AOC Is A Communist

Error: it was 1948 not 1958
Mr. Wallace's candidacy for President, left the Communists and other left-wing elements in complete control of the Progressive party's organization.
They ran on the platform agenda of socializing medicine, a tactic to get voters through handouts to those you are pandering and appealing to for support of bolder power agendas.
Error: it was 1948 not 1958
Mr. Wallace's candidacy for President, left the Communists and other left-wing elements in complete control of the Progressive party's organization.
They ran on the platform agenda of socializing medicine, a tactic to get voters through handouts to those you are pandering and appealing to for support of bolder power agendas.
We would be remiss if we didn’t mention good old Nancy Pelosi of the same Democratic Party who ran the house and many important committees in congress and was third in line for the presidency. This same Nancy Pelosi was heavily involved in the progressive caucas which until 1999 their website was hosted by the Democratic socialists of America..( Pretty close to those 50 years you talked about 51)More interesting facts about good old Nancy was that she was very close personal friends with the Halinan family who were radical socialists some say closer to Communists as she referred to Vivian Hallinanas her mentor… Wink Wink Nudge nudge and this is only Nancy I am talking about what other skeletons can be dug upon others in the Democratic party one can only imagine….
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, and there are none left except with a gun to their heads in China Cuba North Korea and Vietnam, brainwashed functional morons.

The world's English speakers are so brainwashed with UK savage capitalist propaganda they can't have a discussion about socialism which is always Democratic, and communism. On the other hand, the UK Canada New Zealand and Australia are socialist now, but they have to call it labour or social Democrat...
We would be remiss if we didn’t mention good old Nancy Pelosi of the same Democratic Party who ran the house and many important committees in congress and was third in line for the presidency. This same Nancy Pelosi was heavily involved in the progressive caucas which until 1999 their website was hosted by the Democratic socialists of America..( Pretty close to those 50 years you talked about 51)More interesting facts about good old Nancy was that she was very close personal friends with the Halinan family who were radical socialists some say closer to Communists as she referred to Vivian Hallinanas her mentor… Wink Wink Nudge nudge and this is only Nancy I am talking about what other skeletons can be dug upon others in the Democratic party one can only imagine….
And the Communist party in America started in Chicago in I think 1912?
And the Chicago mob got an unexperienced unknown in office from That Socialist-Communist Saul Alinsky tactics circle on January 20, 2009, a little late but based on the same platform of Socialized medicine, a system that allows the mobsters to control & steal the system blind (anything with bids leaves the door of corruption wide open).
Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, and there are none left except with a gun to their heads in China Cuba North Korea and Vietnam, brainwashed functional morons.

The world's English speakers are so brainwashed with UK savage capitalist propaganda they can't have a discussion about socialism which is always Democratic, and communism. On the other hand, the UK Canada New Zealand and Australia are socialist now, but they have to call it labour or social Democrat...
There is more than one way to the same method whether itis communism or fascism it is still an “ ism” …You do know that those countries you mentioned are known as the ” five eyes”. They are the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States… Dictatorships come in all forms shapes and sizes please keep that in mind…
There is more than one way to the same method whether itis communism or fascism it is still an “ ism” …You do know that those countries you mentioned are known as the ” five eyes”. They are the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States… Dictatorships come in all forms shapes and sizes please keep that in mind…
Also when Communists like Bernie influence forced higher minimum wages (higher than the raises we'd normally do for a healthy economy) on companies that can't absorb the expenses, and Capitalist warn it will lead to runaway inflation, and it does, then Gov't who controls the taxes and now salaries is controlling the companies, including regulations-red tape- rules and other obstacles used to control.
Also when Communists like Bernie influence forced higher minimum wages (higher than the raises we'd normally do for a healthy economy) on companies that can't absorb the expenses, and Capitalist warn it will lead to runaway inflation, and it does, then Gov't who controls the taxes and now salaries is controlling the companies, including regulations-red tape- rules and other obstacles used to control.
Wasnt it Antoin “ Tony” Rezko a supposed Chicago mobster who was heavily invested in Senator Barack Obama campaign regardless originally fascism was defined as the merger of corporations and the state so they are able to set whatever quidelines they like.. I personally don’t see that big a difference between communism and fascism as they both strive to control everything and take away any freedoms and control we have…
Then WHY do you go there?
Pretty fucking stupid, people whine about "gubmint" healthcare but go anyway.
Isn't the "gubmint", the enemy?
I quit going 5 years ago after my primary told me my degenerating L4 and L5 were getting better somehow. You morons want that for everyone except for your handlers and the elite. All of those oxygen thieves should be forced to use the VA. I bet money they wouldn't be so happy to force government healthcare on the rest of us.
The only thing Trump did in office was give tax cuts for the rich. And I already thanked him for the extra $27 I received.

As far as making him the worst, he ran the government like a mob boss. He politicized the DOJ and FBI. He used the WH for personal profit and gain. And committed felonies while in office. This prick should be in prison!
Politicizing the DOJ and FBI are you fucking serious ? I'm sure you think Democrats haven't been doing the exact same shit. Your a partisan hack and a hypocrite.
Has nothing to do with doing more for the people than for the wealthy

Comes down to priorities
All of those countries are pulling out of socialism. They’ve found out they can’t afford it. Like Margaret Thatcher said, socialism is great until you run out of OTHER PEOPLE’S money.
Do you understand the relationship between socialism, communism, and Marxism?

Of course I do, but do you?
None of these 3 economic system say anything about how the government is organized, selected, etc.
With socialism, you can do what you want.
You can have capitalist businesses, or pool resources for public businesses.
Communism is a more restricted or extreme form of socialism, where private capitalist business is highly regulated to prevent significant size.
Marxism is a flavor of communism where the goal is to end classes and all be equal.
Parasitic ideology is an ideology that champions taking from those with ability to give to those with needs. It requires those with ability, AKA the wealthy, to function.

The wealthy are not necessarily those who are productive in our society.
For example, I am a landlord, and it is the tenants who pay for my buildings.
And somehow you loons think Government ran healthcare will be better. I deal with that shit though the VA and it sucks.

The VA has its problems, but it costs less than a 5th what private health insurance run health care costs.
You can complain about the VA and get alternatives.
While with private health insurance, you get no say at all.
Of course I do, but do you?
None of these 3 economic system say anything about how the government is organized, selected, etc.
With socialism, you can do what you want.
You can have capitalist businesses, or pool resources for public businesses.
Communism is a more restricted or extreme form of socialism, where private capitalist business is highly regulated to prevent significant size.
Marxism is a flavor of communism where the goal is to end classes and all be equal.
In Socialism the means of production are controlled by the government. in Communism the means of production is OWNED by the government. In capitalism, the means of production are owned by those successful and smart enough to rise up and operate them. The first two only work when the government has control of the population. The last works when the government can’t or won’t control the population.
The wealthy are not necessarily those who are productive in our society.
For example, I am a landlord, and it is the tenants who pay for my buildings.
But without you owning and maintaining the buildings, your tenants would have no place to live. Both you and your tenants are productive parts of society.
My wife and I spend or save our Social Security checks and enjoy our Medicare … gratefully. We know they are considered “Socialism” by some, and such programs were certainly once considered pretty much only proposals put forward by crazy “radicals” and “communists.”

In many parts of our country the same was true even for ending legal racial segregation and for being able to marry somebody of a different race! Yeah, I know, I’m old enough to remember those days.

I suppose my wife and I are considered lazy good for nothings by some here. But the truth is for us, after a lifetime of work, government programs like S.S. & Medicare are essential.

My parents grew up in the depression, so I early learned to carefully save money. I have some investments, have a small condo, a 20-year-old car, and a small pension from one longtime blue collar job. So I’m probably living much better than many other regular workers in retirement. I want to leave a little to my granddaughter when I die. Hell, I knew a lot of workers who never made it to retirement — men who died early because of work & family pressure. Good people, too. They either weren’t lucky, or maybe tried to raise too many kids, or whatever.

I’m sure without the old fights of the labor movement — and some “leftists” too — most workers’ lives today would be far more difficult than they are. Of course smart capitalists and farsighted capitalist politicians like FDR played the biggest role in getting us through the depression and shepherding the nation through the test of WWII.

For many reasons the “Democratic Socialist” AOC is not my hero. Hell, she may end up corrupted like so many other politicians. Or just turn out to be too shallow and too partisan. But for now at least I know she is not my “class enemy” and she’s not especially beholding to big money corporate interests out to establish a profoundly reactionary oligarchy. She isn’t one of those crazy “MAGA” grifters either.
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Not only was Trump impeached twice, he tried to overthrow the US government.
The worst jobs record since Hoover.
Totally fucked up the COVID response.
Added more debt to the US, than any ONE TERM president EVER.
THe most dishonest, lying POS, ever to enter the White House.


The fact Trump was impeached twice but then totally exonerated, does not at all make him look bad in any way, but instead makes Congress look awful.

Rember the first impeachment was a claim of Russian collusion which turned out to be totally false, and Russia had no impact on the election at all.
The 2nd impeachment was a claim of demanding dirt on Hunter, but we all watched the video, and it clearly was just a request into why Burisma Holdings was being paid so much, and who illegally fired Shokin?

Until covid, Trump was doing average, so it is wrong to attack his business record.
And you are totally wrong about covid response.
Time has proven Trump was correct, that covid was no big deal, and it was Fauci who screwed everything up by "flattening the curve", which just prevented herd immunity and forced many more deaths than necessary.

While I agree Trump may be the most dishonest president we ever had, he started no wars, so was no worse than average.
The only real gripe I have with Trump was what he did to RoeVsWade.

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