes. Thanks for the answer.

shut up and sit the fuck down. No one in the gop has any standing to complain about violent messaging and supporting violence. Certainly not after Charlottesville.

And you may pucker up and kiss my ass. I'm not in the GOP, I don't support violence from EITHER side and I only pointed out that that person wasn't following up with his claim. If you don't like that, you are the same sort of moron he is.

Awwww. Poor baby.

Listen here, loser. Everyone who WANTS to know, knows that there are several USMB "conservatives" who regularly threaten violence or suggest that the proper path to take is mass murder/genocide.

There are ZERO liberals who do that here.

The need to prove something that is so obviously true doesn't exist. Demanding such proof It is only a lame attempt to stonewall knowing that most people don't care enough to do the archive search.

Zero is untrue.


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