AOC Flunks Economics 101

Capitalism encourages success, the most successful succeed… The way it should be
Are you just a Russian hack? You seem incapable of conversation. On one hand you post images of Friedman. And then when I point out he was against all this crony capitalism, you just babble another line.
When you guys are losing the debates... The Russian thing always pops up.

The collective never benefits the individual...
You post Friedman and I point out he agrees with me. That's not losing hack. If your a real person and believe Friedman you would be on my side. It's clear you are just a hack who constantly just babbles one liners.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
Capitalism encourages success, the most successful succeed… The way it should be
Are you just a Russian hack? You seem incapable of conversation. On one hand you post images of Friedman. And then when I point out he was against all this crony capitalism, you just babble another line.
When you guys are losing the debates... The Russian thing always pops up.

The collective never benefits the individual...
You post Friedman and I point out he agrees with me. That's not losing hack. If your a real person and believe Friedman you would be on my side. It's clear you are just a hack who constantly just babbles one liners.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
Typical of a control freak like yourself… Can’t stand anyone disagreeing with you
Are you just a Russian hack? You seem incapable of conversation. On one hand you post images of Friedman. And then when I point out he was against all this crony capitalism, you just babble another line.
When you guys are losing the debates... The Russian thing always pops up.

The collective never benefits the individual...
You post Friedman and I point out he agrees with me. That's not losing hack. If your a real person and believe Friedman you would be on my side. It's clear you are just a hack who constantly just babbles one liners.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
You have been exposed. You are incapable of having a conversation on this board. You are a waste of board space. I await another token one liner or picture hack.
Are you just a Russian hack? You seem incapable of conversation. On one hand you post images of Friedman. And then when I point out he was against all this crony capitalism, you just babble another line.
When you guys are losing the debates... The Russian thing always pops up.

The collective never benefits the individual...
You post Friedman and I point out he agrees with me. That's not losing hack. If your a real person and believe Friedman you would be on my side. It's clear you are just a hack who constantly just babbles one liners.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
Typical of a control freak like yourself… Can’t stand anyone disagreeing with you
How many hundreds of times have you used that response. Do you just copy and paste? Your understanding of English seems very limited....
When you guys are losing the debates... The Russian thing always pops up.

The collective never benefits the individual...
You post Friedman and I point out he agrees with me. That's not losing hack. If your a real person and believe Friedman you would be on my side. It's clear you are just a hack who constantly just babbles one liners.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
You have been exposed. You are incapable of having a conversation on this board. You are a waste of board space. I await another token one liner or picture hack.
When you guys are losing the debates... The Russian thing always pops up.

The collective never benefits the individual...
You post Friedman and I point out he agrees with me. That's not losing hack. If your a real person and believe Friedman you would be on my side. It's clear you are just a hack who constantly just babbles one liners.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
Typical of a control freak like yourself… Can’t stand anyone disagreeing with you
How many hundreds of times have you used that response. Do you just copy and paste? Your understanding of English seems very limited....
You just proved my point... You can’t help being a control freak.

Your socialist views betray commonsense
You post Friedman and I point out he agrees with me. That's not losing hack. If your a real person and believe Friedman you would be on my side. It's clear you are just a hack who constantly just babbles one liners.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
Typical of a control freak like yourself… Can’t stand anyone disagreeing with you
How many hundreds of times have you used that response. Do you just copy and paste? Your understanding of English seems very limited....
You just proved my point... You can’t help being a control freak.

Your socialist views betray commonsense
I've been talking about Friendman and you say I have socialist views. That is too funny Russian hack.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
Typical of a control freak like yourself… Can’t stand anyone disagreeing with you
How many hundreds of times have you used that response. Do you just copy and paste? Your understanding of English seems very limited....
You just proved my point... You can’t help being a control freak.

Your socialist views betray commonsense
I've been talking about Friendman and you say I have socialist views. That is too funny Russian hack.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
Typical of a control freak like yourself… Can’t stand anyone disagreeing with you
How many hundreds of times have you used that response. Do you just copy and paste? Your understanding of English seems very limited....
You just proved my point... You can’t help being a control freak.

Your socialist views betray commonsense
I've been talking about Friendman and you say I have socialist views. That is too funny Russian hack.
You can’t get any more socialist than wanting firearm confiscation... Just one example of your socialist views
When you guys are losing the debates... The Russian thing always pops up.

The collective never benefits the individual...
You post Friedman and I point out he agrees with me. That's not losing hack. If your a real person and believe Friedman you would be on my side. It's clear you are just a hack who constantly just babbles one liners.
Friedman.... about anti-socialist as they get.
Another babbled line. Yes of course he is. And he was against these types of special deals for corporations. If you weren't a Russian hack you'd see that. But you are just here to spout the same idiot one liners.
You have been exposed. You are incapable of having a conversation on this board. You are a waste of board space. I await another token one liner or picture hack.
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

First, nobody who thinks tariffs are a good idea has a leg to stand on criticising anyone else's understanding of economics, and don't even get me started on the trickle down myth.

Second, NYC was gonna give them $3 billion in tax breaks. It would have taken them many decades to recoup that investment if they ever did.

It was a bad deal. You can't buy jobs, just like you can't spend your way outta debt.

Yeah, 3 Billion in tax breaks but NYC would be collecting taxes still that they would otherwise not be collecting.
From Amazon. Now they will be getting none of that money..... thats not a recipe to get out of debt either by chasing away tax revenue.

Amazon Headquarters?
The right used to be smart....

What’s Wrong with Corporate Welfare?

The above examples illustrate that corporate welfare comes in many flavors. “Crony capitalism” is another name for the problem. These subsidies have many negative effects:

1. They harm taxpayers. A 2012 Cato report found that the federal government spends about $100 billion annually on corporate welfare. Repealing the spending would save every household in the nation an average of about $800 a year.

2. They harm consumers and businesses. Corporate welfare aids some businesses, but it harms other businesses and consumers. Federal import barriers on sugar, for example, raise sugar prices and cost U.S. consumers about $2 billion a year. Some U.S. food companies that use sugar in their products have moved their production abroad to access lower-priced sugar.

3. They create an uneven playing field. Businesses receiving federal subsidies have an unfair advantage over unsubsidized competitors in their industries. Corporate welfare can also have unfair effects on businesses in other industries. As an example, the Export-Import program has subsidized jet purchases by foreign airlines, but that has given the foreign airlines an advantage over U.S. airlines that pay the full prices for their jets.

4. They duplicate private activities. Corporate welfare often duplicates activities that are already available in private markets, such as insurance, loans, marketing, and research. USDA’s Risk Management Agency, for example, says that its mission is to help farm businesses “through effective, market-based risk management tools.” But if these services are “market-based,” then Congress can end this $8 billion agency and let the private marketplace provide the tools.

5. They foster corruption. Corporate welfare fosters political corruption as businesses looking for handouts try to gain the support of politicians and federal officials. A 2011 Washington Post investigation into green energy subsidies was titled, “Solyndra: Politics Infused Obama Energy Programs.” The investigation found that the business people behind firms receiving green subsidies were often Obama campaign donors, that Solyndra’s corporate decisionmaking was driven by political considerations, and that a major Democratic fundraiser and frequent visitor to the Obama White House, George Kaiser, held a one-third stake in Solyndra through his family foundation. Federal taxpayers lost half a billion dollars on the failed solar company, Solyndra.

6. They weaken the private sector. Corporate welfare draws talented people away from productive pursuits and into wasteful subsidy activities. Companies that take government subsidies often become weaker, less efficient, and distracted from serving their customers. They take on riskier projects, they make decisions divorced from market realities, and they substitute lobbying for innovation. Federal export subsidies, for example, induced Enron Corporation to partake in failed overseas projects that helped pull the company down. And in chasing federal green subsidies, the utility Southern Company has spent more than $6 billion on a disastrous “clean coal” power plant that has doubled in cost.

7. They damage trust in government and business. Public opinion polls show plunging support for politicians and big businesses over the years. Gallup polls find that just one-fifth of Americans have “confidence” in big business, and they find that about three-quarters of people think there is “widespread corruption” in American government. The recent rise of populist politicians partly stems from the feeling that the “system is rigged” in favor of special interests, such as big businesses. Business and political leaders would garner more respect if they cut their ties to each other by ending corporate welfare.

Cato Handbook for Policymakers: 54. Special-Interest Spending and Corporate Welfare
You're desperately trying to change the subject from Occasional Cortex's rank stupidity to crony corporatism...And you're failing.

Just STFU and start a thread on crony corporatism, if that's what you want to bellyache about.
Awe, sorry but you make no sense. Turning against cronyism is a good thing.
Which is still irrelevant to the subject at hand.
Marc Thiessen: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an economic illiterate -- And that's bad news for America

"The left complains that conservatives are "obsessing" over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Well, there is a reason for that: Ocasio-Cortez is driving the agenda of today's Democratic Party -- and her economic illiteracy is dangerous.

Case in point: Last week, Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the tanking of a deal negotiated by her fellow Democrats in which Amazonpromised to build a new headquarters in Long Island City, New York, right next to her congressional district. Amazon's departure cost the city between 25,000 and 40,000 new jobs. Forget the tech workers whom Amazon would have employed. Gone are all the unionized construction jobs to build the headquarters, as well as thousands of jobs created by all the small businesses -- restaurants, bodegas, dry cleaners and food carts -- that were preparing to open or expand to serve Amazon employees. They are devastated by Amazon's withdrawal.

Ocasio-Cortez was not disturbed at all. "We were subsidizing those jobs," she said. "Frankly, if we were willing to give away $3 billion for this deal, we could invest those $3 billion in our district, ourselves, if we wanted to. We could hire out more teachers. We can fix our subways. We can put a lot of people to work for that amount of money if we wanted to."

No, you can't. Ocasio-Cortez does not seem to realize that New York does not have $3 billion in cash sitting around waiting to be spent on her socialist dreams. The subsidies to Amazon were tax incentives, not cash payouts. It is Amazon's money, which New York agreed to make tax-exempt, so the company would invest it in building its new headquarters, hiring new workers and generating tens of billions in new tax revenue.

You can't fix her Socialist type of 'stupid'.

First, nobody who thinks tariffs are a good idea has a leg to stand on criticising anyone else's understanding of economics, and don't even get me started on the trickle down myth.

Second, NYC was gonna give them $3 billion in tax breaks. It would have taken them many decades to recoup that investment if they ever did.

It was a bad deal. You can't buy jobs, just like you can't spend your way outta debt.

Yeah, 3 Billion in tax breaks but NYC would be collecting taxes still that they would otherwise not be collecting.
From Amazon. Now they will be getting none of that money..... thats not a recipe to get out of debt either by chasing away tax revenue.

Amazon Headquarters?

Don't be deliberately thick.
Taxes they would otherwise be collecting like?

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